Barker, Harry & Mirjana Bozic
Forms, Mechanisms, and Roles of Iconicity in Spoken Language: A Review.
Psychological Reports 
Di Paola, Giovanna, Ljiljana Progovac & Antonio Benítez-Burraco
Revisiting the hypothesis of ideophones as windows to language evolution.
Linguistics Vanguard 10:1
► pp. 251 ff.

Vainio, Lari, Markku Kilpeläinen, Alexandra Wikström & Martti Vainio
Sound–action symbolism in relation to precision manipulation and whole-hand grasp usage.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 77:1
► pp. 191 ff.

Andrason, Alexander & Bernd Heine
Barnes, Kathryn & Cornelia Ebert
The information status of iconic enrichments: modelling gradient at-issueness.
Theoretical Linguistics 49:3-4
► pp. 167 ff.

Clark, Herbert H. & Kerstin Fischer
On depicting social agents.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46

Keränen, Jarkko
Cross-modal iconicity and indexicality in the production of lexical sensory and emotional signs in Finnish Sign Language.
Cognitive Linguistics 34:3-4
► pp. 333 ff.

Schmidt, Axel & Arnulf Deppermann
Showing and telling—How directors combine embodied demonstrations and verbal descriptions to instruct in theater rehearsals.
Frontiers in Communication 7

Yasui, Eiko
Japanese onomatopoeia in bodily demonstrations in a traditional dance instruction: A resource for synchronizing body movements.
Journal of Pragmatics 207
► pp. 45 ff.

Badenoch, Nathan
Silence, Cessation and Stasis: The Ethnopoetics of “Absence” in Bit Expressives.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 32:1
► pp. 94 ff.

Barnes, Kathryn Rose, Cornelia Ebert, Robin Hörnig & Theresa Stender
The at-issue status of ideophones in German: An experimental approach.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7:1

Hodge, Gabrielle & Lindsay Ferrara
Iconicity as Multimodal, Polysemiotic, and Plurifunctional.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Wang, Xiaoxi
Sound symbolism in Chinese children’s literature.
Cognitive Linguistics 33:1
► pp. 95 ff.

Hsu, Hui-Chieh, Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts
In other gestures: Multimodal iteration in cello master classes.
Linguistics Vanguard 7:s4

Hsu, Hui-Chieh, Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts
When Gesture “Takes Over”: Speech-Embedded Nonverbal Depictions in Multimodal Interaction.
Frontiers in Psychology 11

Thompson, Arthur Lewis, Thomas Van Hoey & Youngah Do
Articulatory features of phonemes pattern to iconic meanings: evidence from cross-linguistic ideophones.
Cognitive Linguistics 32:4
► pp. 563 ff.

Trettenbrein, Patrick C., Nina-Kristin Pendzich, Jens-Michael Cramer, Markus Steinbach & Emiliano Zaccarella
Psycholinguistic norms for more than 300 lexical signs in German Sign Language (DGS).
Behavior Research Methods 53:5
► pp. 1817 ff.

Choksi, Nishaant
Expressives and the multimodal depiction of social types in Mundari.
Language in Society 49:3
► pp. 379 ff.

Ferrara, Lindsay
Some interactional functions of finger pointing in signed language conversations.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5:1

Rowley, Katherine
Sign Language Acquisition. In
The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development,
► pp. 1 ff.

Gawne, Lauren, Chelsea Krajcik, Helene N. Andreassen, Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker & Barbara F. Kelly
Hodge, Gabrielle, Lindsay N. Ferrara & Benjamin D. Anible
The semiotic diversity of doing reference in a deaf signed language.
Journal of Pragmatics 143
► pp. 33 ff.

Iwasaki, Noriko & Keiko Yoshioka
Kantartzis, Katerina, Mutsumi Imai, Danielle Evans & Sotaro Kita
Sound Symbolism Facilitates Long-Term Retention of the Semantic Representation of Novel Verbs in Three-Year-Olds.
Languages 4:2
► pp. 21 ff.

Thompson, Arthur Lewis & Youngah Do
Defining iconicity: An articulation-based methodology for explaining the phonological structure of ideophones.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4:1

Thompson, Arthur Lewis & Youngah Do
Unconventional spoken iconicity follows a conventional structure: Evidence from demonstrations.
Speech Communication 113
► pp. 36 ff.

H. Ekkehard Wolff
The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics,

An inverse relation between expressiveness and grammatical integration: On the morphosyntactic typology of ideophones, with special reference to Japanese.
Journal of Linguistics 53:3
► pp. 501 ff.

Ferrara, Lindsay & Rolf Piene Halvorsen
Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide
Basque ideophones from a typological perspective.
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 62:2
► pp. 196 ff.

Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide
Nuckolls, Janis B., Tod D. Swanson, Diana Shelton, Alexander Rice & Sarah Hatton
Lexicography in-your-face: The active semantics of Pastaza Quichua ideophones.
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 62:2
► pp. 154 ff.

Stevens, Michael Paul & Simon Harrison
van Beek, Walter E. A.
Tales at Two Times. In
The Transmission of Kapsiki-Higi Folktales over Two Generations,
► pp. 1 ff.

van Beek, Walter E. A.
Remembering Folktales. In
The Transmission of Kapsiki-Higi Folktales over Two Generations,
► pp. 121 ff.

Burch, Alfred Rue & Gabriele Kasper
Jääskeläinen, Anni
Mimetic schemas and shared perception through imitatives.
Nordic Journal of Linguistics 39:2
► pp. 159 ff.

Nuckolls, Janis B., Elizabeth Nielsen, Joseph A. Stanley & Roseanna Hopper
The Systematic Stretching and Contracting of Ideophonic Phonology in Pastaza Quichua.
International Journal of American Linguistics 82:1
► pp. 95 ff.

Abner, Natasha, Kensy Cooperrider & Susan Goldin‐Meadow
Gesture for Linguists: A Handy Primer.
Language and Linguistics Compass 9:11
► pp. 437 ff.

Dingemanse, Mark, Damián E. Blasi, Gary Lupyan, Morten H. Christiansen & Padraic Monaghan
Arbitrariness, Iconicity, and Systematicity in Language.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19:10
► pp. 603 ff.

Lockwood, Gwilym & Mark Dingemanse
Iconicity in the lab: a review of behavioral, developmental, and neuroimaging research into sound-symbolism.
Frontiers in Psychology 6

Imai, Mutsumi & Sotaro Kita
The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis for language acquisition and language evolution.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369:1651
► pp. 20130298 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 5 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.