
Publication details [#20781]

[no author]. 2010. El papel de la teoría de la traducción en la enseñanza de la traducción práctica [The role of translation theory in the teaching of translation practice]. Tradução e Comunicação 20 : 7–25. URL


This article analyzes the difficult role translation theory plays in translation practice classes. In order to achieve a real implementation of the proposed exercise, a four-step process is suggested, where those stages are both analysed and illustrated. Firstly the author studies some aspects of translation theory which interact directly with the practice of translation; secondly, some textual aspects highly relevant for translators are studied from the student’s point of view; thirdly, the focus of the essay lies on the transfer from target to source text; finally, and to conclude, it is emphasized that the student has to pay special attention to the importance target text assessment has in the overall process of translation.
Source : Based on abstract in journal