Germanic Dialects
Linguistic and Philological Investigations
This volume seeks to present ‘Germanic philology’ with its main linguistic, literary and cultural subdivisions as a whole, and to call into question the customary pedagogical division of the discipline.
[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 38] 1986. ix, 693 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 10 October 2011
Published online on 10 October 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | pp. v–vi
table of contents | pp. vii–viii
Part I
On the Germanic decades ‘20’ to ‘60’Alfred Bammesberger | pp. 3–8
Die reichseinigungen der beiden Olafe nach Fagrskinna and snorri im vergleich zzu skaldik und sverrirSiegfried Beyschlag | pp. 9–41
Mittelalterliche sprachanalysen: einige anmerkungen aus heutiger sichtKurt Braunmüller | pp. 43–79
Nicht abgeschwächte endsilbenvokale in spätmittelhochdeutscher zeit: untersuchungen anhand des grossen urbars von einsiedeln aus dem jahre 1331Bela Brogyanyi | pp. 81–107
Tropes and oral formulae: the metaphorical multiplexity of hant in the NibelungenliedHelen L. Cafferty | pp. 109–119
The development of the gothic vocalic systemFausto Cercignani | pp. 121–151
Syntactic change, typological reconstruction, and the translation of written material: evidence from gothic and greekJohn R. Costello | pp. 153–181
Der begriff GermanischSiegfried Gutenbrunner | pp. 183–197
Theoderich der grosse und die ArchitekturSiegfried Gutenbrunner | pp. 199–211
Elements of myth in the heroic lays of the poetic EddaPeter Hallberg | pp. 213–247
Die sieverssche regel im lichte der Germanische-finnischen lehnbeziehungenJorma Koivulehto | pp. 249–294
Snorri als skalde. Studien zum háttatalThomas Krömmelbein | pp. 295–331
Sprachvorstellungen im 7. Jahrhundert. Leitlinien des denkensChrista Kühnhold | pp. 333–351
Beowulf — GrettirAnatoly Liberman | pp. 353–401
Change typologies: Questions and answers in GermanicThomas Markey | pp. 403–425
Ragnarsdrápa and ragnarssage. Versuch einer interpretation der ragnarsdrápaEdith Marold | pp. 427–457
South Germanic runic inscriptions in the older futmark: notes on researchStephan Opitz | pp. 459–470
The background of Germanic cosmogonic myhtsEdgar C. Polomé | pp. 471–490
Two women in need of a friend: A comparison of The Wife’s lament and Eangyth’s letter to BonifaceUrsula Schaeffer | pp. 491–524
Was haben die Germanen mit den Runen gemacht? Und wieviel haben sie davon von ihren antiken vorbildern gelernt?Elmar Seebold | pp. 525–583
In support of Tupper’s solution of the Exeter book riddle (Krapp-Dobbie) 55Hildegard L.C. Tristram | pp. 585–598
On the relationship among Indo-European languages: Blato-Slavic as related to Germanic and Indo-IranianAriton Vraciu | pp. 599–623
Part II
Gylfaginning. Tres vidit unum adoravitHeinz Klingenberg | pp. 627–689
List of publications of Heinz Klingenberg: 1967–1984 | pp. 691–693
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General