Batres-Prieto, Victor(ia) & Asad Abbas
Self-mentions in design area disciplines: A corpus analysis.
Heliyon 11:1
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Akbaş, Erdem, Gülin Dağdeviren-Kirmizi & Özkan Kirmizi
“Here, We Investigate If There Is …”: A Functional Investigation of Self-Mentions in Research Article Abstracts.
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 47:2
► pp. 196 ff.

Alishaei, Zahra, Alireza Jalilifar & Alexanne Don
Dolata-Zaród, Anna
Les adjectifs évaluatifs dans le discours juridictionnel : Analyse de corpus.
Studia Neophilologica 96:2
► pp. 607 ff.

Ebadi, Saman & Asieh Amini
Examining the roles of social presence and human-likeness on Iranian EFL learners’ motivation using artificial intelligence technology: a case of CSIEC chatbot.
Interactive Learning Environments 32:2
► pp. 655 ff.

Homayounzadeh, Maryam & Mohammad Rahimi
Karsten, Andrea
Voices in Dialogue: Taking Polyphony in Academic Writing Seriously.
Written Communication 41:1
► pp. 6 ff.

Lehman, Iga Maria, Janne Tienari, Ken Hyland & Audrey Alejandro
Forum: The Case for Reflexive Writing Practices in Management Communication and Organization Studies.
Management Communication Quarterly 38:3
► pp. 698 ff.

Lingard, Lorelei & Chris Watling
The writer's voice repertoire: Exploring how health researchers accomplish a distinctive ‘voice’ in their writing.
Medical Education 58:5
► pp. 523 ff.

Lorés, Rosa
Mediating expert knowledge: The use of pragmatic strategies in digital research digests.
Journal of Pragmatics 232
► pp. 26 ff.

Peng, Yujie
Exploring L2 graduate writers’ identity construction in research writing practices: a symbolic interactionism perspective.
Language and Semiotic Studies 10:4
► pp. 616 ff.

Phyo, Wai Mar, Marianne Nikolov & Ágnes Hódi
What support do international doctoral students claim they need to improve their academic writing in English?.
Ampersand 12
► pp. 100161 ff.

Phyo, Wai Mar, Marianne Nikolov & Ágnes Hódi
International doctoral students’ socialization into English academic writing proficiency.
Higher Education Research & Development ► pp. 1 ff.

Pun, Jack, Sheng Tan & Xiang Li
Discourse competence in Hong Kong secondary students’ disciplinary research writing.
Assessing Writing 61
► pp. 100872 ff.

Voronin, А. N., A. S. Rafikova, I. V. Smirnov & М. А. Stankevich
Differences in the structure of scientific discourse with individual and collaborative authorship of publications.
Psikhologicheskii zhurnal 45:3

Wang (王威然), Weiran, Wenjuan Qin (秦文娟) & Linyi Wang (王琳艺)
Does Higher Grade Indicate More Complex Language Usage? Exploring Syntactic Complexity Development Among High School EFL Learners.
ECNU Review of Education 
Yigitoglu Aptoula, Nur & Betul Bal Gezegin
Navigating Disciplinary Dialogues: An Exploratory Analysis of Dialogic Stance.
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi 41:1
► pp. 71 ff.

Zeng, Xiangmin, Jie Liu & Neil Evan Jon Anthony Bowen
A comparative study of voice in Chinese English-major undergraduates’ timed and untimed argument writing.
Assessing Writing 62
► pp. 100896 ff.

Zhang, Lei & Jing Wang
To be like a “scholar”: a study on the construction of authorial identity of Chinese EFL learners in academic writing: an intertextuality perspective.
Frontiers in Psychology 14

Zou, Min & Liang Huang
The impact of ChatGPT on L2 writing and expected responses: Voice from doctoral students.
Education and Information Technologies 29:11
► pp. 13201 ff.

李, 祯祯
A Diachronic Study on Authorial Voice
Construction in English Academic Discourse.
Modern Linguistics 12:10
► pp. 72 ff.

Ahmed, Abdelhamid M. & Xiao Zhang
Students’ voice in L2 English writing: A systematic review of literature.
Ampersand 10
► pp. 100114 ff.

Arroyo González, Rosario & Eric Fernández-Lancho
Evaluación de la calidad de la argumentación escrita científica. In
La argumentación científica multilingüe. Perspectiva interdisciplinar,
► pp. 121 ff.

Dong, Jihua, Ye Liu & Xiaofei Lu
A discourse dynamics analysis of academic voice construction: Disciplinary variation, trajectories, and dynamic interaction patterns.
System 119
► pp. 103181 ff.

Kaufhold, Kathrin
Transnational postgraduate students’ experience of voice and participation.
Applied Linguistics Review 14:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Kobayashi, Hiroe & Carol Rinnert
Developing Writer Identity: Voice Construction. In
Developing Multilingual Writing [
Multilingual Education, 42],
► pp. 139 ff.

Kobayashi, Hiroe & Carol Rinnert
Introduction. In
Developing Multilingual Writing [
Multilingual Education, 42],
► pp. 1 ff.

Kobayashi, Hiroe & Carol Rinnert
L1/L2/L3 Writers’ Advantages: Text and Process. In
Developing Multilingual Writing [
Multilingual Education, 42],
► pp. 207 ff.

Kobayashi, Hiroe & Carol Rinnert
Multilingual Scholars: Audience and Expertise. In
Developing Multilingual Writing [
Multilingual Education, 42],
► pp. 245 ff.

Liao, Jianling & Chan Lü
Interpersonal resources in letter writing of young L2 Chinese learners.
System 115
► pp. 103038 ff.

Mhilli, Olga
Authorial voice in writing: A literature review.
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8:1
► pp. 100550 ff.

Montgomery, D. Philip
“This study is not without its limitations”: Acknowledging limitations and recommending future research in applied linguistics research articles.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 65
► pp. 101291 ff.

Phyo, Wai Mar, Marianne Nikolov, Ágnes Hódi & Ali Derakhshan
How international doctoral students’ fields of study, proficiency in English and gender interact with their sense of making progress in English academic writing abilities.
PLOS ONE 18:12
► pp. e0296186 ff.

Qi, Qi & Cecilia Guanfang Zhao
Discoursal scholarly identity in research writing.
Journal of Second Language Writing 62
► pp. 101052 ff.

Rezaee, Abbas Ali & Mohammad Mozaffari
“Where got I that truth?” An analysis of external sources in English and Persian news reports on Syria.
Discourse and Interaction 16:1
► pp. 118 ff.

Rozumko, Agata
Constructing knowledge at the intersection of disciplines: appraisal in knowledge claims concerning animals in posthumanist discourse.
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 140:1
► pp. 49 ff.

Schleppegrell, Mary J., Sida Sun & Chauncey Monte-Sano
The value of models to support students' voice in middle school social studies argument writing.
Journal of Second Language Writing 61
► pp. 101043 ff.

Vittoria Calvi, Maria & Francisca Suau-Jiménez
Wedin, Åsa & Boglárka Straszer
Teachers of Swedish as a Second Language.
Educare :1
► pp. 216 ff.

Yoon, Hyung-Jo & Mahmoud Abdi Tabari
Authorial voice in source-based and opinion-based argumentative writing: Patterns of voice across task types and proficiency levels.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 62
► pp. 101228 ff.

Zhang, Genggeng
Authorial stance in citations: Variation by writer expertise and research article part-genres.
English for Specific Purposes 70
► pp. 131 ff.

Zhang, Weiyu & Yin Ling Cheung
The different ways to write publishable research articles: Using cluster analysis to uncover patterns of APPRAISAL in discussions across disciplines.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 63
► pp. 101231 ff.

瞿, 菲菲
A Corpus-Based Comparative Study of Authorial Stance in Chinese and International Research Article Abstracts.
Modern Linguistics 11:04
► pp. 1721 ff.

葛, 天爽
Authorial Voice Construction in English Academic Writing from the Perspective of Literature Citation.
Modern Linguistics 11:04
► pp. 1279 ff.

Afful, Joseph Benjamin Archibald & Rita Akele Twumasi
The language of evaluation in academic writing research in Ghana, 2000-2020: A synthesis.
International Journal of Research Studies in Education 11:4

Carrió-Pastor, María Luisa
Teaching Multimodal Metadiscourse in English for Academic Purposes.
Lidil :65

Lehman, Iga
Exploring identity positionings in scholarly texts on management.
International Journal of Contemporary Management 58:2
► pp. 1 ff.

Liu, Jie
Voice for Teaching L2 Writing: Affordance or Constraint?.
Journal of Language, Identity & Education ► pp. 1 ff.

Shermis, Mark D.
Anchoring Validity Evidence for Automated Essay Scoring.
Journal of Educational Measurement 59:3
► pp. 314 ff.

Sheypak, S. A.
Ghostwriting: Simulacra of Academic Performance.
Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia 31:4
► pp. 100 ff.

Wang, Yumin & Qin Xie
Diagnosing EFL undergraduates’ discourse competence in academic writing.
Assessing Writing 53
► pp. 100641 ff.

Wang, Yumin & Qin Xie
Diagnostic assessment of novice EFL learners’ discourse competence in academic writing: a case study.
Language Testing in Asia 12:1

Wang, Yumin & Qin Xie
Diagnosing EFL writers’ development of discourse competence in disciplinary writing: an ecological approach.
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 
Yasuda, Sachiko
Natural scientists’ perceptions of authorial voice in scientific writing: The influence of disciplinary expertise on revoicing processes.
English for Specific Purposes 67
► pp. 31 ff.

Zhao, Cecilia Guanfang & Jincheng Wu
Perceptions of authorial voice: Why discrepancies exist.
Assessing Writing 53
► pp. 100632 ff.

Zhao, Cecilia Guanfang & Jincheng Wu
Voice and Voicing Strategies Across Native and Second Language Writing: Extending the Interactional Metadiscourse Framework.
Applied Linguistics 45:6
► pp. 1075 ff.

Asadolahi, Shahla & Musa Nushi
An autobiographical narrative inquiry of academic identity construction of PhD candidates through L2 authorship development.
Heliyon 7:2
► pp. e06293 ff.

Bekar, Mira & Tatyana Yakhontova
Dimensions of Student Writer’s Self in Qualitative Research Interviews. In
Academic Literacy Development,
► pp. 185 ff.

Lehman, Iga Maria & Łukasz Sułkowski
Representation of voice in English essays of non-native students of business.
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 58:2
► pp. 168 ff.

Lehman, Iga Maria & Łukasz Sułkowski
Reader Perceptions of Authorial Voice in Top-Tier Management Journals: The Case of Doctoral Students of Management From Eastern Europe.
Journal of Management Education 47:4
► pp. 349 ff.

Moore, Miriam
Grammatical Concepts and Metalinguistic Awareness in First-Year College Writers: A Study of Reading Journals.
Journal of College Reading and Learning 51:3
► pp. 178 ff.

Neupane Bastola, M. & Guangwei Hu
“Commenting on your work is a waste of time only!”: An appraisal-based study of evaluative language in supervisory feedback.
Studies in Educational Evaluation 68
► pp. 100962 ff.

Park, Jungyoung & Zhihui Fang
Voice in adolescents' informational writing.
Literacy 55:3
► pp. 191 ff.

Peng, Jian-E & Yuting Zheng
Metadiscourse and Voice Construction in Discussion Sections in BA Theses by Chinese University Students Majoring in English.
Sage Open 11:2

Thurlow, Steven
Creativity is for poets and pop singers, isn’t it? Academic perspectives on creativity in doctoral writing.
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 20:2
► pp. 187 ff.

Zhao, Jun & Yingliang Liu
A Developmental View of Authorial Voice Construction in Master’s Thesis: A Case Study of Two Novice L2 Writers.
Sage Open 11:4

ŞEN, Ekin
Üstsöylem: Tanım, Modeller, Çözümlemeler Çerçevesinde Bir Değerlendirme.
Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi :8
► pp. 275 ff.

Abdelrahim, Azza A. M. & Maha A. M. Abdelrahim
Teaching and Assessing Metadiscoursal Features in Argumentative Writing: A Professional Development Training for EFL Teachers.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 30:1
► pp. 70 ff.

Latipah, Yeni & Wawan Gunawan
Proceedings of the 2020 8th International Conference on Information and Education Technology,
► pp. 122 ff.

Li, Zhijun & Jinfen Xu
Reflexive metadiscourse in Chinese and English sociology research article introductions and discussions.
Journal of Pragmatics 159
► pp. 47 ff.

Nguyen, Phuong Nam T., Gert Rijlaarsdam, Tanja Janssen & Wilfried Admiraal
Warchał, Krystyna
Business and Academic Cultures in Contact: Some Insights from Academic Communication Practices and Research. In
Exploring Business Language and Culture [
Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],
► pp. 219 ff.

Yoon, Hyung-Jo & Ute Römer
Quantifying Disciplinary Voices: An Automated Approach to Interactional Metadiscourse in Successful Student Writing.
Written Communication 37:2
► pp. 208 ff.

Zhang, Fengjuan & Ju Zhan
Understanding voice in Chinese students’ English writing.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 45
► pp. 100844 ff.

Zou, Hang (Joanna) & Ken Hyland
“Think about how fascinating this is”: Engagement in academic blogs across disciplines.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 43
► pp. 100809 ff.

Bagheri, Fatemeh & Liming Deng
Personal and Social Voices in Written Discourse Revisited1.
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 42:3
► pp. 345 ff.

Bonnin, Juan Eduardo
Double stance discourse: Managing social and personal identity at work.
Discourse & Society 30:4
► pp. 359 ff.

Chen, Rong
Single author self-reference: Identity construction and pragmatic competence.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 45
► pp. 100856 ff.

Fogal, Gary G
Tracking Microgenetic Changes in Authorial Voice Development from a Complexity Theory Perspective.
Applied Linguistics 40:3
► pp. 432 ff.

Fogal, Gary G
Investigating Variability in L2 Development: Extending a Complexity Theory Perspective on L2 Writing Studies and Authorial Voice.
Applied Linguistics 41:4
► pp. 575 ff.

Li, Ying & Liming Deng
Writer Identity Construction Revisited: Stance, Voice, Self, and Identity in Academic Written Discourse.
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 42:3
► pp. 327 ff.

Li, Ying & Liming Deng
Disciplinarily capable and personally unique: Voicing disciplinary identity in personal statement writing.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 50
► pp. 100949 ff.

Morton, Janne & Neomy Storch
Developing an authorial voice in PhD multilingual student writing: The reader’s perspective.
Journal of Second Language Writing 43
► pp. 15 ff.

Morton, Janne & Neomy Storch
Authorial Voice in Doctoral Writing: Published Advice. In
Academic Literacy Development,
► pp. 165 ff.

Xu, Linlin & Lawrence Jun Zhang
L2 doctoral students’ experiences in thesis writing in an English-medium university in New Zealand.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 41
► pp. 100779 ff.

Jwa, Soomin
Negotiating Voice Construction Between Writers and Readers in College Writing: A Case Study of an L2 Writer.
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 17:1
► pp. 34 ff.

Seoane, Elena & Marianne Hundt
Voice Alternation and Authorial Presence: Variation across Disciplinary Areas in Academic English.
Journal of English Linguistics 46:1
► pp. 3 ff.

Yoon, Hyung-Jo
Textual voice elements and voice strength in EFL argumentative writing.
Assessing Writing 32
► pp. 72 ff.

Hundt, Marianne, Gerold Schneider & Elena Seoane
The use of thebe-passive in academic Englishes: localversusglobal usage in an international language.
Corpora 11:1
► pp. 29 ff.

Stock, Ingrid & Nancy Lea Eik-Nes
Voice features in academic texts – A review of empirical studies.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 24
► pp. 89 ff.

Yang, Wenhsien
Evaluative language and interactive discourse in journal article highlights.
English for Specific Purposes 42
► pp. 89 ff.

Hanauer, David I.
Measuring Voice in Poetry Written by Second Language Learners.
Written Communication 32:1
► pp. 66 ff.

Matsuda, Paul Kei
Identity in Written Discourse.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 35
► pp. 140 ff.

Ninin, Maria Otilia Guimarães
Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada 54:3
► pp. 593 ff.

Smedegaard, Anne
Constructing a Voice of Authority in Upper Secondary School Essays. In
Genre Trajectories,
► pp. 203 ff.

Smith, Ann F.V. & Juliet Thondhlana
The EAP competencies in a group case study project as revealed by a task analysis.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 20
► pp. 14 ff.

Tinning, Richard
‘I don't read fiction’: academic discourse and the relationship between health and physical education.
Sport, Education and Society 20:6
► pp. 710 ff.

Effects of Author Voice Writing Instruction in EFL Writing Classes.
Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 15:1
► pp. 75 ff.

Javdan, Shiva
Identity Manifestation in Second Language Writing through Notion of Voice: A Review of Literature.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies 4:3

Soler-Monreal, Carmen & Luz Gil-Salom
Zhang, Daqun
English for Specific Purposes 34
► pp. 90 ff.

Monahan, Mary Beth
Writing “Voiced” Arguments About Science Topics.
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 57:1
► pp. 31 ff.

Zhao, Cecilia Guanfang
Measuring authorial voice strength in L2 argumentative writing: The development and validation of an analytic rubric.
Language Testing 30:2
► pp. 201 ff.

Zhao, Cecilia Guanfang
Authorial Voice in Second Language Writing. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.

Zhao, Cecilia Guanfang
Voice in timed L2 argumentative essay writing.
Assessing Writing 31
► pp. 73 ff.

Zhao, Cecilia Guanfang
Writer background and voice construction in L2 writing.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 37
► pp. 117 ff.

Abbuhl, Rebekha
Using self-referential pronouns in writing: The effect of explicit instruction on L2 writers at two levels of proficiency.
Language Teaching Research 16:4
► pp. 501 ff.

Chaemsaithong, Krisda
Performing self on the witness stand: Stance and relational work in expert witness testimony.
Discourse & Society 23:5
► pp. 465 ff.

Chaemsaithong, Krisda
Interactive patterns of the opening statement in criminal trials: A historical perspective.
Discourse Studies 16:3
► pp. 347 ff.

Chaemsaithong, Krisda
Evaluative stancetaking in courtroom opening statements.
Folia Linguistica 51:1

Chaemsaithong, Krisda
Dramatic monologues.
Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) ► pp. 757 ff.

Krisda Chaemsaithong
Stance Expressions in the Courtroom.
English Language and Linguistics 21:2
► pp. 41 ff.

Fu, Xiaoli
The use of interactional metadiscourse in job postings.
Discourse Studies 14:4
► pp. 399 ff.

Ghivirigâ, Teodora
Scientific Articles in English in Economics Journals. A Case Study for Romania.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46
► pp. 4230 ff.

Guinda, Carmen Sancho
Proximal Positioning in Students’ Graph Commentaries. In
Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres,
► pp. 166 ff.

Matsuda, Paul Kei & Jill V. Jeffery
Voice in Student Essays. In
Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres,
► pp. 151 ff.

Tardy, Christine M.
Current Conceptions of Voice. In
Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres,
► pp. 34 ff.

Zhao, Cecilia Guanfang & Lorena Llosa
Voice in high-stakes L1 academic writing assessment: Implications for L2 writing instruction.
Assessing Writing 13:3
► pp. 153 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 4 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.