The development of speech and gesture in Sesotho narratives
Studies show that speech and gesture develop together with age, and the nature of gestures changes with increasing
cognitive and discursive abilities. While there are common developmental trends, cultural differences may also impact development.
We examined gesture development in narratives of Sesotho speaking children aged 5 to 6 years (n = 12), 9 to 10
years (n = 12) and adults (n = 12), who watched a wordless cartoon and narrated the story back
to an interlocutor. Our results show that narrative ability develops with age. Speech and gesture become more complex.
Representational and pragmatic gestures increase, but the proportion of these gesture types changes. Gestures become semiotically
more complex and integrated with spoken discourse. Narrative development in Sesotho speakers shows similar developmental trends to
those found in other studies. However, cultural factors influence some aspects with Sesotho speakers exhibiting similar narrative
patterns in spoken and gestural behaviour to speakers of isiZulu, a closely related language and cultural group.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Study aims
- Methods
- Participants
- Procedure
- Transcription and coding
- Speech coding
- Gesture coding
- Results
- Age and narrative length
- Age and type of clause
- Age and gesture rate
- Age and gesture types
- Age and complexity of representational gestures
- Discussion
- Age and narrative length
- Age and clause type
- Age, gesture rates and gesture types
- Age and complexity of representational gestures
- Age and gesture-speech integration
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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