The use of audio description in foreign language education
A preliminary approach
Marga Navarrete | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and University College London
Audio description (AD) is a type of audiovisual translation (AVT) used for making video content accessible to the blind and
visually impaired. Over the last decade, the pedagogic potential of AVT in foreign language learning (FLL) has gained
increasing recognition by experts. However, AD as a didactic tool in FLL is an innovative area that has received very little
attention so far, despite its significant potential for language learners. In addition, many experts in Applied Linguistics
have shown a growing interest in the study of fluency, pronunciation and intonation.
With these ideas in mind the author of the present article has carried out a small scale preliminary experiment with university
students of Spanish as a Foreign Language. This article presents the methodological framework of the experiment which includes
the instruments for data gathering. Although only six students completed the experiment, their responses were positive and
encouraging as they found active AD tasks useful for language learning. It is hoped that the lessons learnt will inform the
methodological framework for larger scale studies.
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Talaván, Noa, Jennifer Lertola & Ana Ibáñez Moreno
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