Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2017
Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 31, Bucharest
This volume contains a selection of 18 peer-reviewed papers presented at the 31st edition of Going Romance. Phenomena found in Romance languages (European Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian), in Romance dialects (Cosentino, Salentino, southern Calabrese, Neapolitan, and Trevigiano), and even in creoles with a Romance lexifier (Makista and Kristang) either benefit from in-depth analyses confined to one single variety, or are subjected to comparative analysis (dialect vs standard language, dialect vs different major language(s), cross-dialectal comparison, cross-Romance comparison, and even comparison of language families). Theoretical and experimental approaches complement one another, as do diachrony and synchrony. Individually and as a whole, these contributions show how the Romance languages contribute to a better understanding of issues which are relevant in the current linguistic landscape: acquisition, n-words, ellipsis phenomena, focus and polarity, ditransitive constructions, grammaticalization theory, differential object marking, language ecology, event structure, cyclicity, passives and many more.
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 355] 2021. vi, 377 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 8 November 2021
Published online on 8 November 2021
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
IntroductionAdina Dragomirescu and Alexandru Nicolae | pp. 1–8
The acquisition of verbal passives by Portuguese-speaking children: Some data from comprehensionCelina Agostinho and Anna Gavarró Algueró | pp. 9–28
Plus in the French negative system: A presuppositional and non-quantificational n-wordPascal Amsili and Claire Beyssade | pp. 29–48
An experimental approach to parallelism in ellipsis: The case of pro-drop in Romance gappingGabriela Bîlbîie and Israel de la Fuente | pp. 49–72
On focal and wh-projections, indirect wh-questions, and quantificational chainsCaterina Bonan | pp. 73–90
Is there a dative alternation in Romanian? Remarks on the cross-categorial variation of datives in ditransitive constructionsAlexandra Cornilescu and Alina Tigău | pp. 91–110
The interpretation of null subjects in Romanian: An information-structure approach for comparative analysisMara Frascarelli | pp. 111–134
Verum focus and Romanian polar questionsIon Giurgea | pp. 135–156
The downward grammaticalisation of irrealis subordinators in Romanian, Salentino and southern CalabreseKim A. Groothuis | pp. 157–170
Differential object marking: What type of licensing?Monica Alexandrina Irimia | pp. 171–192
The effects of language ecology on syntactic structure: A look at Kristang and MakistaRobert W. Laub | pp. 193–204
The syntactic distribution of raddoppiamento fonosinttatico in Cosentino: A phase-theoretic accountAdam Ledgeway | pp. 205–238
The causative-inchoative alternation (as we know it) might fall short: Crosslanguage systematicities and untapped data from Romance and GreekM. Eugenia Mangialavori Rasia | pp. 239–262
On wh-extraction in de+que constructions in SpanishGabriel Martínez Vera | pp. 263–276
On another apparent violation of the subject-island constraint in FrenchGuido Mensching and Franziska Werner | pp. 277–296
Moving towards an event: The Romanian prepositional supine constructionElena Soare | pp. 297–310
Cyclicity without containment in Romanian perfectsDonca Steriade | pp. 311–334
Dative clitics in Romanian ditransitivesAlina Tigău and Klaus von Heusinger | pp. 335–356
Syntactic vs pragmatic passive: Evidence from RomanianAndra Vasilescu | pp. 357–372
Main BIC Subject
CF/2AD: Linguistics/Romance, Italic & Rhaeto-Romanic languages
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General