Kamiya, Masaaki & Zhaosen Guo
Scope of Negation, Gestures, and Prosody: The English Negative Quantifier as a Case in Point.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 53:4
Küttner, Uwe-A. & Beatrice Szczepek Reed
Request for confirmation sequences in British and American English.
Open Linguistics 10:1
Lehmann, Claudia
Multimodal constructions revisited. Testing the strength of association between spoken and non-spoken features of Tell me about it
Cognitive Linguistics 35:3
► pp. 407 ff.
Higgins, Nathan C., Daniel A. Pupo, Erol J. Ozmeral & David A. Eddins
Head movement and its relation to hearing.
Frontiers in Psychology 14
Lücking, Andy & Jonathan Ginzburg
Leading voices: dialogue semantics, cognitive science and the polyphonic structure of multimodal interaction.
Language and Cognition 15:1
► pp. 148 ff.
Panda, Payod, Molly Jane Nicholas, David Nguyen, Eyal Ofek, Michel Pahud, Sean Rintel, Mar Gonzalez-Franco, Ken Hinckley & Jaron Lanier
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference,
► pp. 904 ff.
van Boven, Cindy, Marloes Oomen, Roland Pfau & Lotte Rusch
Feyaerts, Kurt, Christian Rominger, Helmut Karl Lackner, Geert Brône, Annelies Jehoul, Bert Oben & Ilona Papousek
In your face? Exploring multimodal response patterns involving facial responses to verbal and gestural stance-taking expressions.
Journal of Pragmatics 190
► pp. 6 ff.
Graham, Kirsty E., Gal Badihi, Alexandra Safryghin, Charlotte Grund & Catherine Hobaiter
A socio-ecological perspective on the gestural communication of great ape species, individuals, and social units.
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 34:3
► pp. 235 ff.
Lutzenberger, Hannah, Roland Pfau & Connie de Vos
Emergence or Grammaticalization? The Case of Negation in Kata Kolok.
Languages 7:1
► pp. 23 ff.
Pavlidou, Theodossia-Soula, Lena Gialabouki, Angeliki Alvanoudi & Christos Ananiadis
On the recipients’ part: Responding with m/mm (and nods) in Greek conversations.
Journal of Pragmatics 199
► pp. 105 ff.
Rouchitsas, Alexandros & Håkan Alm
Ghost on the Windshield: Employing a Virtual Human Character to Communicate Pedestrian Acknowledgement and Vehicle Intention.
Information 13:9
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Rouchitsas, Alexandros & Håkan Alm
Smiles and Angry Faces vs. Nods and Head Shakes: Facial Expressions at the Service of Autonomous Vehicles.
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 7:2
► pp. 10 ff.
Shen, Qian & Shuangyun Yao
Syntactically incomplete turns as delicate actions— A way to manage interpersonal relationships.
Journal of Pragmatics 197
► pp. 27 ff.
Sze, Felix
From gestures to grammatical non-manuals in sign language: A case study of polar questions and negation in Hong Kong Sign Language.
Lingua 267
► pp. 103188 ff.
Vincze, Laura & Isabella Poggi
Multimodal signals of high commitment in expert-to-expert contexts.
Discourse & Communication 16:6
► pp. 693 ff.
Almeida, Luiz Gustavo Paulino de & André Nogueira Xavier
A negação nas línguas sinalizadas.
Revista da ABRALIN ► pp. 1 ff.
Li, Xiaoting
Multimodal practices for negative assessments as delicate matters: Incomplete syntax, facial expressions, and head movements.
Open Linguistics 7:1
► pp. 549 ff.
Drewes, V, N Neumann, I Konstantinidis & I Helmich
Spontaneous head movements characterize losing athletes during competition.
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 15:5-6
► pp. 669 ff.
Ginzburg, Jonathan, Chiara Mazzocconi & Ye Tian
Laughter as language.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5:1
Moretti, Stefania & Alberto Greco
Nodding and shaking of the head as simulated approach and avoidance responses.
Acta Psychologica 203
► pp. 102988 ff.
Otsuka, Kazuhiro & Masahiro Tsumori
Analyzing Multifunctionality of Head Movements in Face-to-Face Conversations Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
IEEE Access 8
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Park, Innhwa & Jacob Kline
Incomplete utterances as critical assessments.
Discourse Studies 22:4
► pp. 441 ff.
Brown, Amanda & Masaaki Kamiya
Gesture in contexts of scopal ambiguity: Negation and quantification in English.
Applied Psycholinguistics 40:05
► pp. 1141 ff.
García-Pinar, Arancha
Encouraging engineering undergraduates to voice their ideas worth sharing.
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences 6:1
► pp. 25 ff.
Hübscher, Iris & Pilar Prieto
Gestural and Prosodic Development Act as Sister Systems and Jointly Pave the Way for Children’s Sociopragmatic Development.
Frontiers in Psychology 10
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Towards understanding nonmanuality: A semiotic treatment of signers’ head movements.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4:1
Valeiras-Jurado, Julia & Noelia Ruiz-Madrid
Multimodal enactment of characters in conference presentations.
Discourse Studies 21:5
► pp. 561 ff.
Valeiras-Jurado, Julia & Noelia Ruiz-Madrid
When pointing becomes more than pointing: Multimodal evaluation in product pitches.
Language & Communication 74
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Cooperrider, Kensy, Natasha Abner & Susan Goldin-Meadow
The Palm-Up Puzzle: Meanings and Origins of a Widespread Form in Gesture and Sign.
Frontiers in Communication 3
Johnston, Trevor
A corpus-based study of the role of headshaking in negation in Auslan (Australian Sign Language): Implications for signed language typology.
Linguistic Typology 22:2
► pp. 185 ff.
Lopez-Ozieblo, Renia
Disagreeing without a ‘no’: How teachers indicate disagreement in a Hong Kong classroom.
Journal of Pragmatics 137
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Matoesian, Gregory & Kristin Enola Gilbert
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Jehoul, Annelies, Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts
The shrug as marker of obviousness.
Linguistics Vanguard 3:s1
Kendon, Adam
Contributions to the Study of Visible Action as Utterance: A Fifty-Year Retrospective. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies,
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Oomen, Marloes & Roland Pfau
Signing not (or not): A typological perspective on standard negation in Sign Language of the Netherlands.
Linguistic Typology 21:1
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Schoonjans, Steven
On the relation between (verbal and kinesic) downtoning and illocution type.
Yearbook of the Poznan Linguistic Meeting 3:1
► pp. 25 ff.
Schoonjans, Steven
Nonmanual downtoning in German co-speech gesture and in German Sign Language.
Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 5:1
Vilela, Cacilda & João Ranhel
A framework for the multimodal joint work of turn construction in face-to-face interaction.
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Babena, Gilbert Willy Tio & Noussaïba Adamou
L’homme politique face à ses dires : peut-on ravaler la salive crachée ?.
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Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline, Aliyah Morgenstern & Dominique Boutet
A Child’s Multimodal Negations from 1 to 4: The Interplay Between Modalities. In
Negation and Polarity: Experimental Perspectives [
Language, Cognition, and Mind, 1],
► pp. 95 ff.
Benitez-Quiroz, C. Fabian, Ronnie B. Wilbur & Aleix M. Martinez
The not face: A grammaticalization of facial expressions of emotion.
Cognition 150
► pp. 77 ff.
Ginzburg, Jonathan & Massimo Poesio
Grammar Is a System That Characterizes Talk in Interaction.
Frontiers in Psychology 7
Harrison, Simon & Pierre Larrivée
Morphosyntactic Correlates of Gestures: A Gesture Associated with Negation in French and Its Organisation with Speech. In
Negation and Polarity: Experimental Perspectives [
Language, Cognition, and Mind, 1],
► pp. 75 ff.
Schoonjans, Steven, Paul Sambre, Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts
Vers une analyse multimodale du sens. Perspectives constructionnelles sur la gestualité co-grammaticale.
Langages N° 201:1
► pp. 33 ff.
Voigt, Rob, Penelope Eckert, Dan Jurafsky & Robert J. Podesva
Cans and cants: Computational potentials for multimodality with a case study in head position.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 20:5
► pp. 677 ff.
이정은, 박영은, 권익수 & Jeon, Jinree
On metaphoric gestures of candidates in the U.S. presidential debate..
Discourse and Cognition 23:2
► pp. 53 ff.
Abner, Natasha, Kensy Cooperrider & Susan Goldin‐Meadow
Gesture for Linguists: A Handy Primer.
Language and Linguistics Compass 9:11
► pp. 437 ff.
Jurado, Julia Valeiras & Ma Noelia Ruiz-Madrid
A Multimodal Approach to Product Presentations.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 173
► pp. 252 ff.
Pfau, Roland
A Featural Approach to Sign Language Negation. In
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Benazzo, Sandra & Aliyah Morgenstern
Debras, Camille
Formes et fonctions du discours d’expert dans des discussions sur l’environnement entre étudiants britanniques : une étude multimodale de la prise de position en interaction.
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Debras, Camille
Petits et grands corpus en analyse linguistique des gestes.
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Debras, Camille
How to prepare the video component of the Diachronic Corpus of Political Speeches for multimodal analysis.
Research in Corpus Linguistics 9:1
► pp. 132 ff.
Debras, Camille
Multimodal profiles of je (ne) sais pas in spoken French.
Journal of Pragmatics 182
► pp. 42 ff.
Fusaro, Maria, Claire D. Vallotton & Paul L. Harris
Beside the point: Mothers’ head nodding and shaking gestures during parent–child play.
Infant Behavior and Development 37:2
► pp. 235 ff.
Gawne, Lauren & Barbara F. Kelly
Revisiting Significant Action and Gesture Categorization.
Australian Journal of Linguistics 34:2
► pp. 216 ff.
Harrison, Simon
On Grammar–Gesture Relations: Gestures Associated with Negation. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies,
► pp. 446 ff.
Wagner, Petra, Zofia Malisz & Stefan Kopp
Gesture and speech in interaction: An overview.
Speech Communication 57
► pp. 209 ff.
Bousmalis, Konstantinos, Marc Mehu & Maja Pantic
Towards the automatic detection of spontaneous agreement and disagreement based on nonverbal behaviour: A survey of related cues, databases, and tools.
Image and Vision Computing 31:2
► pp. 203 ff.
Kettner, Viktoria A. & Jeremy I.M. Carpendale
Marsella, Stacy, Yuyu Xu, Margaux Lhommet, Andrew Feng, Stefan Scherer & Ari Shapiro
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation,
► pp. 25 ff.
Wang, Zhiyang, Jina Lee & Stacy Marsella
Multi-party, multi-role comprehensive listening behavior.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 27:2
► pp. 218 ff.
Berger, Israel & John Rae
Some uses of gestural responsive actions.
Journal of Pragmatics 44:13
► pp. 1821 ff.
Cabibihan, John-John, Wing-Chee So & Soumo Pramanik
Human-Recognizable Robotic Gestures.
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 4:4
► pp. 305 ff.
Debras, Camille & Alan Cienki
2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2012 International Confernece on Social Computing,
► pp. 932 ff.
Querol-Julián, Mercedes & Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez
Multimodal evaluation in academic discussion sessions: How do presenters act and react?.
English for Specific Purposes 31:4
► pp. 271 ff.
André, Elisabeth, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Dirk Heylen, Radoslaw Niewiadomski, Catherine Pelachaud, Christopher Peters, Isabella Poggi & Matthias Rehm
Non-verbal Persuasion and Communication in an Affective Agent. In
Emotion-Oriented Systems [
Cognitive Technologies, ],
► pp. 585 ff.
Bousmalis, Konstantinos, Louis-Philippe Morency & Maja Pantic
Face and Gesture 2011,
► pp. 746 ff.
Franklin, Amy, Anastasia Giannakidou & Susan Goldin-Meadow
Negation, questions, and structure building in a homesign system.
Cognition 118:3
► pp. 398 ff.
Poggi, Isabella & Francesca D’Errico
Social Signals: A Psychological Perspective. In
Computer Analysis of Human Behavior,
► pp. 185 ff.
Graziano, Maria
Le développement des gestes pragmatiques et leur relation avec le développement de la compétence textuelle chez l’enfant âgé de 4 à 10 ans.
Lidil :42
► pp. 113 ff.
Gráczi, Tekla & Sarolta Bata
The effect of familiarization on temporal aspects of turn-taking: A pilot study.
Acta Linguistica Hungarica 57:2-3
► pp. 307 ff.
Lee, Jina & Stacy C. Marsella
Predicting Speaker Head Nods and the Effects of Affective Information.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 12:6
► pp. 552 ff.
Schneider, Christel, Josep Call & Katja Liebal
Do bonobos say NO by shaking their head?.
Primates 51:3
► pp. 199 ff.
Lee, Jina, Helmut Prendinger, Alena Neviarouskaya & Stacy Marsella
2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops,
► pp. 1 ff.
Calbris, Geneviève
La tête de Nicolas Sarkozy, ou les fonctions des gestes de la tête durant l’énonciation.
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► pp. 99 ff.
Heylen, Dirk
Listening Heads. In
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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4930],
► pp. 241 ff.
Matoesian, Greg
Role conflict as an interactional resource in the multimodal emergence of expert identity.
Semiotica 2008:171
Heylen, Dirk, Anton Nijholt & Mannes Poel
Generating Nonverbal Signals for a Sensitive Artificial Listener. In
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► pp. 264 ff.
Lee, Jina & Stacy Marsella
Nonverbal Behavior Generator for Embodied Conversational Agents. In
Intelligent Virtual Agents [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4133],
► pp. 243 ff.
Matoesian, Gregory
Nailing down an answer: participations of power in trial talk.
Discourse Studies 7:6
► pp. 733 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 17 november 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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