Chapter 3
The nonsyntactic nature of verbal derivation
Article outline
- 3.1Introduction
- 3.2Background and preview
- 3.3Data
- 3.3.1Suffixes and alternations
- 3.3.2Isoradical relations
- 3.4Suffix sequences and their interpretation in DM
- 3.4.1Transitivity suffixes as causative and inchoative little v
- 3.4.2Transitivity suffixes under a Voice-little v split
- 3.5Another case of root-specific suffix orders
- 3.6The meaning of “intransitive” morphology
- 3.7The instability of stem meaning
- 3.8Derivation, inflection, and featural override
- 3.9Conclusion: A lexicon of stems
- 3.10Epilogue: The implications of root-based derivation