Subject index
- adverbial clause
238–242, 246
- adverbial subordination
230–231, 245–246, 248–249, 258
- agreement
186–188, 190, 198, 338
- past participle agreement
45, 48–49, 54, 57–58, 62, 65–70
- mass (neuter) agreement
160–16, 166–167, 175–176, 183–184, 189–193, 195–198, 200
- subject agreement
161, 248
- andative
238, 242–244, 258
- animacy
177–178, 180–181, 184, 187–188, 307
- anteriority
225–230, 234, 244, 247–248, 250, 252–256, 258–259
- anticausative construction
42, 45–46, 54, 56–60
- aspect
225, 226, 230, 237–238, 241, 244–245, 248
- auxiliary selection
35–36, 41, 43–44, 50, 53–55, 57, 59, 62–66, 69–71
- be-construction
42, 48–52, 54–56, 58, 65
- bilingual speakers
169–170, 231, 256–258, 374–375
- change of location construction
47–54, 60–63, 67
- change of location verb
44, 50, 58
- clitic
66, 139, 141, 151–152, 157, 161, 165–166, 171, 203–212, 215–216, 218–220, 233, 302, 336–338
- accusative clitic
45, 51, 154–155, 157, 160, 163–164, 203–204, 207–212, 215–216, 218–221, 335–336, 338, 343
- clitic climbing
71, 233, 236
- clitic combination
203, 205–207, 215
- dative clitic
154, 157, 160, 163, 164, 203–205, 207–212, 215, 218–220
- locative clitic
204–205, 211–212, 215, 219
- partitive clitic
204, 212, 215, 219, 221
- complementizer
152, 159, 239, 241, 268–270
- demonstrative
161–164, 175–176, 180, 185–187, 196–199, 329–331
- determiner
175, 176, 180, 185, 187, 193, 196–199
- Direct object
45, 155, 181, 208, 210–211, 329–330, 336, 340, 343
- directed conversation
- Distinctness Condition
216–218, 221
- emphatic marker
119, 124–125, 130–131, 137
- emphatic polarity
134, 137, 140
- existential constructions
61, 69, 161
- existential quantifiers
152, 186
- expletive mismo
334–335, 341–342
- feature
- aspectual feature
226, 244
- continuity feature
116, 186–188, 191, 195, 198
- formal feature
109–110, 119, 134–135, 243, 141, 307
- grammatical feature
176–177, 307
- lexical feature
150, 169, 176, 187
- propositional feature
177, 179–184, 186–187, 200
- quantificational feature
119–120, 137
- focus
81, 137, 240–241, 264, 270, 271–273, 277
- gender
65, 67, 175–177, 184–186, 188–189, 193–194, 196, 198, 200
- gender disagreement
337, 343
- neuter gender
175–177, 184–186, 193
- geocorpus
347–348, 364, 375
- gerund
225–231, 233, 235–252, 254, 256, 258–259
- adverbial gerund
229–232, 234–235, 238–242, 244, 252
- gerund construction
229–230, 250–251, 254, 256
- pseudo-periphrastic gerund234
- grammaticalization
257, 259
- have-constructions
45, 49, 52, 58, 65–66
- impersonal sentence
54, 307
- impersonal verb
50, 61–62, 66–67, 84
- indefinite
61, 66, 86, 96, 104, 180, 185, 188, 193
- Indirect object
43, 155, 181, 205, 208–209, 211, 279, 336, 338
- infinitive
152, 159–161, 163, 250, 254
- Interrogative clause
269, 307
- intervention effect
241, 266
- intransitive verb
42, 158, 161, 163, 165
- isogloss
37, 38, 114, 141, 308
- Jespersen’s Cycle
119–120, 139
- laísmo
154–155, 157–158, 160, 163–164, 166, 302
- leísmo
22, 24, 154–158, 160, 163–164, 166, 192, 302
- linearization
217, 219–220
- linguistic contact
226–227, 250, 256–258
- loísmo
24, 154, 160, 163–164, 166, 302
- m-neg
110, 112, 114, 116, 118–125, 127, 130–131, 134–138, 139–142
- mass noun
166–167, 175, 189, 191–194, 196–197
- minimizer
78, 81, 109–111, 118–119, 139–141
- negative minimizer
109–110, 118
- nominal minimizer
110, 141
- negation
78, 80–92, 94–95, 97, 99, 101, 104–105, 109–110, 112, 118–131, 133–142
- internal negation
78, 81–82, 138
- negative concord
109, 112, 123, 131, 133–135, 138–142
- negative marker
78, 81, 85, 88–89, 93–94, 95–97, 104, 119–121, 123–124, 127–138, 140–141
- negative operator
88–90, 96–97, 100, 112, 135–136, 138, 140
- negative polarity item
123, 135, 160, 163
- noun
45, 61–62, 66–67, 70, 78, 108, 110, 118, 155, 160–161, 163, 166–167, 175–176, 177–179
- null noun
175–176, 187, 198–199
- null object
210, 215, 219, 222
- Null Subject Parameter
139, 301
- number
41–43, 48, 62, 65–68, 70, 176, 186–189, 200, 209, 324–325, 334–338, 363
- number disagreement
335, 337, 343
- oral text
29–30, 321, 327–328
- passive construction
42, 60
- periphrastic passive construction
42, 46, 60
- pronominal passive construction
42, 46, 65
- past participle
41–43, 45, 48–49, 54, 57–58, 61–62, 65–68, 70, 324
- perfect tense
36, 41, 43–47, 52, 54, 57, 160
- perfect auxiliary
35, 44, 47–48, 50, 57, 59, 67, 70, 75
- present perfect
24, 66, 98
- periphrasis
228, 230, 234–237, 245
- polar questions
264, 268, 278, 279, 282–285, 287–290
- polarity
109–112, 116–117, 119–120, 123, 130, 134–138, 140–141, 160, 163, 267, 289
- polarity constructions
268, 278
- possessive
160, 161, 165, 239, 330–331
- presuppositional emphasis
119, 120, 125, 130–131, 133, 135–137
- presuppositional marker
120, 123, 127–128, 136–137, 140
- pronominal construction
42, 45, 54–58, 60, 63, 65, 67–68
- direct reflexive/reciprocal constructions
42, 46, 55, 65
- indirect reflexive
43, 45–46, 54–60, 62
- indirect reflexive passivesee passive
- pronoun
29, 42–43, 45, 54, 61, 86, 95–96, 102, 104, 154–156, 160, 163–165, 166–167, 171, 176–181, 184–188, 190, 192–193, 196–197, 198–199, 202, 204, 222, 233, 307, 324–325, 329, 330, 334, 335–336, 338, 343
- accusative pronounsee clitic
- neuter pronoun
175–181, 183–184, 186–189, 192, 196–197, 200
- nominative pronoun
151, 165–166, 180, 183, 185, 177
- personal pronoun
151, 176–177, 180–181, 183–188, 191, 324, 329
- pseudoperiphrasis
242–243, 245, 250, 258–259
- Q-morpheme
264, 268, 278, 289–290
- quantifier
78, 81, 86, 96–97, 102, 122, 137, 152, 183, 186, 198, 325, 324–328, 339, 341
- universal quantifier
137, 184
- degree quantifier
- reanalysis
110, 118–119, 121–122, 137, 141, 155
- reflexivesee pronominalsee pronoun
- simultaneity
225–226, 232, 244, 246–248, 252, 254
- stative verbs
245–246, 249
- subject
17, 42–43, 48–49, 57–58, 65, 67–68, 70, 181, 183,, 231–232, 239–242, 246, 266, 279, 285, 301
- subjunctive
160, 163, 168, 171, 302, 324
- Topic
239, 240–242, 258, 275
- transitive construction
41, 45, 52, 54, 58, 63, 64, 68
- transitivization
161, 163, 165
- unaccusative verb
36, 42, 44, 46–47, 50–52, 54, 57–59, 61–63, 65–67, 71
- unergative verb
36, 41, 45–46, 51–52, 57–59, 64
- Verb of movement
83, 235, 237, 250
- wh-movement
233, 263–264, 266–267, 270, 273, 279–280, 282–287, 289–290
- wh phrase
263–266, 268–270, 274–276, 278