Chapter 5
Evaluating a bracketing protocol for multiword terms
Multiword terms (MWTs) are frequently used to encapsulate and convey meaning in scientific and
technical texts. However, they can also make these texts difficult to understand because the relations between
constituents are not transparent. When MWTs have more than two constituents, a dependency analysis (bracketing) is
often necessary to facilitate their interpretation. NLP has proposed various models to automatize bracketing
operations, but none has been entirely satisfactory. This paper presents a protocol that combines various models and
applies it to a set of three-constituent MWTs in order to: (i) sort rules by their disambiguation potential, based on
their likelihood of retrieving results from any corpus and their ability to solve bracketing; and (ii) ascertain the
influence of corpus size and type in the results obtained.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Bracketing models
- 3.Materials and methods
- 3.1MWT extraction and manual bracketing
- 3.2Queries
- 3.3Bracketing rules
- 4.Results
- 4.1Rule comparison
- 4.1.1Quantitative performance of the rules
- 4.1.2Qualitative performance of the rules
- 4.1.3Quantitative and qualitative performance of the rules
- 4.2Comparison of corpora
- 4.3Comparison of MWT bracketing
- 5.Conclusions
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