World Englishes in their Local Multilingual Ecologies
e-Book – Open Access 

ISBN 9789027245007
World Englishes coexist and interact with local languages in multilingual ecologies. Multilingual speakers use the languages in their ecologies for different functions, with different interlocutors, and at different proficiency levels. Attitudinal responses to the languages vary. Speaker groups are heterogenous manifesting only partial overlap regarding language repertoires, use, proficiencies, and attitudes. The languages in multilingual ecologies may shift in status over time. Some languages may be lost while new languages appear. Strong regional languages and English typically persist. The volume explores multilingual ecologies around the globe and the position of English within them. Case studies are drawn from Africa, East, South, and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, all written by distinguished scholars in the field who consider both standardized and non-standardized forms of English. The volume argues for a more inclusive study of World Englishes incorporating speakers’ social backgrounds as well as the other languages in their repertoires.
[Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity, 9] Expected May 2025. xii, 396 pp. + index
Publishing status: In production
© John Benjamins
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
For any use beyond this license, please contact the publisher at [email protected].
Table of Contents
List of contributors | pp. ix–xii
Investigating World Englishes in their local multilingual ecologies: An introductionManuela Vida-Mannl, Gardy Stein and Peter Siemund | pp. 1–9
Part I. Theory
Chapter 1. PrologueEdgar W. Schneider | pp. 12–19
Chapter 2. World Englishes and the third space: Insights from multilingual practices in Xhosa and EnglishRajend Mesthrie | pp. 20–37
Part II. Language policies and attitudes
Chapter 3. Hierarchies in the language ecology of BotswanaSheena Shah | pp. 40–63
Chapter 4. English in the multilingual ecology of anglophone and francophone CameroonGardy Stein | pp. 64–90
Chapter 5. Global English in multilingual Philippines: Language practices in government communicationsLoy Lising | pp. 91–115
Chapter 6. Top-down policies and the language profiles of Malaysians in a multilingual language ecologyStefanie Pillai and Siti Zaidah Zainuddin | pp. 116–142
Chapter 7. Multilingualism in Shanghai: A comparative perspective on university students’ language profiles and attitudesYongyan Zheng and Peter Siemund | pp. 143–165
Chapter 8. The linguistic ecology of CyprusManuela Vida-Mannl, Sarah Buschfeld and Kleanthes K. Grohmann | pp. 166–189
Chapter 9. English in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Historical background, new status, and future implicationsLudwig Paul and Zana Ibrahim | pp. 190–206
Part III. Case studies
Chapter 10. English in the linguistic landscape(s) of rural TanzaniaAmani Lusekelo and Roland Kießling | pp. 208–230
Chapter 11. The Zanzibari tourist space as a multilingual language ecologySusanne Mohr | pp. 231–257
Chapter 12. The sociolinguistics of English in the plurilingual ecology of Lagos (Nigeria): A pilot study on class, ethnicity, and entrepreneurshipHenning Schreiber and Mirjam Möller Nwadigo | pp. 258–290
Chapter 13. The role of English in the linguistic ecology of Northeast IndiaRobert Fuchs, Caroline Wiltshire and Priyankoo Sarmah | pp. 291–316
Chapter 14. Discourse-pragmatic like in East Asian Englishes: Focus on TaiwanJakob R. E. Leimgruber and Sofia Rüdiger | pp. 317–334
Chapter 15. Translanguaging the hero online: A case study on language ecology in praising Qatar’s Emir during the 2017–2021 blockadeIrene Theodoropoulou | pp. 335–363
Chapter 16. English as a lingua franca in Croatia’s multilingual ecologyManuela Vida-Mannl | pp. 364–383
Chapter 17. Envoi: How diverse is multilingualism research?Simone E. Pfenninger | pp. 384–395
Main BIC Subject
CFB: Sociolinguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009050: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Sociolinguistics