Connor, Chloe, Michael Kranert, Sara Mckelvie, Donna Clutterbuck, Sammie McFarland, Nisreen A. Alwan & Diego S. Silva
A critical analysis of UK media characterisations of Long Covid in children and young people.
PLOS Global Public Health 4:11
► pp. e0003126 ff.

Roungtheera, Theera & Pornthip Supanfai
Investigating Translators’ Styles in The Little Prince: A Corpus-based Study.
rEFLections 31:1
► pp. 48 ff.

Säily, Tanja, Turo Vartiainen, Harri Siirtola & Terttu Nevalainen
Cai, Dianhui & Liyan Huang
Effects of input modality on alignment in continuation writing.
Journal of Second Language Writing 62
► pp. 101060 ff.

Lam Sut I, Michelle
Introduction. In
A Corpus-assisted Multimodal Analysis to Policy Addresses of Macao SAR Government [
Corpora and Intercultural Studies, 11],
► pp. 1 ff.

Livesey, Michael
Introducing the ‘conceptual archive’: A genealogy of counterterrorism in 1970s Britain.
European Journal of International Security 8:4
► pp. 471 ff.

Yu, Mandy Hoi Man & Dezheng (William) Feng
Brookes, Gavin & Paul Baker
Fear and responsibility: discourses of obesity and risk in the UK press.
Journal of Risk Research 25:3
► pp. 363 ff.

Hackert, Stephanie & Diana Wengler
Recent Grammatical Change in Postcolonial Englishes: A Real-time Study of Genitive Variation in Caribbean and Indian News Writing.
Journal of English Linguistics 50:1
► pp. 3 ff.

Isaacs, Talia, Jamie Murdoch, Zsófia Demjén & Fiona Stevenson
Examining the language demands of informed consent documents in patient recruitment to cancer trials using tools from corpus and computational linguistics.
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 26:4
► pp. 431 ff.

Prentice, Sheryl, Paul Rayson, Jo Knight, Mahmoud El-Haj & Solly Elstein
A Domain Based Approach to Semantic Lexicon Expansion.
International Journal of Lexicography 35:3
► pp. 364 ff.

Modal verbs of strong obligation in Scottish Standard English.
English Language and Linguistics 26:1
► pp. 133 ff.

Brezina, Vaclav, Abi Hawtin & Tony McEnery
The Written British National Corpus 2014 – design and comparability.
Text & Talk 41:5-6
► pp. 595 ff.

Hocking, Darryl
Artist’s statements, ‘how to guides’ and the conceptualisation of creative practice.
English for Specific Purposes 62
► pp. 103 ff.

Jamet, Denis & Pauline Rodet
How is Brexit Linguistically-Constructed ? A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of Speeches by David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson.
Observatoire de la société britannique :27
► pp. 21 ff.

Mair, Christian
Recent advances in the corpus-based study of ongoing grammatical change in English.
Text & Talk 41:5-6
► pp. 763 ff.

Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger
Fajri, Muchamad Sholakhuddin Al & Victoria Okwar
Exploring a Diachronic Change in the Use of English Relative Clauses: A Corpus-Based Study and Its Implication for Pedagogy.
Sage Open 10:4

Lillis, Theresa, Maria Leedham & Alison Twiner
Time, the Written Record, and Professional Practice: The Case of Contemporary Social Work.
Written Communication 37:4
► pp. 431 ff.

Lundberg, Jonas & Mikko Laitinen
Twitter trolls: a linguistic profile of anti-democratic discourse.
Language Sciences 79
► pp. 101268 ff.

Mair, Christian & Geoffrey N. Leech
Current Changes in English Syntax. In
The Handbook of English Linguistics,
► pp. 249 ff.

Schützler, Ole
Frequency changes and stylistic levelling of though in diachronic and synchronic varieties of English – linguistic democratisation?.
Language Sciences 79
► pp. 101266 ff.

Walsh, Catherine
Constructing Experts Without Expertise: Fiscal Reporting in the British Press, 2010–2016.
Journalism Studies 21:15
► pp. 2059 ff.

Brookes, Gavin & Tony McEnery
Corpus linguistics for indexing.
The Indexer 37:2
► pp. 105 ff.

Davies, Mark & Jong-Bok Kim
Historical shifts with the into-causative construction in American English.
Linguistics 57:1
► pp. 29 ff.

Kreischer, Kim-Sue
The relation and function of discourses: a corpus-cognitive analysis of the Irish abortion debate.
Corpora 14:1
► pp. 105 ff.

Brezina, Vaclav
Collocation Graphs and Networks: Selected Applications. In
Lexical Collocation Analysis [
Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, ],
► pp. 59 ff.

Brezina, Vaclav
Statistics in Corpus Linguistics,

Collins, Peter & Xinyue Yao
Collins, Peter & Xinyue Yao
AusBrown: A new diachronic corpus of Australian English.
ICAME Journal 43:1
► pp. 5 ff.

Fuster-Márquez, Miguel & Carmen Gregori-Signes
Persuading consumers: The use of conditional constructions in British hotel websites.
Discourse & Communication 12:6
► pp. 587 ff.

Murphy, M. Lynne
American and British English: Divided by a Common Language?.
Journal of English Linguistics 46:4
► pp. 351 ff.

Owen, Thomas & Taylor Annabell
The Panama Papers in New Zealand media: A modern diachronic corpus assisted discourse study.
Discourse, Context & Media 24
► pp. 117 ff.

Paterson, Laura L.
‘You Can Just Give Those Documents to Myself’. In
Corpus Approaches to Contemporary British Speech,
► pp. 235 ff.

Paterson, Laura L.
Non-sexist Language Policy and the Rise (and Fall?) of Combined Pronouns in British and American Written English.
Journal of English Linguistics 48:3
► pp. 258 ff.

Davies, Mark
Using Large Online Corpora to Examine Lexical, Semantic, and Cultural Variation in Different Dialects and Time Periods. In
Studies in Corpus-Based Sociolinguistics,
► pp. 19 ff.

Křen, Michal
Grammatical Change Trends in Contemporary Czech Newspapers.
Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis 68:2
► pp. 238 ff.

Rühlemann, Christoph & Martin Hilpert
Anthony, Laurence & Paul Baker
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics ► pp. 273 ff.

Brezina, Vaclav & Dana Gablasova
Is There a Core General Vocabulary? Introducing the New General Service List.
Applied Linguistics 36:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Brezina, Vaclav, Tony McEnery & Stephen Wattam
Hackert, Stephanie & Dagmar Deuber
Kitis, Eliza & E. Dimitris Kitis
Meaning Ruptures and Meaningful Eruptions in the Service of Rhetoric: Populist Flare-Up Hits the Greek Political Pitch. In
The Exercise of Power in Communication,
► pp. 43 ff.

Al-Thubaity, Abdulmohsen, Hend Al-Khalifa, Reem Alqifari & Manal Almazrua
Proposed Framework for the Evaluation of Standalone Corpora Processing Systems: An Application to Arabic Corpora.
The Scientific World Journal 2014
► pp. 1 ff.

Schalley, Andrea C., Simon Musgrave & Michael Haugh
Accessing Phonetic Variation in Spoken Language Corpora through Non-standard Orthography.
Australian Journal of Linguistics 34:1
► pp. 139 ff.

Stajner, Sanja, Ruslan Mitkov & Geoffrey Leech
Natural Language Processing methodology for tracking diachronic changes in the 20th century English language.
Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science 1:1
► pp. 71 ff.

Taylor, Charlotte
Searching for similarity using corpus-assisted discourse studies.
Corpora 8:1
► pp. 81 ff.

Yao, Xinyue & Peter Collins
Recent change in non-present perfect constructions in British and American English.
Corpora 8:1
► pp. 115 ff.

Yao, Xinyue & Peter Collins
Developments in Australian, British, and American English Grammar from 1931 to 2006: An Aggregate, Comparative Approach to Dialectal Variation and Change.
Journal of English Linguistics 47:2
► pp. 120 ff.

Hoffmann, Sebastian
Corpora: English‐Language. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Hundt, Marianne & Geoffrey Leech
“Small is beautiful”: On the value of standard reference corpora for observing recent grammatical change. In
The Oxford Handbook of the History of English,
► pp. 175 ff.

Pollach, Irene
Taming Textual Data: The Contribution of Corpus Linguistics to Computer-Aided Text Analysis.
Organizational Research Methods 15:2
► pp. 263 ff.

Baker, Paul
Times May Change, But We Will Always Have Money: Diachronic Variation in Recent British English.
Journal of English Linguistics 39:1
► pp. 65 ff.

Partington, Alan
Modern Diachronic Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (MD-CADS) on UK newspapers: an overview of the project.
Corpora 5:2
► pp. 83 ff.

Partington, Alan
Intimations of ‘Spring’? What Got Said and What Didn’t Get Said about the Start of the Middle Eastern/North African Uprisings: A Corpus-assisted Discourse Study of a Historical Event. In
Exploring Silence and Absence in Discourse,
► pp. 95 ff.

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Technological solutions to offending. In
Understanding and Preventing Online Sexual Exploitation of Children,
► pp. 244 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 6 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.