Chapter 3
Nominal classification in Assamese
An analysis of function
We provide an analysis of the classifier system in Assamese (Indo-European) via the framework of
functional typology. Assamese is located at the border of Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan language families, which are
typically associated with grammatical gender and classifiers, respectively. Assamese represents an insightful example
of an Indo-European language relying on classifiers rather than grammatical gender to fulfill the functions typical
for a nominal classification system. Our analysis shows that classifiers in Assamese behave similarly to other
classifier languages in terms of lexical and discourse functions, except for the functions of definiteness marking and
individuation. The implications of such findings are connected to typology, research in human cognition, and language
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Nominal classification in North-Eastern India
- 3.Description of classifiers in Assamese
- 4.Functions of classifiers in Assamese
- 4.1Lexical functions
- 4.2Discourse functions
- 4.3Summary of lexical and discourse functions
- 5.Conclusion
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