Cited by (83)

Cited by 83 other publications

Khater , Rahaf , Marwan Jarrah, Mohammad Al-Badawi & Ekab Al-Shawashreh
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Bowern, Claire, David Goldstein, George Walkden, Anne Breitbarth, Chelsea Sanker, Freek Van de Velde, Ranjan Sen & Aditi Lahiri
2023. Diachrony and Diachronica . Diachronica 40:5  pp. 666 ff. DOI logo
Bowern, Claire, William Labov, Sali A. Tagliamonte, Nigel Vincent, Donald Ringe & Joseph Salmons
2023. Diachrony and Diachronica. Diachronica 40:4  pp. 557 ff. DOI logo
Buschfeld, Sarah, Patricia Ronan & Manuela Vida-Mannl
2023. Investigating Multilingualism. In Multilingualism,  pp. 277 ff. DOI logo
Travis, Catherine E. & Rena Torres Cacoullos
2023. Form and function covariation: Obligation modals in Australian English. Language Variation and Change 35:3  pp. 351 ff. DOI logo
Fahy, Matthew, Jesse Egbert, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi & Douglas Biber
2022. Comparing Logistic Regression, Multinomial Regression, Classification Trees and Random Forests Applied to Ternary Variables. In Data and Methods in Corpus Linguistics,  pp. 194 ff. DOI logo
Shava, Herring & Willie Chinyamurindi
2022. Barriers of growth within an informal sector business: narratives of women subsistence entrepreneurs in South Africa. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 13:3  pp. 328 ff. DOI logo
Bigot, Davy & Robert Papen
2021. Observing variation and change in Ontario French through internal, external and identity factors. Journal of French Language Studies 31:1  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Feng, Di, Shang-chia Chiou & Feng Wang
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Danae Perez, Marianne Hundt, Johannes Kabatek & Daniel Schreier
2021. English and Spanish, DOI logo
Pichler, Heike
2021. Grammaticalization and language contact in a discourse-pragmatic change in progress: The spread ofinnitin London English. Language in Society 50:5  pp. 723 ff. DOI logo
Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt
2021. Uncovering the Big Picture. In English and Spanish,  pp. 184 ff. DOI logo
Janda, Richard D.
2020. Perturbations, Practices, Predictions, and Postludes in a Bioheuristic Historical Linguistics. In The Handbook of Historical Linguistics,  pp. 523 ff. DOI logo
Loureiro-Porto, Lucía
2020. Linguistic Colloquialisation, Democratisation and Gender in Asian Englishes. In Gender in World Englishes,  pp. 176 ff. DOI logo
Hock, Hans Henrich
2019. Chapter 1. Old Irish consonant quality re-examined. In Historical Linguistics 2015 [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 348],  pp. 12 ff. DOI logo
Korsak-Suska, Anna
2019. Dialekt a język. Czynniki kształtujące rzeczywistość językową na przykładzie budowy statusu języka kastylijskiego. Białostockie Archiwum Językowe 19  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Moreno-Fernández, Francisco
2019. Macroregional sociolinguistics: Uses and preferences on null direct objects in Spanish. Journal of Linguistic Geography 7:01  pp. 46 ff. DOI logo
Schreier, Daniel
2019. /h/ insertion as a ‘camouflage archaism’?. Diachronica 36:1  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Cruz Flores, Abel
2018. The past persists into the present. In Contemporary Trends in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 15],  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
2018. The changingfuture: competition, specialization and reorganization in the contemporary English future temporal reference system. English Language and Linguistics 22:3  pp. 403 ff. DOI logo
Enrique-Arias, Andrés
2018. Some methodological issues in the corpus-based study of morphosyntactic variation. In Diachronic Corpora, Genre, and Language Change [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 85],  pp. 261 ff. DOI logo
Jankowski, Bridget L. & Sali A. Tagliamonte
2017. A lost Canadian dialect. In Exploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics [Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics, 7],  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Jin, Wenhua & David J. Silva
2017. Parallel Voice Onset Time shift in Chinese Korean. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 3:1  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Joseph, Brian D.
2017. Historical Linguistics. In The Handbook of Linguistics,  pp. 299 ff. DOI logo
Säily, Tanja, Turo Vartiainen & Harri Siirtola
2017. Exploring part-of-speech frequencies in a sociohistorical corpus of English. In Exploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics [Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics, 7],  pp. 23 ff. DOI logo
Walkden, George
2017. The Actuation Problem. In The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax,  pp. 403 ff. DOI logo
Horesh, Uri & William M. Cotter
2016. Current Research on Linguistic Variation in the Arabic‐Speaking World. Language and Linguistics Compass 10:8  pp. 370 ff. DOI logo
Rosemeyer, Malte & Andrés Enrique-Arias
2016. A match made in heaven: Using parallel corpora and multinomial logistic regression to analyze the expression of possession in Old Spanish. Language Variation and Change 28:3  pp. 307 ff. DOI logo
Stanford, James N.
2016. A call for more diverse sources of data: Variationist approaches in non‐English contexts. Journal of Sociolinguistics 20:4  pp. 525 ff. DOI logo
Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt, Douglas Biber, Jesse Egbert & Karlien Franco
2016. Toward more accountability: Modeling ternary genitive variation in Late Modern English. Language Variation and Change 28:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt, Jason Grafmiller, Benedikt Heller & Melanie Röthlisberger
2016. Around the world in three alternations. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 37:2  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
Davydova, Julia
2015. Linguistic change in a multilingual setting. In Grammatical Change in English World-Wide [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 67],  pp. 297 ff. DOI logo
Larsen-Freeman, Diane
2015. Saying what we mean: Making a case for ‘language acquisition’ to become ‘language development’. Language Teaching 48:4  pp. 491 ff. DOI logo
Poplack, Shana & Rena Torres Cacoullos
2015. Linguistic Emergence on the Ground. In The Handbook of Language Emergence,  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Sharma, Devyani & Ben Rampton
2015. Lectal Focusing in Interaction. Journal of English Linguistics 43:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
D’Arcy, Alexandra
2014. Functional Partitioning and Possible Limits on Variability. Journal of English Linguistics 42:3  pp. 218 ff. DOI logo
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2014. Syntactic change. In The Sociolinguistics of Grammar [Studies in Language Companion Series, 154],  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Yao, Xinyue
2014. Developments in the Use of the English Present Perfect. Journal of English Linguistics 42:4  pp. 307 ff. DOI logo
Buchstaller, Isabelle & Seraphim Alvanides
2013. Employing Geographical Principles for Sampling in State of the Art Dialectological Projects. Journal of Linguistic Geography 1:2  pp. 96 ff. DOI logo
Levey, Stephen, Karine Groulx & Joseph Roy
2013. A variationist perspective on discourse-pragmatic change in a contact setting. Language Variation and Change 25:2  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
Tagliamonte, Sali A.
2013. Comparative Sociolinguistics. In The Handbook of Language Variation and Change,  pp. 128 ff. DOI logo
Tagliamonte, Sali A.
2012. New insights on an old rivalry: Thepassé simpleand thepassé composéin spoken Acadian French. Journal of French Language Studies 22:3  pp. 315 ff. DOI logo
Guo, Hong‐jie, Qin‐qin Zhou & Daryl Chow
2012. A variationist study of compliment responses in Chinese. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 22:3  pp. 347 ff. DOI logo
Hernández‐Campoy, Juan M. & Natalie Schilling
2012. The Application of the Quantitative Paradigm to Historical Sociolinguistics: Problems with the Generalizability Principle. In The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics,  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Knouse, Stephanie M.
2012. The Acquisition of Dialectal Phonemes in a Study Abroad Context: The Case of the Castilian Theta. Foreign Language Annals 45:4  pp. 512 ff. DOI logo
Roberge, Paul T.
2012. The Teleology of Change: Functional and Non‐Functional Explanations for Language Variation and Change. In The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics,  pp. 367 ff. DOI logo
2011. In search of grammaticalization in synchronic dialect data: general extenders in northeast England. English Language and Linguistics 15:3  pp. 441 ff. DOI logo
Terkourafi, Marina
2011. The pragmatic variable: Toward a procedural interpretation. Language in Society 40:3  pp. 343 ff. DOI logo
D'Arcy, Alexandra
2010. Quoting ethnicity: Constructing dialogue in Aotearoa/New Zealand1. Journal of Sociolinguistics 14:1  pp. 60 ff. DOI logo
Tagliamonte, Sali A., Alexandra D'Arcy & Bridget Jankowski
2010. Social work and linguistic systems: Marking possession in Canadian English. Language Variation and Change 22:1  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
2009. Traces of historical infinitive in English dialects and their Celtic connections. English Language and Linguistics 13:2  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Hackert, Stephanie
2008. Counting and coding the past: Circumscribing the variable context in quantitative analyses of past inflection. Language Variation and Change 20:1  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Verleyen, Stijn
2006. L’abandon progressif du fonctionnalisme dans les travaux de William Labov. Historiographia Linguistica 33:3  pp. 335 ff. DOI logo
Britain, David
2004. Space and Spatial Diffusion. In The Handbook of Language Variation and Change,  pp. 603 ff. DOI logo
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2004. Rinkeby Swedish and semilingualism in language ideological debates: A Bourdieuean perspective. Journal of Sociolinguistics 8:2  pp. 196 ff. DOI logo
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