Talamayan, Fernan
Articulating populism in the Philippines: The rhetorical strategies of Joseph Estrada and Rodrigo Duterte.
Asian Politics & Policy 17:1

Baydar Çavdar, Gökçe
Surviving authenticity: Acun Ilıcalı and/as his reality-entertainment enterprise.
Celebrity Studies ► pp. 1 ff.

Huh, Jung June
The Australian Identity: Through the Othering of China.
Pacific Focus 39:3
► pp. 467 ff.

Jokanovic, Ivana & Hugo Canham
The operation of ideology in coronavirus vaccine Twitter influencer commentary.
Discourse & Communication 
Kosman, Marcin
Representation of an Elderly Person in Polish Social Campaigns. A Case Study.
Prace Językoznawcze 26:1
► pp. 283 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał & Hugo Ekström
“No longer the haven of tolerance”? The press and discursive shifts on immigration in Sweden 2010–2022.
Social Semiotics ► pp. 1 ff.

Reyaz, Mohammad
2017 Kyrgyz Presidential Elections in Domestic Media: An Analysis of the Contents of 24.kg.
SSRN Electronic Journal 
Sánchez Soriano, Juan José
“¿No es lo que pretendes, ser aceptado?”: análisis crítico de personajes LGTBI+ en series de televisión estadounidenses .
Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudios de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales 
Talamayan, Fernan & John Lee Candelaria
Populist desires, nostalgic narratives: the Marcos golden age myth and manipulation of collective memories on YouTube.
Asian Journal of Political Science ► pp. 1 ff.

Valulina, Е. V., N. V. Halina & A. V. Ilyinykh
Political communication from the standpoint of ideational turn: cognitive representation of the idea of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (in English).
Communicology 12:3
► pp. 29 ff.

Afzaal, Muhammad
Review of Literature. In
A Corpus-Based Analysis of Discourses on the Belt and Road Initiative [
Corpora and Intercultural Studies, 10],
► pp. 17 ff.

Avdagić, Kemal & Mirza Džanić
Power relations through the prism of critical discourse analysis and systemic functional grammar.
ExELL 11:1
► pp. 63 ff.

Brusenbauch Meislová, Monika
Not now! Construction of the “now-is-not-the-time” discourse of Theresa May and Boris Johnson vis-à-vis the second Scottish independence referendum.
British Politics 18:3
► pp. 321 ff.

Brusenbauch Meislová, Monika & Dan Marek
‘It’s the EU’s fault!’ Strategies of blame avoidance in Andrej Babiš’s discourse on the conflict-of-interest case.
European Politics and Society 24:3
► pp. 392 ff.

Holm, Søren, Margit Anne Petersen, Oskar Enghoff & Morten Hesse
Psychedelic discourses: A qualitative study of discussions in a Danish online forum.
International Journal of Drug Policy 112
► pp. 103945 ff.

Imran, Muhammad Asim
Redefining older Australians: moving beyond stereotypes and consumer narratives in print media representations.
Media International Australia 
Kuteleva, Anna
China’s Experiments with Social Media: Singing Along with Xi Jinping About the Belt and Road Initiative.
China Report 59:1
► pp. 80 ff.

Mustafa, Shaimaa
fairclough-based Analysis of Persuasive Strategies in Trump and Biden’s Speeches.
BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal 14:1

My Nhat, Ton Nu & Hoang Thi Thu Hien
Construction of roles, obligations and values in politicians’ discourses on anti-corruption.
Cogent Arts & Humanities 10:1

Pourroostaei Ardakani, Saeid & Ali Cheshmehzangi
Optimized Clustering Model for Healthcare Sentiments on Twitter: A Big Data Analysis Approach. In
Big Data Analytics for Smart Transport and Healthcare Systems [
Urban Sustainability, ],
► pp. 157 ff.

Russell, Eric Louis
Linguistic engagement as public health.
Gender and Language 17:1
► pp. 111 ff.

Weni Prasita, Risky Antari, Nurkhalizah Nurkhalizah & Emeliya Sukma Dara Damanik
Word Formation on Social Media.
Indonesian Gender and Society Journal 3:2
► pp. 60 ff.

Yahiaoui, Rashid
Stereotyping and vilifying the other behind the mask of humour – when a chicken smells of fear.
The European Journal of Humour Research 10:4
► pp. 130 ff.

Özoflu, Melek Aylin & Krisztina Arató
The populist framing of the Russia-Ukraine war by the Hungarian government: convergence or contestation in the EU.
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 23:4
► pp. 717 ff.

Asiah, Nur
Book review: Patrizia Anesa and Aurora Fragonara (eds), Discourse Processes Between Reason and Emotion: A Post-Disciplinary Perspective.
Discourse Studies 24:6
► pp. 806 ff.

Brock, Alexander
Book review: Thomas C Messerli, Repetition in Telecinematic Discourse. How American Sitcoms Employ Formal and Semantic Repetition in the Construction of Multimodal Humour.
Discourse Studies 24:6
► pp. 798 ff.

Gu, Xiaorong
‘Save the children!’: Governing left-behind children through family in China’s Great Migration.
Current Sociology 70:4
► pp. 513 ff.

Liu, Xiaoxu
Comparing multicultural education in China and Finland: From policy to practice.
Asian Ethnicity 23:1
► pp. 165 ff.

McCaig, Melanie, Davar Rezania & Rozita Dara
Is the Internet of Things a helpful employee? An exploratory study of discourses of Canadian farmers.
Internet of Things 17
► pp. 100466 ff.

Ranabhat, Bijaya Kumar
Critical Insights: A Perspective on Discourse Analysis.
Journal of Language and Linguistics in Society :22
► pp. 30 ff.

Alaazi, Dominic A., Alphonse Ndem Ahola, Philomina Okeke-Ihejirika, Sophie Yohani, Helen Vallianatos & Bukola Salami
Immigrants and the Western media: a critical discourse analysis of newspaper framings of African immigrant parenting in Canada.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47:19
► pp. 4478 ff.

Balkılıç, Özgür & Fatma Armağan Teke Lloyd
Does Islamic inclusion of Syrians represent a real challenge to Europe's security approach?: Dilemmas of the AKP's Syrian refugee discourse.
Turkish Studies 22:3
► pp. 357 ff.

El Shazly, Reham Farouk
The synergy of topoi and socio-cognition in ideology construction and identity reformation: war on terror discourse.
Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 13:1
► pp. 62 ff.

Türkiye’de İletişim Çalışmaları Alanında Eleştirel Söylem Çözümlemeleri: Lisansüstü Tezler Üzerine Bir İnceleme.
Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi :38
► pp. 455 ff.

Monastyrova, Liliia
Crowd phenomenon as text and discourse.
Current issues of Ukrainian linguistics theory and practice :42
► pp. 43 ff.

Zanettin, Federico
News Media Translation,

Abamosa, Juhar Yasin, Line Torbjørnsen Hilt & Kariane Westrheim
Social inclusion of refugees into higher education in Norway: A critical analysis of Norwegian higher education and integration policies.
Policy Futures in Education 18:5
► pp. 628 ff.

AR, Mazlum
lnternational Journal of Geography and Geography Education :42
► pp. 278 ff.

Munoriyarwa, Allen
A Critical Discourse Analysis of The Sunday Mail’s and The Telegraph’s Representation of Zimbabwe’s 2008 Electoral Violence.
African Journalism Studies 41:2
► pp. 1 ff.

Raelin, Joseph A
Hierarchy’s subordination of democracy and how to outrank it.
Management Learning 51:5
► pp. 620 ff.

ŞİMŞEK, Ramazan & İlhan ERDEM
Subliminal Bir Güç Göstergesi: Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Ders Kitapları.
Söylem Filoloji Dergisi 5:1
► pp. 252 ff.

Cap, Piotr
Discourse studies: Between social constructionism and linguistics. A critical overview.
Topics in Linguistics 20:2
► pp. 1 ff.

Jovanović, Srđan Mladenov & Richard J. Cook
The Operational Code Analysis of the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Official Political Discourse on Kosovo (2008-2019).
SEEU Review 14:1
► pp. 250 ff.

Jovanović, Srđan Mladenov
Headlines as Fake News: Discursive Deception in Serbia’s DailyInformer(2012–2018).
Central and Eastern European Review 12:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Jones, Katie Baker & Jana M. Hawley
“Chic but Scrupulous, Down to the Very Last Stitch”: “Style Ethics” in AmericanVogue.
Fashion Practice 9:2
► pp. 280 ff.

Jones, Natasha N. & Miriam F. Williams
The Social Justice Impact of Plain Language: A Critical Approach to Plain-Language Analysis.
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 60:4
► pp. 412 ff.

Martínez Lirola, María
Linguistic and visual strategies for portraying immigrants as people deprived of human rights†.
Social Semiotics 27:1
► pp. 21 ff.

Pafford, Audrey & Jonathan Matusitz
ABC’s Quantico.
Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies 12:3
► pp. 273 ff.

Regmi, Kapil Dev
Critical Discourse Analysis: Exploring its Philosophical Underpinnings.
Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2:1-2
► pp. 93 ff.

Waugh, Linda R., Theresa Catalano, Khaled Al Masaeed, Tom Hong Do & Paul G. Renigar
Critical Discourse Analysis: Definition, Approaches, Relation to Pragmatics, Critique, and Trends. In
Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society [
Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 4],
► pp. 71 ff.

Lövestam, Elin, Christina Fjellström, Afsaneh Koochek & Agneta Andersson
The power of language on patient‐centredness: linguistic devices in the dietetic notes of patient records.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 25:2
► pp. 225 ff.

Behnam, Biook & Behzad Mahmoudy
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Reports Issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General on Iran’s Nuclear Program during the Last Decade.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies 3:12

[no author supplied]
A Comparative Analysis of Dominance and Resistance in the Rhetoric of Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez: A CDA Perspective.
University of Chitral Journal of Linguistics and Literature 5:II
► pp. 335 ff.

[no author supplied]
2022. ,

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Any errors therein should be reported to them.