Chapter 11
Argumentative style in family-centred medical consultations
Article outline
- 11.1Institutional background of medical consultations
- 11.2Doctor-parent communication in family-centred medical rounds
- 11.3Analysis of the argumentative discourse in a family-centred medical round
- 11.3.1The analytically relevant argumentative moves
- 11.3.2The dialectical routes
- 11.3.3The strategic considerations
- 11.4The argumentative style in a family-centred medical round
- 11.4.1Detached and engaged argumentative styles in a patient-centred perspective
- 11.4.2Characteristics of the confrontational argumentative style
- 11.4.3Characteristics of the opening argumentative style
- 11.4.4Characteristics of the argumentational argumentative style
- 11.4.5Characteristics of the concluding argumentative style
- 11.5Conclusion