Article published In:
BabelVol. 68:4 (2022) ► pp.517–545
Applying systemic functional linguistics in translation studies
A research synthesis
This paper takes a meta-analysis and synthesis approach to emphasize systemic functional linguistics’ contribution
to translation studies. A coding book was designed to analyze 123 studies collected through email inquiry, database search, and
manual examination. The paper reports on the substantive features and methodological features of the studies. Content analysis was
presented on four major research themes: general translation, genre translation, interpreting, and translation training. After
discussing the synthesis results, the paper is concluded with implications for future research.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Methodology
- Data retrieval
- Coding book development
- Coding procedures
- 3.General features
- 3.1Publication features
- Year of publication
- Countries of author
- The most prolific writers
- Mode of publication
- 3.2Methodological features
- Method
- Dimensions of SFL
- Mode of data
- Source and target language
- Text type
- 4.Content analysis on research themes
- 4.1General translation
- 4.2Genre translation
- 4.3Interpreting
- 4.4Translation training
- 5.Discussion
- SFL as appliable linguistics
- Multilingual studies and text analysis awareness in translation studies
- SFL and translation equivalence
- Instantiation and individuation in translation studies
- SFL and translation training
- 6.Conclusion
- Note
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