
Publication details [#25928]

Geer, Boel De, Tiia Tulviste, Luule Mizera and Marja-Terttu Tryggvason. 2002. Socialization in communication: pragmatic socialization during dinnertime in Estonian, Finnish and Swedish families. Journal of Pragmatics 34 (12) : 1757–1786.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher


This study examines the use of the comment as a socialization tool in Swedish, Finnish and Estonian families' dinnertime conversation. The analysis adresses the comments' focus, form and outcome as well as speaker and addressee. In general Finns and Estonians talk less but make more comments. Group differences as to the comments' focus show that Swedish families use especially declaratives, comment more on moral and ethical behavior and make more comments referring to a general time, whilst the Swedish children comment more their parents' comments. Finns and Estonians use more imperatives, comment more on table manners and refer to the concrete situation.