Rimbaud's Rainbow
Literary translation in higher education
This selection of papers from the ITI’s landmark First International Colloquium on Literary Translation includes provocative perspectives on the teaching, research and status of literary education in universities. By way of introduction Peter Bush looks at strategies for raising the profile of the theory and practice of literary translation, its professionalisation and role in the development of national and international cultures. Nicholas Round and Edwin Gentzler explore undergraduate teaching of translation in the UK and the US while Douglas Robinson gives a Woody Allenish frame to an experience of pedagogy. Susan Bassnett sets out an overview of the development of research in Translation Studies that is complemented by case studies of translations of Shakespeare’s Letter-Puns by Dirk Delabastita and of Molly Bloom’s Soliloquy by Maria Angeles Code Parrilla. Kirsten Malmkjær and Masako Taira respectively review translating Hans Christian Andersen and the Japanese particle ne as examples of the relationship between linguistics and literary translation. Ian Craig examines the impact of censorship on the translation of children’s fiction in Francoist Spain. Developing the international perspective, Else Vieira considers paradigms for translation in Latin America from concretist poetics to post-modernism.
[Benjamins Translation Library, 21] 1998. x, 202 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 5 July 2011
Published online on 5 July 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
IntroductionPeter Bush | p. 1
Part 1. Translation and pedagogy
Monuments, makars and modules: A british experienceNicholas Round | p. 11
How can translation theory help undergraduates?Edwin Gentzler | p. 21
Can you train literary translators?Jean Boase-Beier | p. 33
The literary translation programma and its resultsAndrea Papp and Anikó Sohár | p. 43
Kugelmass, translator: (Some thoughts on translation and its teaching)Douglas Robinson | p. 47
Part 2. Translating
Decanonising the canon — the role of the translator?Steve Ellis | p. 63
“No one but a blockhead ever translated, except form money”Keneva Kunz | p. 69
James Joyce’s Ulysses: The style of Molly SoliloquyMª Angeles Conde Parilla | p. 79
Part 3. Translation studies
researching translation studies: the case for doctoral researchSusan Bassnett | p. 105
Literary translation as a research source for linguisticsKirsten Malmkjær | p. 119
The japanese particle ne and its literary and linguistic implications: some translation problemsMasako Taira | p. 133
“I will something affect the letter”: Shakespeare’s Letter-puns and the translatorDirk Delabastita | p. 145
Translation and the authoritian regime: William and the CaudilloIan Craig | p. 157
New registers for translation in latin americaElse Ribeiro Pires Vieira | p. 171
Author index | p. 197
Subject index | p. 201
Literature & Literary Studies
Translation & Interpreting Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFP: Translation & interpretation
Main BISAC Subject
LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting