Publications received published In:
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 9:3 (1982) ► pp.543557
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledged separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed.
. 1982 . From Locke to Saussure: Essays on the study of language and intellectual history . Minneapolis : Univ. of Minnesota Press , VIII, 422 pp. Cloth , $29.50 ( Paper, 12.95 ). [ The volume brings together the bulk of A’s writings since the early 1960s; they include careful studies of the ideas of Leibniz and Locke, biographies of scholars such as Thomas Sprat (1635–1713) and John Wilkins (1714–72) as well as polemics, including his well-known “The History of Linguistics and Professor Chomsky” of 1970 (101–119). Much less solid, because based on insufficient acquaintance with 19th-century linguistic theories (and guided by motives other than objective scholarship), are the more recent papers such as “Bréal vs. Schleicher: Reorientation in linguistics during the latter half of the nineteenth century” (293–334), “Taine and Saussure” (356–71), or “Bréal, ‘la sémantique’, and Saussure” (382–98). For a careful refutation of A’s argument in his paper “Wilhelm von Humboldt and the Linguistic Thought of the French Ideologues” (335–55), see now the paper by Wulf Oesterreicher in volume I of the Coseriu festschrift referred to in the HL IX:1/2 (1982) “Publications Received” rubric. In his detailed Introduction (3–41), the author puts forth his views on the inner unity of the papers brought together in the volume, and the background of his twenty years of reflection about the history of ‘the study of language’. The general index, which is quite detailed, does not seem to cover the many footnotes in the book (401–422) .]
. 1981 . Estructura del ‘Martín Fierro’ . (= Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages, 9 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XIX, 336 pp. [ The study constitutes an in-depth analysis of José Hernández’s El gaucho Martin Fierro, first published in 1878. Endnotes (303–36), no bib. and no index .]
, eds. 1981 . Studi di Linguistica italiana per Giovanni Nencioni . Firenze : no publisher , 421 pp. plus 6 errata sheets . [ This volume, dedicated to their teacher -of whom there is a portrait at the beginning of the book, prints altogether 13 papers by the first two mentioned editors as well as contributions by Pier Marco Bertinetto, Patrizia Cordin, Luciana Brandi Emanuela Cresti, Nicoletta Maraschio, Luciana Salibra, Stefania Stefanelli, Chiara Tomasi, Mario Vayra, Edoardo Vineis, and Leonardo Maria Savoia. Of particular interest to readers of HL is the long article by the last-named scholar, “Appunti per la storia della linguisyica fra ‘700 e ‘800” (351–420, bib. 416–20). There is no index .]
. 1981 . Neues Organon der Wissenschaften . Übersetzt und herausgegeben von Anton Theobald Brück . Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , V, 242 pp. Bound, DM 40 , 50 . [ Reprint of the German transl. of Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum first published in Leipzig in 1830. Bacon intended to replace the Aristotelian-scholastic concept of science by presenting – in contrast to the approach taken by pure empiricists – induction on the basis of a speculative metaphysics .]
. 1982 . Grundzüge der Sprachtheorie: Eine linguistische Einführung . Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , VIII, 204 pp. Hardcover, DM 681 ,-. [ The fairly theoretical text consists of 3 major chapters: 1., “Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachtheorie” (136), which surveys the subfields of theoretical linguistics and its different aims and approaches; 2., “Zur Theorie der Sprachsysteme” (37–144), the centre piece of the book, which presents the following 4 levels of linguistic structure: Phonology, morphology, lexicology, and syntax, and 3., “Aspekte der Sprachveränderungstheorie” (145–80), which addresses itself to questions of language change. Bib. (183–196), followed by indices of names (197–99) and subjects (200–204) .]
. 1981 . Rhetorik der Utopie: Eine Untersuchung zum ästhetischen Aufbau und argumentativen Zusammenhang der Lehrstücke Brechts . Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt in Zusammenarbeit mit Christa Hüber . München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 111 pp. [ A literary and ‘meta-structural’ analysis of Bertolt Brecht’s (1898–1956) Lehrstücke, such as “Mann ist Mann”, “Die Massnahme”, “Die Ausnahme und die Regel”, and many others .]
. 1982 . Problematische Rhetorik; Studien zur französischen Theoriebildung der Affektrhetorik zwischen Cartesianismus und Frühaufklärung . (= Reihe Rhetorik: Editionen und Untersuchungen, hgg. von Dieter Breuer et al., 2 .) München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 236 pp. [ The volume contains the following studies: “Die Entwicklung der Fragestellung” (9–32); “Die Logik von Port-Royal” (33–86); “Cordemoys ‘Discours physique de la parole’” (87–96); “Die gefährliche Rhetorik: Eine Kontroverse des spaten 17. Jahrhunderts” (97–114), and “Die Rhetorik des Bernard Lamy” (115–60). Endnotes (161–220), bib. of primary (221–23) and secondary (223–32) sources. Index of persons (233–36). – Present copy has blanks on pp.114–15, 118–19, and 122–23 and 126–27 .]
, with the collaboration of Jetske C. Rijlaarsdam et al. , comp. 1981 . Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 1978 / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1978 and supplement for previous years . The Hague-Boston-London : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers , L, 678 pp. Cloth , $150.00 . [ This most important research tool contains several sections of important information to the historian of linguistics, namely, “Festschriften” (13–18), “Biographies” (23–40), and, of course, the special section on “History of Linguistics” (76–83). However, valuable information may also be gleaned from other rubrics of the Linguistic Bibliography, such as reports of scholarly meetings (6–13), “Philosophy of Language” (55–61), which includes references to studies on pre-20th-century thinkers, and various other sections, including those devoted to individual languages or language families .]
. 1979 . La Signification: Contribution à une linguistique de la parole . (= Etudes linguistiques, 22 .) Paris : Editions Klincksieck , 332 pp. [ The first of the 4 major parts of the study is devoted to the ‘pre-history’ (Antiquity and Middle Ages, 13–23) and history of the notion of ‘(language) sign’: “L’histoire du signe de la Renaissance à l’âge de la linguistique” (24–47), and “Les données contemporaines” (48–68) till Chomsky and beyond. Notes (69–79). Index of names (313–18); bib. (319–27). The theoretical portions of the study are inspired by the theories of Gustave Guillaume (1875–1960) .]
. 1981 . Sprache als Teilhabe . (= Sprache der Gegenwart: Schriften des Instituts für deutsche Sprache, 55 .) Düsseldorf : Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann , 229 pp. [ A selection of the author’s reflections on language as a social and semiotic phenomenon made, on the occasion of Brinkmann’s 80th birthday, by Maximilian Scherner. The 12 papers appeared in print between 1965 and 1980. Of particular interest for readers of HL is his 1975 paper, “Die Sprache als Zeichen im Mittelalter” (135–56). No index .]
. 1982 . Syntax: Generative Grammar . London-Melbourne, etc. : Hutchinson ; distributed in the U.S.A. by Humanities Press , Atlantic Highlands, N.J. , 240 pp. Cloth , $31.50 ( Paper , $17.50 ). [ A sequel to the authors’ earlier book, Syntax: A linguistic introduction to sentence structure, this time focussing on problems of formalization .]
( a cura di ). 1982 . La grammatica del pensiero: Logica, linguaggio e conoscenza nell’età dell’Illuminismo . Bologna : Il Mulino , 257 pp. [ The volume brings together papers presented at a conference held in Bologna in Nov. 1976 devoted to the Enlightenment in France. Several papers were translated from French, German, or English for publication. They include the following: Sylvain Auroux, “Il programma logico dell’Illuminismo francese” (11–43); Barrie E. Bartlett, “Lo statuto epistemologico delle classi-di-parole nella ‘Grammaire générale’ de Beauzée” (56–75), and Hans Werner Arndt, “Teoria del linguaggio e conoscenza nel razionalismo classico dell’Illuminismo tedesco” (77–101). The Ital. papers include: Luigi Rosiello, “Sistema, lingua e grammatica in Condillac” (45–56), Mirella Capozzi, “Sillogismi e proposizioni singolari: due aspetti della critica di Wolff a Leibniz” (103–150), and others (devoted to the philosophies of Leibniz, Locke et al.). There is no index .]
, 1982 . Grammatica universalis tenuia rudimenta . Faksimile-Neudruck der Ausgabe Tübingen 1737 , mit einer Bio-Bibliographie von Hans Jürgen Höller und einem kommentierten Werküberblick von Herbert E[rnst] Brekle . Mit einem Bild und einer Falttafel . (= Grammatica Universalis: Meisterwerke der Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachphilosophie, 15 .) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog , 91, 72 pp. Cloth, DM 118 ,-. 1 folding table (depicting the genealogical tree of Can(t)z) . [ Following the biography of Canz (1690–1753), philosopher, rhetorician, and finally (1747–53) professor of theology at the Univ. of Tübingen (11–48), there is a bibliography of his own published work (49–51), followed by dissertations and other writings defended under his praeside (51–54), a list of secondary literature (54–57), and, finally, a detailed list of works cited by Canz in his Grammatica universalis (57–71). There is an index of Biblical citations (72), a description of the format of the original text (73–74), and a “Ueberblick über Aufbau und Inhalt des Werkes [here reprinted]” (75–91). The second part of the vol. constitutes the facs.-repr. of Conz’s Universal Grammar of 1737 .]
. 1981 . Dante a un nuovo crocevia . (= Società Dantesca Italiana, Quaderno 1 [of its] Centro du Studi e Documentazione Dantesca e Medievale .) Firenze : Libreria Commissionaria Sansoni , 111 pp. [ This monograph consists of 3 major sections entitled respectively: 1., “Parigi e Bologna: novità filosofiche e linguistiche” (9–31); 2., “Lingua universale e lingua poetica in Dante” (33–76), and 3., “Tre versioni dell’aristotelismo radicale nella “Commedia [divina di Dante]” (77–101). Index of authors (103–106) and index of citations from the work of Dante (109–110). – Cf. the review by A. Pezzoli in LeSt 16.696–97 (1981) .]
. 1979 . Histoire de la langue universelle . Beigebunden ist Les nouvelles langues internationales . Mit einem bibliographischen Nachtrag von Reinhard Haupenthal . ( Series: “Documenta Semiotica”, ed. by Walter A. Koch, Serie 1: Linguistik.) Hildesheim & New York: Georg Olms Verlag, XXXI, 576, and VIII, 112 pp., 1 folding table, and a bibl. supplement (8 unnumbered pages). Cloth, DM 108,-. This volume is basically a combined reprint of the Histoire (Paris: Hachette, 1903), and the supplement (Paris, 1907) written by L. Couturat (1868–1914) – who is perhaps best known for his 6oo-page La Logique de Leibniz d’après documents inédits (Paris: F. Alcan, 1901; repr., Hildesheim & New York: G. 01ms, 1961) – and L. Leau (1863–1943), the former the Treasurer, the latter the Secretary of the “Delegation pour l’adoption d’une langue auxiliaire internationale”. (The supplement was in fact published by that Délégation.) This history is still the most thorough account available on the subject. It consists of 3 major sections entitled “Systèmes à priori” (11–119), “Systèmes mixtes” (121–237), and “Systèmes à posteriori” (239–514), and a final chapter on “Les langues mortes”, in which the pros and cons of a classical Greek or Latin basis for ‘constructed’ languages are discussed (515–45). There is a general conclusion (547–69) and an index of proper names (571–74). The history covers the period between 1629 (Descartes) and 1902 (Carl Dietrich and the Akademi international de lingu universal, as well as Karl Fröhlich’s Reform-Latein). The best-known authors are probably George Dalgarno (1626–87), John Wilkins (1614–72), Leibniz (1646–1716), the abbé Bonifacio Sotos Ochando (f1.1845–55), and, of course, the creator of Esperanto, Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof (1859–1917), the inventor of Volapiik, Johann Martin Schleyer (1831–1912), and dozens of others. There is even a translation of a general proposal concerning the principles of universal language by Jacob Grimm of 1860 (pp.122–25). The supplement contains an interesting reference (p.41) to the activities of René de Saussure (1368–1943), a younger brother of the much more famous Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913), who in 1906 or thereabouts founded the Bureau scientifique international in Geneva, an office concerned with the adaptation of Esperanto for scientific purposes. (On René, cf. Koerner 1982 (below), pp.79–80, n. 3, for details .).
, ed. 1982 . Papers of the Thirteenth Algonquian Conference [ held at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in Toronto in Oct. 1981 ]. Ottawa : Carleton Univ. , IV, 306 pp. [ Includes 26 of the 41 papers presented at the meeting .]
, eds. 1981 , Istorija lingvističeskix učenij: Srednevkovyj vostok [ History of linguistic doctrines: The medieval Orient]. Leningrad: “Nauka” Leningradskoe otelenie, 301 pp. [This is the second vol. of a series of projected histories of linguistics – the first dealt with (especially) Western Antiquity. It brings together individual contributions varying in size and scope by specialists in the field, including contributions devoted to the grammtical traditions in Tibet, Burma, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, and Japan. The other papers are devoted, inter alia, to “Linguistics in Armenia in the 5th through 18th centuries”, “Arab Linguistics in the Middle Ages”, and Maxmud al-Kašgari’s 11th-century work on Turkish .]
, ed. 1981 . A[lardus] L[odewijk] Kók: Ont-werp der Neder-duitsche letter-konst . Uitgegeven, ingeleid en van kommentar voorzien . (= Studia Theodisca, waarin opgenomen taalkundige bijdragen van Noord en Zuid, 14 .) Assen, The Netherlands : Van Gorcum , LXII, 93 pp. [ The volume constitutes a critical edition of the Dutch scholar’s Grammar of Dutch first published in 1649 in Amsterdam: Printed for Johannes Troóst. To this, the ed. has added a detailed introduction consisting of a biography of Kók (1616–53), an evaluation of his work, and in particular an account of his book reprinted herein, in which the book is placed in historical perspective and compared with the grammatical tradition in the Netherlands. Following the critical ed. of the text (1–71), there are altogether 7 ‘bijlagen’, in fact excerpts from other publications of Kók (74–87) and (2) from his half-brother Lodewijk Meijer (1629–81) on theological questions. There is no index .]
. 1982 . Augenkommunikation: Methodenreflexion und Beispielanalyse . (= Linguistik Aktuell: Amsterdamer Arbeiten zur theoretischen und angewandten Linguistik, 2 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , VIII, 150 pp. [ On non-verbal communication, in particular on communication by visual means .]
Forum Linguisticum . Vol. V , Number 1 ( August 1980  – actually published in October 1982 ). Lake Bluff, I11. : Jupiter Press for the Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States ( siglum: LACUS ), 94 pp. For readers of HL, at least the following two items would be of interest: “The Transformational-Generative Paradigm: A Silver Anniversary Polemic” ( 1 – 35 ) by J. Peter Maher , and “ Semantics, the Philosophy of Science, and Mr. Sampson ” ( 66 – 83 ) by Sebastian Shaumyan .
, ed. 1981 . Albertus Magnus: Ausgewählte Texte . Herausgegeben und übersetzt von A. F., mit einer Kurzbibliographie von Willehad Paul Eckert . (= Texte zur Forschung, 35 .) Darmstadt : Wissenschafliche Buchgesellschaft , XXXV, 265 pp. [ Apart from a biographical sketch of Albertus Magnus’s (c.1200–1280) life and work (vii-xxx) and a select bib. (xxx-xxxii), the volume consists of selections from Albert’s writings on topics such science and methodology in general (2–41), natural science (42–117), incl. mineralogy, botany, astronomy, and other (at times pseudo-) sciences, mathematics (118–33), philosophy – the most extensive selection (134–221), and theology (222–53). The selection prints the Latin on verso, with the translation on opposite page. The volume is rounded off by extensive notes (255–65). One regrets the absence of any index .]
1981 . Introduction to the History of the Indo-European Languages . Sofia : Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , 424 pp. [ This is the first English translation of an important book first available in Russian and subsequently in Italian. Chap.1 consists of a brief history of comparative-historical linguistics, from the Neogrammarians to the present (27–40). The back matter consists of a rich bib. (365–99), an index of words (400–419), and an index “of scholars mentioned in the text” (420–24) .]
. 1982 . Les vrais principes de la langue françoise . Edition de Paris , 1747 , précédée d’une Introduction par Pierre Swiggers . (= Langues et Cultures, 14 .) Genève : Imprimerie Droz , 73, X, 432, and [IV], 471 pp. [ The bulky volume of altogether some 880 pp. consists of a facsimile-reprint of Abbé Girard’s influential Principes (in two tomes), preceded by a fairly detailed introduction by P. Swiggers containing a brief vita of Girard (1677–1748), a bib. of secondary and primary sources, an analysis of Girard’s grammatical conceptions, including an evaluation of the impact of his work, and, finally, a list of secondary sources (67–73) devoted to general questions of the principles and methods of linguistic historiography. No index to the reprint has been provided .]
, comp. 1982 . Sprachnorm, Sprachplanung und Sprachpflege: Bibliographie theoretischer Arbeiten aus Linguistik und Nachbarwissenschaften . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft, 6 .) Münster : Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität , 232 pp. [ An important bib. on language planning, consisting of the following parts: “Vorwort: Normcharakter der Sprache und Steuerung der Sprachentwicklung” (7–30), list of acronyms of periodicals (33–36), followed by a partially annotated alphabetical list of 1372 titles, and a detailed subject index (219–32) .]
1982 . The Kensington Rune-Stone is Genuine: Linguistic, practical, methodological considerations . Columbia, South Carolina : Hornbeam Press , X, 109 pp. [ The author presents an argument, on both linguistic and other grounds, in favour of the genuineness of the stone first discovered near Kensington, Minnesota, in November 1898, and which has periodically aroused consiederable interest and wide-ranging controversies .]
, ed. 1982 . Ralph of Beauvais: Glose svper Donatum . Ed. with a short introd., notes and indices . (= Aristarium, 2 .) Nijmegen : Ingenium Publishers , XXXVIII, 98 pp. [ Introductory matter, incl. an evaluation of Ralph’s place in medieval grammatical scholarship (ix-xxxviii), text edition (1–55), notes and variant readings (57–76), 2 brief appendices (77–80), followed by indices of locations, examples, and subjects (81/83–98) .]
. 1982 . Ferdinand de Saussure: Génesis y evolución de su pensamiento en el marco de la lingüística occidental. Contribución a la historia y a la teoría de la lingüística . (= Biblioteca Románica Hispánica; series III: Manuales, 55 .) Madrid : Editorial Gredos , 532 pp. Transl. into Spanish by Graciela García Montaño of the author’s 1973 book , Ferdinand de Saussure: Origin and development of his linguistic thought in western studies of language (Braunschweig: F. Vieweg), with corrections and bibliographical revisions, and a “Pròlogo a la traducción española” (pp.9–13) – note that the date on p.13 should read ‘1979’ rather than ‘1977’. Bib. (of pre-1972 publications) on pp.503–513), index of authors (515–27), and ‘Indice general’ (529–32) .
[(1905–1972)]. 1974 . Contributions à l’histoire de la grammaire italienne, espagnole et française à l’époque de la Renaissance . (= Romance Reprints, 2 .) Utrecht, The Netherlands : H&S Publishers , XII, 232 pp. [ Originally a Univ. of Amsterdam dissertation, the study was first published in 1932 (Noord-Hollandse Uitgevers Maatschappij), and had long been out of print. This pioneering work presents in 3 chapters a comparative study of the grammatical works in Italy, Spain, and France in the 15th and 16th centuries, preceded by an introductory chapter largely devoted to doctrines of orthography and pronunciation (11–85), and concluding in a chapter dealing with questions surrounding national sentiment and the study of grammar (198–213). There is a detailed bibliography (218–32), but no index .]
. 1982 . A Survey of Structural Linguistics . New edition . London : André Deutsch , 206 pp. [ The present book constitutes a reprint of the edition which first appeared in 1970 (London: Faber & Faber), to which an appendix (181–94) has been added which supplies in condensed form references to post-1970 publications as well as succinct comments on many of these devoted to the individual topics treated in the book, namely, Saussure, the Prague, Copenhagen, and various European and American structuralist schools. Terminological index (which does not cover the appendix) and an index of names (195 to 198 and 199–204) roundoff the useful textbook. For reviews of the 1970 publication, see Francis P(atrick) Dinneen in JL 7.287–91 (1971) and E. F. K. Koerner in Linguistics 91.93–101 (1972) .]
, eds. (“ im Namen der Sprachwissenschaftler der Universität Graz ”). 1980 . Hugo Schuchardt (*Gotha 1842 – †Graz 1927). Schuchardt-Symposium 1977 in Graz . (= österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften; Philos.-historische Klasse; Sitzungsberichte, 373. Band .) Wien : Verlag der Österreichischen Akad. der Wissenschaften , 314 pp. [ This volume – No.10 of the “Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Linguistik und Kommunikationsforschung” – prints the papers (plus 3 additional ones analyzing aspects of Schuchardt’s linguistic interests) presented at the Symposium held in Graz in December 1977, the 50th anniversary of Schuchardt’s death. Contributors are: Norman Denison, Christoph Schwarze, Stanislaus Hafner, Manfred Höfer, Claus Jürgen Hutterer, Wachtang Imnaischwili, Alexander V. Issatschenko, Dieter Kremers, Robert Brock Le Page, Klaus Lichem, Fritz Lochner von Hüttenbach, Hermann M. Ölberg, László Papp, Adolf Sawoff, Hans Schwerteck, Hans Joachim Simon, Karl Sornig, Wolfgang Viereck, and Mario Wandruszka. Of particular historical interest appear to be St. Hafner’s account, “H. Schuchardt und F[ranz von] Miklosich [(1813–91)]” (29–47), R. B. Le Page’s “H. Schuchardt’s Creole Studies and the Problem of Linguistic Continua” (114–45), and W. Viereck’s attempt to redress Schuchardt’s image as a theorist of linguistic change, “Sprachwandel” (275–91). There is no bibliography of Schuchardt’s writings, nor a biographical sketch of his career, and no index. Cf. T. L. Markey’s review in Lg 58.683–86 (1982) .]
. 1979 . Ausgewählte Kleine Schriften . Herausgegeben von Sigrid Deger-Jakotzy und Rüdiger Schmitt . Wiesbaden : Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag , 235 pp. [ Following a bibliography of M. Mayrhofer’s publications comp. by R. Schmitt (5–25) and covering the years 1947 – 1978, the volume reprints the following studies: “Die vorderasiatischen Arier” of 1969 (29–47); “Die Arier im Vorderen Orient – ein Mythos?” of 1974 (48–71); “Namenkundliche Zeugnisse der indischen Wanderung?” of 1960 (72–99); “Indoarisch lubh-: Homonymie oder semantische Vielfalt?” of 1966 (100–106); “Über spontanen Zerebralnasal im frühen Indo-Arisehen” of 1968 (107–115); “Behistun I 91” of 1960 (116–19); “Germano-Iranica” of 1970 (120–26); “Aus der Namenwelt Altirans” (127–41) of 1971; “Notizen zu Fremdnamen in ägyptischen Quellen” of 1971 (142–51); “Der Reiner-Test” of 1973 (152–58); “Medismen in der 1967 gefundenen Xerxex-Inschrift?” of 1973 (159–62); “Ein neuer Beleg zu der indogermanischen Sippe für ‘Halsschmuck’” of 1973 (163–66); “Xerxes, König der Könige” of 1969 (167–80); “Besprechung des Dravidian Etymological Dictionary [by Thomas Burrow & Murray B. Emeneau, Oxford 1961]” of 1961 (181–89): “Plansprachen und Sprachplanung: Geschichte, Kritik, Perspektiven” of 1974 (190–99): “Aus der Frühzeit vergleichender Sprachwissenschaft in Österreich” of 1969 -on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of Anton Boller, prof. of Sanskrit and comparative linguistics at the Univ. of Vienna (200–208); “Zu einer Deutung des Zarathustra-Namens in Nietzsches Korrespondenz” of 1970 (209–214), and “Herders Persepolis-Studien: Ein Hinweis” of 1976 (215–21). Original places of publication are given in the bib., and page references are added in square brackets. The back matter consists of “Nachträge, Berichtigungen und Querverweise” (223–24) and a detailed “Wortregister” (225–35) .]
. 1980 . Zur Gestaltung des etymologischen Wörterbuches einer “Großcorpus-Sprache” . Mit je einem Anhang von Vasilij Ivanovič Abaev sowie von Karl Hoffmann und Eva Tichy . (= österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften; Philos.-hist. Klasse; Sitzungsberichte, 368. Band .) Wien : Verlag der Österreichischen Akad. der Wissenschaften , 58 pp. [ The main portion of the volume is followed by V. A. Abaev’s 1952 (translated into German by Heinz Dieter Pohl) paper, “Die Prinzipien eines etymologischen Wörterbuchs” (29–46) and by a “Checkliste” for the establishment and/or evaluation of etymological interpretations by K. Hoffmann & E. Tichy (47–52). There are indices of authors (53), subjects (54–56), and words (57–58) .]
. 1982 . Towards a Language of Linguistics: A system of formal notions for theoretical morphology . Revised and edited by Ph[ilip] Luelsdorff . (= Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik / International Library of General Linguistics, 44 .) München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 161 pp. Paperbound, DM 381 ,-. [ The monograph is “dedicated to an old problem: that of linguistic terminology” (p.13). The author is attempting to develop a ‘scientific language’ (a metalanguage) for linguistics. The brief bib. (138–42) is followed by an index of subjects and terms (143–46), an index of Linguistic, forms quoted (147–58), morphological rules (158–59), and an index of languages (161) .]
Mille: I dibatti del Circolo Linguistico Fiorentino, 1945–1970 . (= Accademia Toscana di Scienze et Lettere “La Colombaria” .) Firenze : Leo S. Olschi , 1970 , VII, 283 pp. Publication on the occasion of the 1.000th (weekly) meeting of the Linguistic Circle of Florence created by Giacomo Devoto (1898–1974) after World War II, and whose first meeting took place on 28 Sept. 1945 (cf. this vol., p.223). It contains the following: Prefaca (‘Un esempio di modesta’) by G. Devoto, followed by contributions by the following scholars (and devoted to subjects such as historical-comparative IE linguistics, phonology, etymology, dialectology, and other subjects, incl. philology): Carlo Battisti, Giuliano Bonfante, Silvano Boscherini, Giorgio Caragata, Emidio De Felice, Pelio Fronzaroli, Gabriella Giacomelli, Carlo Alberto Mastrelli, Bruno Migliorini, Alberto Nocentini, László Pálinkás, Giovanni Pascucci, Aldo Luigi Prosdocimi, Piergiuseppe Scardigli nd Ruggero Stefanini. An historical account of the Circolo by C. A. Mastrelli (223–39) is followed by a complete listing of all individual presentations (listed by author, not chronologically) made at these meetings (241–75), comp. by the long-time secretary of the Circolo, A. Nocentini (to whom the vol. is in fact dedicated), and by a list of the topics of the annual meetings (277–81, together with a bibliographical note on reports of individual meetings, 281–82. The vol. contains in additions 3 photographs of individual sessions. – Cf. also Mutamento e Continuità below .
, eds. 1975 . Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und der Medizin: Festschrift für Georg Uschmann zum 60. Geburtstag am 18. Oktober 1973 . (= Acta Historica Leopoldina: Abhandbungen aus dem Archiv für Geschichte der Naturforschung und Medizin der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Nummer 9 .) Leipzig : Johann Ambrosius Barth for Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle/Saale , 472 pp. [ This volume, which contains accounts of the life and work of distinguished scientist such as Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859), Karl Ernst von Baer (1792–1876), Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818–96), Jan Evangelista Purkyně (1787–1869), and others, also prints the followings contributions which are of interest to historians of 19th-century linguistics: “August Schleicher und moderne Fragen der Glottogonie (Dualisierung und Ergativismus) als biologische Probleme” by Joachim-Hermann Scharf (137–219), “Wissenschaftsgeschichte auf den Versammlungen Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte im 19. Jahrhundert” by Dietrich von Engelhardt (337–59), and Hans Querner, “Darwins Deszendenzund Selektionslehre auf den deutschen Naturforseher-Versammlungen” (439–56) .]
Mutamento e Continuità nelle scienze umane e naturali: Atti del XXXVI convegno annuale del Circolo Linguistico Fiorentino, 30 ottobre 1981 . Firenze : Ed. Libr. Italiane Estere (ELITE) , 51 pp. ( Printed , April 1982 ). Following the “Presentazione” (5–14) by Carlo Alberto Mastrelli, chairman of the Circle for many years, there are three papers devoted to the history of science and linguistics: “Tradizioni e mutamenti nella storia della scienza” by Paolo Rossi Monti (15–26), “Testo, contesto ed errore nella biologia contemporanea” by Massimo Piattelli Palmarini (27–38), and “Evoluzione e mutamento nella linguistica teorica” (39–50) .
1981 . Semantic Structures for the Syntax of Complements and Auxiliaries in English . (= Janua Linguarum; Series minor, 171 .) The Hague-Paris-New York : Mouton Publishers , IX, 165 pp. Paperbd., DM 361 ,-. ( Distributed through Walter de Gruyter , Berlin & New York ). [ The study reviews the literature on English complement structures, modal auxiliaries, and related subjects, and offers original solutions. Bib. (159–63); index of names (164–65) .]
Obščestvennye nauki v SSSR [ Social sciences in the U.S.S.R. ], Moskva : Institut naučnoj informacii po obščestvennym naukam, Akademija Nauk S.S.S.R. , 1982 , Nos. 1–2 . [ The historical section of this bibliographical survey reports on items such as Lenin’s pronouncements on the Slavic languages and on Slavic linguistics (13–15), Anton Aleksandrovič Barsov’s (1730–91) Russian Grammar of 1783 (15–18) – cf. the comments on the critical ed. by Lawrence Newman of 1980 in HL VIII. 208–209 (1981), and on studies devoted to Turkish grammar in Arabic philological treatises of the 13th and 14th centuries (18–23). – No.2 carries, inter alia, an account of recent work in the history of Russian and Soviet linguistics (18–20) .]
Obščestvennye nauki za rubežom , serija 6 : Jazykoznanija . Moskva : Institut naučnoj informacii …, AN SSSR , 1982 , Nos. 1–2 . [ No.1 reviews, inter alia, Silvano Tagliagambe’s book, La mediazione linguistica: Il rapporto pensiero-lingua da Leibniz a Hegel (Milano: Feltrinelli, 1980), and Frederick J. Newmeyer’s Linguistic Theory in North America of 1980 (cf. HL VIII.107–111, for details) – on pp.14–17 and 18–23, respectively. – No.2 prints a review of the Schuchardt Symposium papers (cf. Lichem & Simon 1980 above) and also, among others, a review of Georgiev’s Introduction to the History of the Indo-European of 1981, in which they refer (p.59n.1) to the preceding versions of the book, namely, Russian (Moscow, 1958), 317 pp., and Italian (Rome 1966), 477 pp. ]
, eds. 1981 . Possibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics : Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8–14, 1979 . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 7 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , X, 854 pp. [ The volume prints – in alphabetical order – close to 40 papers by Thomas T. Ballmer, Robin N. Campbell, Aaron Cicourel, Florian Coulmaas, Marcelo Dascal, Susan Ervin-Tripp, Dorothea Franck, Hartmut Haberland, Götz Hindelang, Franz Hundsnurscher, Werner Kummer, Geoffrey Leech, Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue, Domenico Parisi) Cristiano Castelfranchi, Helmut Schnelle, Dietmar Zaefferer, and others. The volume concludes with the following back matter: a master list of References (799–831), and a combined index of names and subjects (833–54) .]
, eds. 1982 . Trends in Romance Linguistics and Philology . Volume 31 : Language and Philology in Romance . (= Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs, 14 .) The Hague-Paris-New York : Mouton [distributed through Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York] , VIII, 478 pp. [ For vols.1 and 2, see HI VIII.229 (1981) and IX:l/2 (1982), resp. – The present vol. contains contributions by Karl D(avid) Uitti, Jean-Marie Klinkenberg, Georges Mounin, Felix Karlinger, Pierre Bec, Giuseppe Franciscato, and others on the following subjects: Stylistics and poetics, semiologies of literary texts, Romance folk literature, and ‘minor’ languages such as Occitan, Rhaeto-Friulian, Sardinian, and Catalan, as well as accounts of ‘non-metropolitan Romance’, such as French outside France, Spanish outside Spain, and Portuguese in Brazil. Each contribution has a bib. appended. There is a detailed index of names (463–78), but no index of subjects and terms .]
, eds. 1982 . Trends in Romance Linguistics and Philology . Volume 41 : National and Regional Trends in Romance Linguistics and Philology . (= Trends in Linguistics, 15 .) Ibid. , VII, 331 pp. Cloth, DM 1281 ,- [ Volume 3: DM 192,-]. Under the heading of the study of Romance linguistics & philology in Romance-speaking, English-speaking, German-speaking, and Slavonic-speaking areas, respectively, the vol. consists of contributions by Rebecca Posner, Robert de Dardel, Willy Bal, Noel Corbett, Glanville Price, Helmut Lüdtke, Willem Noomen, Ebbe Spang-Hanssen, Witold Mańczak, and J. Ian Press. The most detailed contributions are those by Noel Corbett (“Romance studies in North America”, 81–126); Glanville Price (“Romance studies in Great Britain”, 127–70), and Helmut Lüdtke (“Romance linguistics in Germany and Austria”, 173–221). Most contributions have rich bibliographies. Index of names (317–31) .]
Pragmatics & Beyond: An interdisciplinary series of language studies . Vol. 11 , Nos. 5–8 . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , 1981 . [ Individual nos. are: Karl Sornig, Lexical Motivation: A study of slang, colloquialisms and casual speech (VIII, 117 pp.); Knud Lambrecht, Topic, Anti-topic and Verb Agreement in Non-Standard French (V, 113 pp.); Jan-Ola Östman, ‘You know’: A discourse-Functional Approach (VIII, 91 pp.), and Claude Zilberberg, Essai sur les modalités tensives (XI, 154 pp.)]
. 1982 . The Structure of Complementation . (= Sigla: Studies in Generative Linguistic Analysis, 3 .) Ghent-Antwerp-Brussels : E. Story-Scientia , distributed in the U.S.A. by Humanities Press , Atlantic Highlands, N.J. , XII, 172 pp. Paperbd. , $41.50 . [ Discussion of the subject on the basis of Portuguese examples. The main chaps, are entitled: “On the Portuguese verb parecer”; “On ‘missing subjects’ in Portuguese’, and “Some properties of agreement rules”.] Brussels: E. Story-Scientia, distributed by John Benjamins B. V., Amsteldijk 44, P.O.B. 52519, 1007 HA Amsterdam/North America Inc., One Buttonwood Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 19130. XII, 172 pp. Paperbd. $ 26.00. [Discussion of the subject on the basis of Portuguese examples. The main chaps. are entitled: “On the Portuguese verb parecer”; “On ‘missing subjects’ in Portuguese”, and “Some properties of agreement rules” .]
. 1982 . Problemi filosofici nelle teorie linguistiche di Ferdinand de Saussure . (= Metodologia delle Scienze e Filosofia del Linguaggio, 20 .) Roma : Editore Armando Armando , 254 pp. [ This study discusses the following topics concerning Saussurean linguistic theory: 1, “Il circuito della parole” (9–39); 2, “Linguistica e semiologia” (40–53); 3, “Langue e parole” (54–93); 4, “Linearità e rapporti sintagmatici” (94–122); 5, “La lingua è pura forma?” (123–139); 6, “Valore e significazione” (140–48); 7, “L’arbitrarietà del segno dal punto di vista del significato (signifié)” (149–68); 8, “Significato e significazione: La posizione di Saussure dinanzi a una teoria referenzialista della significazione e del significato” (169–94); 9, “Le unità delle combinazione: Linguaggio e pensiero” (195–206), and 10, “Espressione e communicazione: Linguaggio e pensiero” (207–240). There is an appendix on the last-mentioned subject with reference to Louis Hjelmslev’s extension of Saussure’s proposals (241–50). Index of authors (251–52); no comprehensive bibliography .]
. 1982 . Tipologia jazykov v sinxroničeskom i diaxroničeskom plane [ Language typology on synchronic and diachronic planes ]. Tblisi : Izd. “Mecniereba” , 181 pp. [ The seven papers united in the present volume are followed by a summary of its major points in German (173–76); they include articles giving the historical background to typological studies as well as a detailed discussion of the Saussurean ‘arbitraire du signe’. Index of authors (178–80) .]
, ed. 1975 . Evolution: Vorträge anläßlich der Jahresversammlung vom 11. bis 14. Oktober 1973 zu Halle (Saale) . (= Nova Acta Leopoldina: Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Neue Folge, Nummer 218, Band 42 .) Leipzig : Kommissionsverlag Johann Ambrosius Barth , 668 pp. [ These proceedings of a conference devoted to the topic of evolution the the physical sciences also contain several contributions dealing with aspects of evolution in the ‘mental’ and social sciences. Of particular interest to readers of HL will be the following: “Bemerkenswertes zur Geschichte der Biolinguistik und des sogenannten Sprach-Darwinismus als Einführung in das Thema ‘Aspekte der Evolution menschlicher Kultur’” by Joachim-Hermann Scharf (323–41); “Phonetische Eigenschaften von Primatenlauten im Evolutions-Aspekt” by Günter Tembrock (343 to 353); “Evolution der Sprache” by Roman Stopa (355–75). The ed. had the following document in the history of linguistics reprinted on pages 377–393 (two pages on one): August Schleicher’s (1821–68) famous paper, Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft: Offenes Sendschreiben an Herrn Dr. Ernst Häckel, a.o. Professor der Zoologie und Director des zoologischen Museums an der Universität Jena (Weimar: H. Böhlau, 1863), which Schleicher had written in response to his friend Haeckel’s (1834–1919) repeated request that he read Darwin’s Origin of Species, of which a second revised German translation had appeared in 1863 .]
, eds. 1981 . Leopoldina-Symposion “Naturwissenschaftliche Linguistik” vom 25.-29. Juli 1976 in Halle (Saale) . (= Nova Acta Leopoldina: Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Neue Folge, Nummer 245, Band 54 .) Leipzig : Kommissionsverlag Johann Ambrosius Barth , 855 pp. , many diagrams, graphs, and pictures . [ The bulk of this volume consists of papers presented by scientists, including mathematicians and communication theorists, though there are also contributions by linguists, such as Manfred Bierwisch, Helmut Gipper, Jochen Knobloch, and Roman Stopa. Of particular interest to historians of linguistics are the papers by Ulrich Ricken, “Linguistik und Naturwissenschaft in der Aufklärung” (544–64), and Konrad Koerner, “Schleichers Einfluß auf Haeckel: Schlaglichter auf die wechselseitige Abhängigkeit zwischen linguistischen und biologischen Theorien im 19. Jahrhundert” (731–745) .]
, camps. 1982 . A Guide to Manuscript Collections in the History of Psychology and Related Areas . (= Bibliographies in the History of Psychology and Psychiatry: A series, founded and edited by Robert H. Wozniak, [No.1] .) Millwood, N.Y.-London-Nendeln, Liechtenstein : Kraus International Publications , XI, 212 pp. Cloth , $45.00 . [ The bulk of the volume consists of an alphabetical listing of altogether 501 authors archived, from Donald Keith Adams (1902–1971) to Adalheid Bertha Marie Zoe Zeller (1892-). In each case the location(s) of the scientist’s papers, their approx. numbers and the period they cover are given, together with a general description of their contents and, in the case of correspondence, their major correspondence partners. (Institutions are also included within the alphabetical list, such as the American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers, the American Education Fellowship, etc.) Particularly important scholars included in the listing are, inter alia, James Mark Baldwin, Franz Boas, Edward Garrigues Boring, James McKeen Catell, and many others. This is followed by a Guide to Manuscript Repositories (149–83), and listing of sources (185–860), and 3 indexes: Names and Institutions (189–203), Repository Index (205–210), and a subject index (211–12), making the whole a very useful reference tool for historians of psychology .]
Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique . No. 3 ( Janvier 1982 ). Neuchâtel, Suisse : Institut de Linguistique, Univ. de Neuchâtel , 167 pp. Contents: “Exégèse ombrienne: Un commentaire linguistique de la Table Ia d’Iguvium (avec référence à VI a-b et VII a)” by Claude Sandoz (5–40); “Les noms de bergers de la classe Cn de Pylos: Orientations de recherches” by Marie Murtez (41–58), and “L’apologue de Ménénius Agrippa, la doctrine des souffles vitaux (skr. prāna-) et les origines du stofcisme” by Henri Quellet (59–167), the last-mentioned item going back to a study undertaken in 1974–75 but not published until now .
, ed. 1981 . Theolinguistics . (= Studiereeks Tijdsohrift VUB; Nieuwe Serie, 8 .) Brussels : Vrije Univ. Brussel , II, 379 pp. This vol. of collective articles on theology and language study contains contributions David Crystal, Jean Dierickx, Thomas Faucett, Eugene A. Nida, Paul Ricoeur, Marie-Louise Rotsaert, William J. Samarin, and others. The back matter consists of biographical notes on the contributors (369–79). There is no comprehensive bib. and no index .
1982 . Der Kleine Deutsche Sprachatlas als Arbeitsmittel . (= Studien zum Kleinen Deutschen Sprachatlas, 1 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , XII, 130 pp. Paper, DM 341 ,-. [ The first number of a limited series of monographs devoted to the Kleiner Deutscher Sprachatlas project directed by the author and Wolfgang Putschke, the present volume presents the data collected since the time of Georg Wenker (1852–1911) in 1877 in an abridged and highly structured form, including statistical analysis. There is a select bib. (126–30), but no index .]
Vivarium: An international journal for the philosophy and intellectual life of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance . Vol. XX , No. 1 , May 1982 . Leiden : E. J. Brill . [ Contains, inter alia, the following paper by E[arline] J[ennifer] Ashworth: “The Structure of Mental Language: Some problems discussed by early sixteenth century logicians” (59–83) .]
, ed. 1981 . Studien zur neuhochdeutschen Lexikographie . (= Germanistische Linguistik, 3–4, 1979 .) Hildesheim & New York : Georg Olms Verlag , 271 pp. Paper, DM 481 ,-. Following the ed.’s preface (3–8), there are the following contributions: “Probeartikel zum Frühneuhochdeutschen Handwörterbuch” (11–52) by Robert R. Anderson, Ulrich Goebel, and Oskar Reichmann; “Ein idealisiertes Graphem-system des Frühneuhochdeutschen als Grundlage für die Lemmatisierung frühneuhochdeutscher Wörter” (53–122) by the same authors; “Bedeutungserklärungen als Regel- und Sachbeschreibungen” (123–38), and “Pragmatische Informationen in neuhochdeutschen Wörterbüchern: Ein Beitrag zur praktischen Lexikologie” (139–271) by H. E. Wiegand. Of these, the last-mentioned article is of interest to readers of HL, since it contains a section on “Lexikographische Angaben zum Stil: eine historische Skizze” (147–56), in which the author distinguishes between 3 phases in the development of the Early Modern German dictionary: (a) the manly normative phase from Harsdörfer (1648) to the mid-19th century (Stieler, Steinbach, Frisch, Adelung, and Campe); (b) the ‘unsystematic-descriptive’ phase beginning with Jacob Grimm’s Deutsches Wörterbuch (1854ff.) and not ending until the mid-20th century, and (3) the systematic-descriptive modern phase since the mid-century. Bib. (262–71). No index .
, ed. 1981 . Übersetzungswissenschaft . (= Wege der Forschung, 535 .) Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , XII, 414 pp. Bound, DM 1121 ,- ( DM 65,- for members ). [ The volume brings together seminal articles published between 1959 and 1978, many of which have been translated from English, French, or Russian for the present anthology. Following an introd. by the ed. (1–23), altogether 24 articles are presented, under 3 major (and several additional minor) headings: “Sprachenpaarübergreifende Übersetzungstheorie”, “Sprachenpaarbezogene deskriptive Übersetzungswissenschaft”, and “Sprachenpaargebundene angewandte Übersetzungskunst”. Contributors are, inter alia: Eugenio Coseriu (“Falsche und richtige Fragestellungen in der Übersetzungstheorie”, 1978); Erwin Koschmieder (“Das Problem der Übersetzung”, 1965); Albrecht Neubert (“Pragmatische Aspekte der Übersetzung”, 1968); Eugene A(lbert) Nida (“Das Wesen des Übersetzens”, 1975); Roman Jakobson (“Linguistische Aspekte der Übersetzung”, 1959); Jean Paul Vinay (“Stilistik und Transformation”, 1966). There is no comprehensive bib. and no index .]
. 1982 . Grundfragen der phonometrischen Linguistik . 31 ., stark erweiterte und ergänzte Auflage . Basel-München-Paris-London-New York, etc. : S. Karger , [VII], 320 pp. [ First ed., 1936; 2nd enl. ed., 1966, both under the title of Grundfragen der Phonometrie; cf. the review of the latter by Henry M. Hoenigswald in Lg 47.189–90 (1970); an English transl., Principles of Phonometrics, appeared in 1970 (Univ. of Alabama Press); cf. the review by E. F. K. Koerner in Phonetica 24.247–52 (1971) for details, in particular concerning the important historical portion of the book. – The present ed. is largely identical with the 2nd, though the pagination has been altered in order to accomodate the Preface to the 3rd ed. (1–9). To this a large “Anhang” (227–320) has been added which reprints the following papers by Eberhard Zwirner (the only linguist of the two – Kurt Zwirner, not related to the former, is a mathematician): “Lebende Sprache: Beitrag zur Theorie und Methodikihrer Erforschung” (1962); “Phonometrischer Beitrag zur Geographie prosodischer Eigenschaften” (1962); “Zur zweiten Epoche der deutschen Mundartforschung” (1965); “Zur Herkunft und Funktion des Begriffspaares Synchronie-Diachronie” (1968); “Strukturwechsel und Realisierungswandel” (1971), and “Strukturwechsel und Lautwandel: Ein Beitrag zum Problem der Speicherung tradierter Strukturen”. – The historical portion of the volume, “Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Phonetik” (25–118), constitutes still the best survey of the study of sound available to the present day. Following a presentation of the origin and history of the term ‘phonetics’ (25–40), there is an account of the development of the discipline from the Renaissance to the beginning of the 20th century. Bib. (210–221); index of authors (222–26) .]