Book review
Donka Minkova. A historical phonology of English. Donka Minkova. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014. . [Edinburgh Textbooks on the English Language – Advanced]. xvi, 424 pp.
References (6)
Hogg, Richard M. 1992. A grammar of Old English, vol. 11,
. Oxford: Blackwell.
Hogg, Richard M. (ed.). 1992–2001. The Cambridge history of the English language, vols. 1–61. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Kurath, Hans & Raven I. McDavid Jr., 1961. The pronunciation of English in the Atlantic states, based upon the collections of the Linguistic Atlas of the Eastern United States. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Lass, Roger & Laing Margaret. 2005. Are front rounded vowels retained in West Midlands Middle English? In Nikolaus Ritt & Herbert Schendl (eds.), Rethinking Middle English: Linguistic and literary approaches, 280–290. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Minkova, Donka. 2013. Online companion to A historical phonology of English
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Stenbrenden, Gjertrud Flermoen. 2010. The chronology and regional spread of long-vowel changes in English, c. 1150–1500. Oslo: University of Oslo dissertation.