Article published In:
Cognitive Linguistic Studies
Vol. 3:1 (2016) ► pp.131
Cited by (15)

Cited by 15 other publications

Katzir, Nicole & Mira Ariel
2024. A few or several? Construal, quantity, and argumentativity. Language and Cognition 16:1  pp. 148 ff. DOI logo
Davidse, Kristin, Ngum Meyuhnsi Njende & Gerard O’Grady
2023. Structural Assemblies and Semantics of the Four Existential Constructions with Relative Clause. In Specificational and Presentational There-Clefts,  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Davidse, Kristin, Ngum Meyuhnsi Njende & Gerard O’Grady
2023. Determiners of Existent NPs in the Four Existential Constructions with Relative Clause. In Specificational and Presentational There-Clefts,  pp. 123 ff. DOI logo
Davidse, Kristin, Ngum Meyuhnsi Njende & Gerard O’Grady
2023. Different Antecedent–Relative Clause Relations. In Specificational and Presentational There-Clefts,  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Kratochvílová, Dana
2023. Epistemic modality and grounding: constructions expressing positive epistemic judgement in Spanish and Italian from the perspective of cognitive grammar (with particular reference to the verbs credere and creer). Probus 35:2  pp. 327 ff. DOI logo
Davidse, Kristin
2022. Refining and re-defining secondary determiners in relation to primary determiners. In English Noun Phrases from a Functional-Cognitive Perspective [Studies in Language Companion Series, 221],  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Davidse, Kristin, An Van linden & Lieselotte Brems
2022. A semiotic approach to grammaticalization: modelling representational and interpersonal modality expressed by verbonominal patterns. Language Sciences 91  pp. 101473 ff. DOI logo
Waliński, Jacek Tadeusz
2022. Trees, assemblies, chains, and windows*. In Construction Grammar across Borders [Benjamins Current Topics, 122],  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Ghesquière, Lobke
2021. “A Good Deal of Intensity”: On the Development of Degree and Quantity Modifier Good. Journal of English Linguistics 49:2  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Passos, Hayat & Maíra Avelar
2021. A articulação entre advérbio e aspecto Uma proposta cognitivista e multimodal. Diacrítica 35:1  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Huumo, Tuomas
2018. Langacker, R. W. (2016). Nominal structure in Cognitive Grammar: The Lublin lectures . Review of Cognitive Linguistics 16:1  pp. 305 ff. DOI logo
Huumo, Tuomas
2020. Layers of (un)boundedness: The aspectual–quantificational interplay of quantifiers and partitive case in Finnish object arguments. Linguistics 58:3  pp. 905 ff. DOI logo
Huumo, Tuomas
2023. The Finnish existential clause. In Existential Constructions across Languages [Human Cognitive Processing, 76],  pp. 220 ff. DOI logo
Langacker, Ronald W.
2017. Grounding, semantic functions, and absolute quantifiers. English Text Construction 10:2  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Langacker, Ronald W.
2020. Trees, assemblies, chains, and windows. Constructions and Frames 12:1  pp. 8 ff. DOI logo

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