Chapter 9
Argumentative style in mediators’ opening statements
Article outline
- 9.1Institutional background of ADR dispute mediation
- 9.1.1ADR mediation as a communicative activity type
- 9.1.2The status of mediators’ opening statements in dispute mediation
- 9.2The two opening statements
- 9.3Analysis of the argumentative discourses in the two opening statements
- 9.3.1The analytically relevant argumentative moves
- 9.3.2The dialectical routes
- 9.3.3The strategic considerations
- 9.4The mediators’ argumentative style in the two opening statements
- 9.4.1The topical dimension of the general argumentative style
- 9.4.2The audience demand dimension of the general argumentative style
- 9.4.3The presentational dimension of the general argumentative style
- 9.5Conclusion