Gries, St. Th.2010. “Dispersions and adjusted frequencies in corpora: Further explorations”. In St. Th. Gries, S. Wulff & M. Davies (Eds.), Corpus Linguistic Applications: Current Studies, New Directions. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 197–212.
Cited by (24)
Cited by 24 other publications
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2024. Groundhog Day is Not a Good Model for Corpus Dispersion. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics► pp. 1 ff.
Burch, Brent & Jesse Egbert
2023. Word Use Equivalence and Hierarchical Word Tiers. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 30:1 ► pp. 104 ff.
Huang, Ping-Yu
2023. A frequency, coverage, and dispersion analysis of the academic collocation list in university student writing. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
Van Hoey, Thomas
2023. ABB, a salient prototype of collocate–ideophone constructions in Mandarin Chinese. Cognitive Linguistics 0:0
Wolfer, Sascha & Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
2023. Tracking the acceptance of neologisms in German: Psycholinguistic factors and their correspondence with corpus-linguistic findings. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10:1
Xia, Detong, Yudi Chen & Hye K. Pae
2023. Lexical and grammatical collocations in beginning and intermediate L2 argumentative essays: a bigram study. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:4 ► pp. 1421 ff.
Adamov, Abzetdin Z. & Gozel Khasanova
2022. 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), ► pp. 1 ff.
McGrath, Darby & Cassi Liardét
2022. A corpus-assisted analysis of grammatical metaphors in successful student writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 56 ► pp. 101090 ff.
McGrath, Darby & Cassi Liardét
2023. Grammatical metaphor across disciplines: Variation, frequency, and dispersion. English for Specific Purposes 69 ► pp. 33 ff.
Candarli, Duygu
2021. A longitudinal study of multi-word constructions in L2 academic writing: the effects of frequency and dispersion. Reading and Writing 34:5 ► pp. 1191 ff.
Gries, Stefan Th.
2021. A new approach to (key) keywords analysis: Using frequency, and now also dispersion. Research in Corpus Linguistics 9:2 ► pp. 1 ff.
Th Gries, Stefan
Corrections to Nelson (2023):
are Not Wrong on Pi at All
. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 31:1 ► pp. 43 ff.
Th. Gries, Stefan
2020. Analyzing Dispersion. In A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics, ► pp. 99 ff.
Omidian, Taha & Anna Siyanova-Chanturia
2021. Parameters of variation in the use of words in empirical research writing. English for Specific Purposes 62 ► pp. 15 ff.
2020. Who's afraid of phrasal verbs? The use of phrasal verbs in expert academic writing in the discipline of linguistics. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 43 ► pp. 100814 ff.
2019. Functional language in curriculum genres: Implications for testing international teaching assistants. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 41 ► pp. 100766 ff.
Cotos, Elena & Yoo‐Ree Chung
2018. Domain Description: Validating the Interpretation of the TOEFL iBT® Speaking Scores for International Teaching Assistant Screening and Certification Purposes. ETS Research Report Series 2018:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Ebeling, Jarle & Signe O. Ebeling
2018. Comparingn-gram-based functional categories in originalversustranslated texts. Corpora 13:3 ► pp. 347 ff.
Divjak, Dagmar
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Lijffijt, Jefrey, Terttu Nevalainen, Tanja Säily, Panagiotis Papapetrou, Kai Puolamäki & Heikki Mannila
2016. Significance testing of word frequencies in corpora. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 31:2 ► pp. 374 ff.
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