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“Supplement”. The McGill University Collection of Greek and Roman Coins ed. by M. Woloch, vol.I1: Roman Coins in the McGill University Collection ed. by D. H. E. Whitehead, 170–237. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner. (Repr., 1985.) 

“The Latin and Old English Glosses in the Ars Tatuini
”. Anglo-Saxon England 61.77–89. 
“The Transmission of the Ars Bonifacii and the Ars Tatuini
”. Revue d’Histoire des Textes 91.281–288.
“Malsachanus Reconsidered: A fresh look at a Hiberno-Latin grammarian”. Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 11.83–93.
Review of Bonifatii (Vynfreth) Ars grammatica
ed. by George John Gebauer & Bengt Löfstedt; Ars metrica ed. by Bengt Löfstedt (=
Corpus Christianorum Series Latina, CXXXIII B) (Turnhout: Brepols, 1980). Studi Medievali, 3a serie, 221.752–764.
The Insular Latin Grammarians (=
Studies in Celtic History, 3.) Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 131 pp. (Repr., 1987.)
“Notes on the Dating and Attribution of Anonymous Latin Grammars of the Early Middle Ages”. Peritia 11.250–267. (Reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997], 28–49.)
“The Study of Latin Grammar in Eighth-Century Southumbria”. Anglo-Saxon England 121.43–71. (Reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997], 91–123.)
“Irish Symptoms and the Provenance of Sixth- and Seventh-Century Latin Grammars”. Matériaux pour une histoire des théories linguistiques ed. by Sylvain Auroux, Michel Glatigny, André Joly et al., 77–85. Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille III.
“St Augustine’s De grammatica: Lost or found?”. Recherches Augustiniennes 191.155–183.
“The First Foreign-Language Grammars”. The Incorporated Linguist 231.211–216.
“Linguistics in the Earlier Middle Ages: The Insular and Carolingian grammarians”. Transactions of the Philological Society 1985), 171–193. (Reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997], 70–90.)
Review of Louis Holtz, Donat et la tradition de l’enseignement grammatical: Étude sur l’Ars Donati et sa diffusion (IVe–IXe siècle) et édition critique (Paris: CNRS, 1981). Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 1081.101–109.
“Originality in the Medieval Normative Tradition”. Studies in the History of Western Linguistics in Honour of R. H. Robins ed. by Thea Bynon & Frank R. Palmer, 43–55. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
“Panorama della grammatica normativa nel secolo XIII”. Aspetti della letteratura latina nel secolo XIII ed. by Claudio Leonardi & G. Orlandi, 125–145. Perugia & Florence: La Nuova Italia. [Italian translation by N. Caderni.]
“Serious aspects of the wordplay of Virgilius Maro Grammaticus”. L’héritage des grammairiens latins de l’Antiquité aux Lumières: Actes du colloque de Chantilly, 2–4 septembre 1987 ed. by Irène Rosier, 121–131. Louvain & Paris: Peeters. (Modified version reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997], 224–245.)
(Editor). Linguistics in the Middle Ages: A cross-cultural view (Oxford, 29–30 September 1988): Revised Abstracts and Associated Material. Cambridge: privately printed for the Henry Sweet Society.
(Co-editor, together with Sylvia Adamson, Nigel Vincent & Susan Wright). Papers from the Fifth International Conference of English Historical Linguistics (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 65.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, xxi1, 583 pp.
“Language and its Students: The history of linguistics”. Encyclopaedia of Language ed. by N. E. Collinge, 784–842. London & New York: Routledge.
“The History of Morphology: Expression of a change in consciousness”. Understanding the Historiography of Linguistics: Problems and Projects (Colloquium Essen, 23–25 November 1989) ed. by Werner Hüllen, 61–74. Münster: Nodus.
Auctoritas, consuetudo and ratio in St Augustine’s Ars grammatica
”. De ortu grammaticae: Studies in Medieval Grammar and Linguistic Theory in Memory of Jan Pinborg ed. by G. L. Bursill-Hall, Sten Ebbesen & Konrad Koerner (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 43), 191–207. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
“Indian influence on Early Arab Phonetics – or coincidence?”. Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II ed. by Kees Versteegh & Michael G. Carter (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 56), 215–227. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
[Entries on] “Alcuin: Dialogus Franconis et Saxonis de octo partibus orationis”; “Grammarians”; “Priscian”. Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture: A trial version ed. by F. M. Biggs, T. D. Hill & P. E. Szarmach, 19–20; 84–87; 146–149. Binghamton, N. Y.: Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York.
“Roman Evidence on the Authenticity of the Grammar attributed to Dionysius Thrax”. History and Historiography of Linguistics I ed. by Hans-Josef Niederehe & Konrad Koerner (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 51), 89–96. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
“A French Metamorphosis of an English Grammatical Genre: Declinationes into Terminationes
”. France and the British Isles in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Essays by members of Girton College in memory of Ruth Morgan ed. by G. Jondorf & D. Dumville, 17–42. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
“Fragments from the Lost Portions of the Epitomae of Virgilius Maro Grammaticus”. Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 211.113–125.
“History of Linguistics: Early Middle Ages”. Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics ed. by William Bright, vol. II1, 147–149. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.
(With James P. Carley). “Grammar and Arithmetic in Two Thirteenth-Century English Monastic Collections: Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College, MS 75 and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 186 (S. C. 2088)”. The Journal of Medieval Latin 11.140–167.
“La grammaire durant le haut Moyen-Age”. Histoire des idées linguistiques ed. by Sylvain Auroux, vol. II1: Le développement de la grammaire occidentale, 83–95. Liège: Mardaga.
“Carolingian Grammarians and Theoretical Innovation”. Diversions of Galway: Papers on the History of Linguistics ed. by Anders Ahlqvist et al. (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 68), 27–37. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (Reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997], 154–163.)
(Editor). History of Linguistic Thought in the Early Middle Ages (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 71.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, viii1, 255 pp. [“Foreword” (vi–viii.).]
“The Historiography of Early Medieval Grammar”. History of Linguistic Thought in the Early Middle Ages, 1–23. (Reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997], 4–27.)
“Grammar in the Early Middle Ages: A bibliography”. History of Linguistic Thought in the Early Middle Ages, 25–47. (Updated version reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997]), 273–297.)
“Erchanbert and the Interpolator: A Christian Ars minor at Freising (Clm 6414)”. History of Linguistic Thought in the Early Middle Ages, 223–243.
“Processes of Assimilation: European grammars of Sanskrit in the first decades of the nineteenth century”. La linguistique entre mythe et histoire ed. by Daniel Droixhe & C. Grell, 237–261. Münster: Nodus.
[Entries on] “Medieval Glossaries and Dictionaries”; “Donatus”. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics ed. by R. E. Asher & J. M. Y. Simpson, vol. II1, 1058–1059; vol. III1, 1437–1439. Oxford & New York: Pergamon.
“The Study of Grammar”. Carolingian Culture: Emulation and innovation ed. by R. McKitterick, 88–110. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Modified version reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997], 129–153, under the title “The Study of Grammar under the Carolingians”.)
“The Sources of the Ars Donati quam Paulus Diaconus exposuit
”. Filologia Mediolatina 11.71–80.
Wisdom, Authority and Grammar in the Seventh Century: Decoding Virgilius Maro Grammaticus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 170 pp.
(Co-editor, together with Ineke Sluiter). Dionysius Thrax and the Technè Grammatikè (=
The Henry Sweet Society Studies in the History of Linguistics, 1.) Münster: Nodus. (2nd ed., 1998.) [“Introduction”, jointly with I. Sluiter (7–12).]
“The Technè and Grammar in the Roman World”. Dionysius Thrax and the Technè Grammatikè, 111–119.
“The Transmission of Early Medieval Elementary Grammars: A case study in explanation”. Formative Stages of Classical Traditions: Latin texts from Antiquity to the Renaissance ed. by O. Pecere & M. D. Reeve, 239–261. Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo.
(Editor, together with Werner Hüllen). Linguists and Their Diversions: A festschrift for R. H. Robins on his 75th birthday (=
The Henry Sweet Society Studies in the History of Linguistics, 3.) Münster: Nodus, 425 pp.; 1 portr.
“R. H. Robins: The historian and his work”. Linguists and Their Diversions, 9–26.
“The Writings of R. H. Robins: A bibliography 1951–1996”. Linguists and Their Diversions, 27–42.
[Entries on] “Ælfric”; “Ars Ambianensis”; “Asper”; Bede”; “Boniface”; “Declinationes nominum”; “Malsachanus”; Tatwine”; “Ursus of Beneventum”; “Usuard of Saint-Germain”. Lexicon Grammaticorum: Who’s who in the history of world linguistics ed. by Harro Stammerjohann et al., pp. 9–10, 43, 50, 83, 120, 228, 601, 907–908, 949, and 950 [in that order]. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
“Grammar”. Medieval Latin Studies: An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide ed. by F. A. C. Mantello & Arthur G. Rigg, 288–295. Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University of America Press 1996). (Reprinted in Grammar and Grammarians [1997], 260–269, under the title. “The Terminology of Medieval Latin Grammar”.)
“The Mnemonic Structure of Ancient Grammatical Doctrine”. Ancient Grammar: Content and context ed. by Pierre Swiggers & Alfons Wouters, 37–52. Louvain: Peeters.
Grammar and Grammarians in the Early Middle Ages. London: Longman, 305 pp. [Updated versions of thirteen articles plus two new papers (see below).]
“From Aural to Visual: Medieval representations of the word”. Grammar and Grammarians in the Early Middle Ages [1997], 250–259.
“An Early Medieval Grammarian on Grammar: Wynfreth-Boniface and the Praefatio ad Sigibertum
”. Grammar and Grammarians in the Early Middle Ages [1997], 169–187.
(Together with Graham E. Smith, Annette Bohr, Andrew Wilson & Edward Allworth). Nation-Building in the Post-Soviet Borderlands: The politics of national identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xiii1, 293 pp.
“Language Myths and the Discourse of Nation-Building in Georgia”. Nation-Building in the Post-Soviet Borderlands, 167–196, 269–278 (notes).
“Preface”. Owen Barfield, A Waldorf Tribute ed. by B. Masters. Forest Row: Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship, 6–7.
(Editor). Texts and Contexts: Selected papers on the history of linguistics by Robert H. Robins. (=
The Henry Sweet Society Studies in the History of Linguistics, 5.) Münster: Nodus, 341 pp.
“In Defence of Contextualism: A reply to Els Elffers, ‘Linguistics and psychology: How to reconstruct their relationship?’”. Metahistoriography: Theoretical and methodological aspects in the historiography of linguistics ed. by Peter Schmitter & Marijke van der Wal. Münster: Nodus.
Contributions to Bernard Colombat and Elisabeth Lazcano, eds., Corpus représentatif des grammaires et des traditions linguistiques 11 (=
Histoire Épistémologie Langage, hors-séries, 2.) Paris: SHESL.
Contributions to Pseudo-Bede: Collectanea ed. by Martha Bayless & Michael Lapidge, pp. 199, 208–209, 213–214, 214–215, 249 and 255–256. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.
“Grammar, Latin (Study of)”. The Blackwell Companion to Anglo-Saxon England ed. by Michael Lapidge & S. D. Keynes, 216–218. Oxford: Blackwell.
“Why Write a Verse Grammar?”. Journal of Medieval Latin 91.46–76. 
“The Middle Ages”. Morphologie/Morphology ed. by Geert Booji, Christian Lehmann, Joachim Mugdan et al., vol.I1, 76–90. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter.
“Memory and the Structure of Grammars in Antiquity and the Middle Ages”. Manuscripts and Transmission of Grammatical Texts from Antiquity to the Renaissance ed. by M. De Nonno, P. De Paolis & Louis Holtz, 9–58. Cassino: Università degli Studi di Cassino.
(Editor, together with Keith Brown). Linguistics in Britain: Personal histories. (=
Publications of the Philological Society, 36) Oxford & Boston: Blackwell, viii + 319 pp. [“A series of ‘linguistic autobiographies’ by 23 British linguists who played a major role in the development of the subject during the second half of the twentieth century”.]
“Gedächtnis und lateinische Grammatikschreibung im Mittelalter”. Heilige und profane Sprachen: Die Anfänge des Fremdsprachenunterrichts im westlichen Europa ed. by Werner Hüllen & Friederike Klippel. (=
Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 98), 31–75. Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei Otto Harrassowitz. [Authorized transl., by Werner Hüllen, of 2000 paper (see above).]
The History of Linguistics in Europe: Plato to 1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in press.
Forthcoming publications
The present list, which makes no claim to completeness, does not include Vivien Law’s regular contributions to Medioevo Latino (Florence: Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino) volumes 7–18 (1986–1997). According to this periodical’s website, it prints “Notices et résumés d’ouvrages en d’articles de périodiques”.
“Grammatical Writings” (ca. 40 pages). Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture ed. by P. Szarmach. Accepted Spring 1989. [A first instalment of three entries appeared in 1990 in Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture: A trial version (see above).]
“Morphology in the Middle Ages”. To appear in Handbuch der Morphologie ed. by Joachim Mugdan et al. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Accepted 1993.
Entries on 22 grammarians to appear in Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi ed. by Claudio Leonardi et al. Accepted February 1995.
“Clemens Scottus”. To appear in New Dictionary of National Biography ed. by H. C. G. Matthew. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Accepted November 1996.