Scientific and Technical Translation
Technical translation (and technical terminology) encompasses the translation of special language texts. 1. Style and Register covers clarity of style, culture-specific and author-reader conventions and expectation. 2. Special Applications deals with the contribution of translation to the dissemination of science. 3. Training and Autodidactic Approaches for Technical Translators: translators must master a broad range of frequently unanticipated topics, as well as linguistic competence. 4. Text Analysis and Text Typology as Tools for Technical Translators focuses attention on text typology and SGML in human translation and CAT. 5. Translation-Oriented Terminology Activities explores the different aspects of terminology: knowledge management, language planning, terminology resources and representation of concept systems.
[American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series, VI] 1993. viii, 298 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 14 March 2011
Published online on 14 March 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Editors’ remarks: technical translation and the american translatorSue Ellen Wright and Leland D. Wright | p. 1
Section 1: Style and register in technical translation
Technical translation style: clarity, concision, correctnessMark Herman | p. 11
Contrastive scientific and technical register as a translation problemHeidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast | p. 21
The challenges of simplicity and complexity: german-english modes and interrelationshipsRichard K. Watt | p. 53
The inappropriateness of the merely correct: stylistic considerations in scientific and technical translationSue Ellen Wright | p. 69
Section 2: Special applications
Translation, the great pollinator of science: A brief flashback on medical translationHenry Fischbach | p. 89
Translating for the small worldWilliam M. Park | p. 101
Section 3: Training and autodidactic approaches for technical translators
linguistic and technical preparation in the training of technical translators and interpretersHenry Z. Niedzielski and Leonid Chernovaty | p. 123
Toward an expended pedagogy of specialized translationCarol Maier and Françoise Massardier-Kenney | p. 151
“Retooling”as an Adaptive skill for translatorsBen Teague | p. 161
Section 4: text analysis and text typology as tools for technical translators
Text typology and translation-oriented text analysisKlaus Gommlich | p. 175
The standard generalized markup (SGML) heuristic textual resources in translation-oriented databasesGregory M. Shreve | p. 185
Section 5: Translation-orientedd terminology activities
New trends in translation-oriented terminology managementChristian Galinski and Gerhard Budin | p. 209
Bibliography of Polsh terminology resourcesAnnmarie Mitchell | p. 217
Selected elements from a theory of fractal linguistics: possible implications for machine translation, terminology management, and other NLP applicationsAlexander Gross | p. 235
Translators and interpreters as adopters and agents of diffusion of planned lexical innovations: The francophone CaseLaurel Benhamida | p. 265
Contributors | p. 277
ATA corporate members (1993) | p. 281
ATA institutional members (1993) | p. 287
American translators association, officers and board of directors (1993) | p. 289
Recipients of the alexander gode medal | p. 289
Subject index | p. 291
Author index | p. 296
Cited by (16)
Cited by 16 other publications
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Radetska, Svitlana & Olena Mazur
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Károly, Krisztina
Scarpa, Federica
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Muñoz-Miquel, Ana
2018. Differences between linguists and subject-matter experts in the medical translation practice. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 30:1 ► pp. 24 ff. 
Santaemilia-Ruiz, José & Sergio Maruenda-Bataller
2017. On the institutional dimensions of specialised translation in Spain. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 30:2 ► pp. 429 ff. 
Tabrizi, Hossein Heidari & Mahshid Pezeshki
Calvo Encinas, Elisa, Maria González Davies, Sara Laviosa, Luis Alonso Bacigalupe & Magdalena Dombek
Calvo Encinas, Elisa, Maria González Davies, Sara Laviosa, Luis Alonso Bacigalupe & Magdalena Dombek
Montgomery, Scott L.
2010. Scientific translation. In Handbook of Translation Studies [Handbook of Translation Studies, 1], ► pp. 299 ff. 
Schubert, Klaus
2010. Technical translation. In Handbook of Translation Studies [Handbook of Translation Studies, 1], ► pp. 350 ff. 
Bowker, Lynne
Kenny, Dorothy
1999. CAT Tools in an Academic Environment. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 11:1 ► pp. 65 ff. 
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 10 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Translation & Interpreting Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFP: Translation & interpretation
Main BISAC Subject
LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting