The problems posed by nominal structure and nominal reference are notoriously subtle and complex. Though fairly extensive, their treatment in Cognitive Grammar (CG) has thus far been partial, preliminary, and scattered in numerous publications. The synthesis attempted here can hardly overcome the first two limitations. It may however provide a useful way of framing the issues and suggest some promising lines of attack.
2023. Structural Assemblies and Semantics of the Four Existential Constructions with Relative Clause. In Specificational and Presentational There-Clefts, ► pp. 75 ff.
2023. Determiners of Existent NPs in the Four Existential Constructions with Relative Clause. In Specificational and Presentational There-Clefts, ► pp. 123 ff.
Kratochvílová, Dana
2023. Epistemic modality and grounding: constructions expressing positive epistemic judgement in Spanish and Italian from the perspective of cognitive grammar (with particular reference to the verbs credere and creer). Probus 35:2 ► pp. 327 ff.
2013. Anclaje experiencial y epistémico de los demostrativos no situacionales en español. Anuario de Letras 1:2 ► pp. 85 ff.
2013. A Study on Nonimal Grounding in Mandarin Chinese. The Journal of Foreign Studies null:24 ► pp. 133 ff.
2013. 현대중국어 ‘一+양사+NP’구문의 지시성 고찰 ― 내재논항의 고정화(Grounding) 양상을 중심으로. Journal of Chinese Language and Literature null:60 ► pp. 39 ff.
Delbecque, Nicole & Ricardo Maldonado
2011. Spanish ya. A conceptual pragmatic anchor. Journal of Pragmatics 43:1 ► pp. 73 ff.
2011. An open-sesame approach to English noun phrases: defining the NP (with an introduction to the special issue). English Language and Linguistics 15:2 ► pp. 201 ff.
Boye, Kasper
2010. Reference and clausal perception-verb complements. Linguistics 48:2
2009. Structural persistence: a case based on the grammaticalization of English adjectives of difference. English Language and Linguistics 13:1 ► pp. 77 ff.
Nuessel, Frank
2008. . Lingua 118:8 ► pp. 1233 ff.
Langacker, Ronald W
2006. On the continuous debate about discreteness. Cognitive Linguistics 17:1
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 4 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.