Richard Waltereit

List of John Benjamins publications for which Richard Waltereit plays a role.



New Directions in Grammaticalization Research

Edited by Andrew D.M. Smith, Graeme Trousdale and Richard Waltereit

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 166] 2015. xv, 302 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Morphology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Historical linguistics | Romance linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

The Paradox of Grammatical Change: Perspectives from Romance

Edited by Ulrich Detges and Richard Waltereit

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 293] 2008. vi, 252 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Traditionally, information structure belongs to sentence structure, whereas discourse particles operate at the level of discourse structure (Hansen 1998a). Modal particles, by contrast, belong to sentence structure, too. They are also widely recognized as making a significant contribution to… read more
Waltereit, Richard 2020 Parallels between the negative cycle and the rise of interrogative marking in FrenchThe Role of Pragmatics in Cyclic Language Change, Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt (ed.), pp. 263–288 | Article
In this paper, I discuss a type of construction that is rarely if ever mentioned in connection with diachronic cyclicity: wh-interrogative marking. In particular, I shall compare sentential negation with wh-marking in French and point to interesting commonalities between the prototypical… read more
Smith, Andrew D.M., Graeme Trousdale and Richard Waltereit 2015 IntroductionNew Directions in Grammaticalization Research, Smith, Andrew D.M., Graeme Trousdale and Richard Waltereit (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Waltereit, Richard 2012 On the origins of grammaticalization and other types of language change in discourse strategiesGrammaticalization and Language Change: New reflections, Davidse, Kristin, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans (eds.), pp. 51–72 | Article
In this contribution it is argued that grammaticalization and related types of change arise as a side-effect of strategic, rhetorical language use by speakers. The outcome of these processes is determined by the strategy for which the underlying lexical items are used, rather than by the lexical… read more
Beeching, Kate and Richard Waltereit 2009 IntroductionSociolinguistic Variation in Contemporary French, Beeching, Kate, Nigel Armstrong and Françoise Gadet (eds.), pp. 195–199 | Miscellaneous
Detges, Ulrich and Richard Waltereit 2008 IntroductionThe Paradox of Grammatical Change: Perspectives from Romance, Detges, Ulrich and Richard Waltereit (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Miscellaneous
Waltereit, Richard and Ulrich Detges 2008 Syntactic change from within and from without syntax: A usage-based analysisThe Paradox of Grammatical Change: Perspectives from Romance, Detges, Ulrich and Richard Waltereit (eds.), pp. 13–30 | Article
This article presents a critical discussion of Inertia Theory (Longobardi 2001; 2003), according to which syntactic change never originates in syntax itself. We argue that syntactic change originates in language usage, which includes the possibility that it may be triggered by genuinely syntactic… read more
Waltereit, Richard 2000 What it means to deceive yourself: The semantic relation of French reflexive verbs and their corresponding transitive verbsReflexives: Forms and functions, Frajzyngier, Zygmunt and Traci Walker (eds.), pp. 257–278 | Article
Waltereit, Richard 1999 Grammatical Constraints on Metonymy: On the Role of the Direct ObjectMetonymy in Language and Thought, Panther, Klaus-Uwe and Günter Radden (eds.), pp. 233–254 | Article