Article published In:
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics: Online-First ArticlesRethinking self, presence, and participation in online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
A narrative study in higher education
The shift to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a learning experience for educators. While
online learning is not new, the sudden loss of familiar cues has highlighted challenges for learners and teachers. This paper
focuses on the significance of language in virtual classrooms in an Australian university in the narrative accounts elicited from
five educators. The analysis drew on notions of activity types (Levinson, 1979), the
dramaturgic self (Goffman, 1959), and learning as a reciprocal, meaning-making, and
interpretive process (Scarino, 2014). The findings demonstrate that the participants
responded to the challenges and possibilities they encountered by developing ways of rethinking self, presence, and participation
in interaction with learners. We argue that this process involves an intercultural orientation to teaching and learning in online
settings that is key to reflective practice, relationships of trust and shared understandings in teaching, learning, and knowing,
well beyond the pandemic.
Keywords: online learning, participation, narrative, self, communicative expertise, intercultural orientation
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 3.Methodology
- 4.Data discussion
- 4.1Experiencing challenges in online teaching and learning activities
- 4.1.1What is going on?
- 4.1.2Who is participating?
- 4.1.3Who can say what to whom?
- 4.2Rethinking and “doing” online teaching and learning activities differently
- 4.2.1Reconceptualizing the activity
- 4.2.2Making meaningful connections
- 4.2.3Performing a preferred online self
- 4.1Experiencing challenges in online teaching and learning activities
- 5.Rethinking self, presence and participation: Concluding thoughts
- Acknowledgements
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