On word stress in Mandarin
Evidence from the differences between
轻声 and
Qingsheng and qingyin have
long been a set of confusing concepts in Chinese linguistic studies. In
literature scholars usually agree on the use of qingsheng to
refer to the neutral tone in Mandarin. However, some scholars believe that
qingsheng is the same as qingyin and use
them interchangeably. Furthermore, the term qingyin is used to
prove that Mandarin has word stress, since word stress, or
zhongyin in Chinese is the counterpart of
qingyin. Therefore, it is important to clarify the
relationship between the two concepts, namely qingsheng and
qingyin to determine the linguistic and typological nature
of Mandarin. This study tried to differentiate these two concepts both
phonetically and phonologically and proved that qingsheng is a
result of a set of tonal processes, such as tone sandhi, tone neutralization,
tone spreading, while qingyin is a result of a series of
metrical process, such as clash and lapse. It also compared
qingsheng and qingyin on their functions,
classifications, origins, and did a quantitative study on the distribution of
the qingsheng words in Mandarin to further prove that
qingsheng and qingyin are two completely
different concepts, and hence proved that it is invalid to claim Mandarin has
word stress because of the existence of qingsheng.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1
Qingsheng vs. qingyin: Two essential
concepts in the study of word stress in Mandarin
- 1.2Contributions of the study on qingsheng vs.
qingyin to the study of language typology and language
- 1.3Difficulties: The confusion between qingsheng and
- 1.4Goals and methods
- 2.
Qingsheng theoretical analysis
- 2.1The nature of qingsheng (acoustic, perceptual)
- 2.1.1Acoustic characteristics of qingsheng
- intensity
- length
- pitch and contour
- segmental level: Vowel reduction, vowel eclipsis, and voiced
- 2.1.2The dominant features in the perception of
- 2.2The tonal process of qingsheng
- 2.2.1Tone sandhi
- 2.2.2Spreading rule
- 2.2.3Tone neutralization
- 2.3The phonological differences between qingsheng and
- 2.4The functions of qingsheng
- 2.4.1The function of distinguishing part of speech and lexical
- 2.4.2The authenticity of the pronunciation
- 2.4.3The colloquial nature of the pronunciation
- 2.5The classification of qingsheng
- 2.5.1Classified by internal structure
- 2.5.2Classified by function
- 2.5.3Classified by the original tone of the qingsheng
- 2.6The origin of qingsheng
- 2.7Cause of qingsheng
- 3.The quantity of qingsheng
- 3.1Previous statistics
- 3.2The distribution of qingsheng words in Modern
- 3.2.1Disyllabic words in Xiandai Hanyu Cidian
- 3.2.2Disyllabic qingsheng words in Modern Chinese
- 3.2.3
Qingsheng and T4
- 3.3The frequency of qingsheng
- 3.4The changes of qingsheng
- 4.Conclusions and further discussions
- Notes
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