Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Defining swearing
- 3.Methods of investigating swearing
- 3.1Frequency of swearing
- 3.1.1Frequency according to word, gender, age
- 3.2Offensiveness of swearing
- 3.3The Swearing Paradox
- 4.Functions of swearing
- 4.1Delineations, categories, and taxonomies
- 4.2Interpersonal and pragmatic functions
- 4.2.1Expressing emotion
- 4.2.2Negative interpersonal and pragmatic functions
- 4.2.3Positive interpersonal and pragmatic functions
- and group relations: Affiliation and bonding
- effectiveness and speaker effectiveness (including dynamism, credibility or ability to achieve a task)
- management
- 5.Further inquiry and future directions
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Beers Fägersten, Kristy & Karyn Stapleton
Everybody swears on Only Murders in the Building: The interpersonal functions of scripted television swearing.
Journal of Pragmatics 216
► pp. 93 ff.

Stapleton, Karyn & Kristy Beers Fägersten
Editorial: Swearing and interpersonal pragmatics.
Journal of Pragmatics 218
► pp. 147 ff.

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