Chapter 5
Argumentative style in political advertising
Article outline
- 5.1Institutional background of political advertising in newspapers
- 5.2Advertisements in election campaigns for a Dutch Provincial Council
- 5.3Analysis of the argumentative discourses in two political advertisements
- 5.3.1The analytically relevant argumentative moves
- 5.3.2The dialectical routes
- 5.3.3The strategic considerations
- 5.4The argumentative styles utilised in the two advertisements
- 5.4.1Identification of argumentative styles
- 5.4.2Characteristics of the confrontational argumentative styles
- PVV advertisement
- PvdA advertisement
- 5.4.3Characteristics of the opening argumentative styles
- PVV advertisement
- PvdA advertisement
- 5.4.4Characteristics of the argumentational argumentative styles
- PVV advertisement
- PvdA advertisement
- 5.4.5Characteristics of the concluding argumentative styles
- PVV advertisement
- PvdA advertisement
- 5.5Conclusion