Review published In:
BabelVol. 70:6 (2024) ► pp.878–881
Book review
Rei Miyata, Masaru Yamada & Kyo Kageura (eds.). Metalanguages for Dissecting Translation Processes: Theoretical Development and Practical Applications. Oxon: Routledge, 2022. 245 pp.
References (7)
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ISO. 2015. ISO 17100.
“Translation Services – Requirements for Translation Services.” International Organization for
Jakobson, Roman. 1959. On Linguistic Aspects of Translation, In On Translation, edited by Reuben Arthur Brower, 232–239. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 

Jakobson, Roman. 2000. “Linguistics and Poetics (1960).” In The Routledge Language and Cultural Theory Reader, edited by Lucy Burke, Tony Crowley, and Alan Girvin, 334–339. London: Routledge.
Mossop, Brian. 2019. Revising
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