Literary Conceptualizations of Growth

Metaphors and cognition in adolescent literature

| Illinois State University
ISBN 9789027201560 | EUR 90.00 | USD 135.00
ISBN 9789027269966 | EUR 90.00 | USD 135.00
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Literary Conceptualizations of Growth explores those processes through which maturation is represented in adolescent literature by examining how concepts of growth manifest themselves in adolescent literature and by interrogating how the concept of growth structures scholars’ ability to think about adolescence. Cognitive literary theory provides the theoretical framework, as do the related fields of cognitive linguistics and experiential philosophy; historical constructions of the concept of growth are also examined within the context of the history of ideas. Cross-cultural literature from the traditional Bildungsroman to the contemporary Young Adult novel serve as examples. Literary Conceptualizations of Growth ultimately asserts that human cognitive structures are responsible for the pervasiveness of growth as both a metaphor and a narrative pattern in adolescent literature.
Publishing status: Available
Table of Contents
Literary Conceptualizations of Growth is a thought-provoking book. Although it contains some complicated concepts, the author explains them and uses examples to clarify her points. She also relies on previous research and establishes dialogue with previous viewpoints related to her topic. Using many famous and even classic examples of literature, the author explains the influence of literature on growing up for young adults. This book is useful for a wider audience, but especially for scholars, students, teachers and even writers. Teachers should know how to correctly interpret such pieces of literature and help younger audiences understand them. Writers could realise the indirect influence they have on young adults and bear this in mind in their next works. This study is intriguing and rather provoking, since it makes its audience reconsider their thoughts on maturation and growing up.”
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]

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Literature & Literary Studies

Theoretical literature & literary studies

Main BIC Subject

DSB: Literary studies: general

Main BISAC Subject

LIT009000: LITERARY CRITICISM / Children's & Young Adult Literature
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2014011669 | Marc record