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Sharples, Mike, Eileen Scanlon, Shaaron Ainsworth, Stamatina Anastopoulou, Trevor Collins, Charles Crook, Ann Jones, Lucinda Kerawalla, Karen Littleton, Paul Mulholland & Claire O’Malley
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Suzuki, Mariko, Itsuo Hatono, Tetsuo Ogino, Fusako Kusunoki, Hidefusa Sakamoto, Kazuhiko Sawada, Yasuhiro Hoki, Katsuya Ifuku & Taiji Kubo
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Suzuki, Mariko, Itsuo Hatono, Tetsuo Ogino, Fusako Kusunoki, Hidefusa Sakamoto, Kazuhiko Sawada, Yasuhiro Hoki & Katsuya Ifuku
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Tarumi, Hiroyuki, Keitaro Yamada, Takafumi Daikoku, Fusako Kusunoki, Shigenori Inagaki, Makiko Takenaka, Toshihiro Hayashi & Masahiko Yano
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Laru, Jari & Sanna Järvelä
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Yarnall, Louise, Nicole Shechtman & William R. Penuel
Using Handheld Computers to Support Improved Classroom Assessment in Science: Results from a Field Trial.
Journal of Science Education and Technology 15:2
► pp. 142 ff.

Han-Zen Chang, Yi-Chan Deng, Mong-Chen Chiang, Hui-Chun Liao & Tak-Wai Chan
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'05),
► pp. 222 ff.

Hui-Chun Liao, Yi-Chan Deng, Mong-Chen Chiang, Han-Zen Chang & Tak-Wai Chan
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'05),
► pp. 376 ff.

Kuang-Cheng Feng, Ben Chang, Chih-Hung Lai & Tak-Wai Chan
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'05),
► pp. 543 ff.

Lagos, María Ester, Miguel Nussbaum & Francisca Capponi
A Mediation Model for Large Group Collaborative Teaching. In
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3706],
► pp. 263 ff.

Mong-Chen Chiang, Yi-Chan Deng, Han-Zen Chang, Hui-Chun Liao, Chin-Wen Ho & Tak-Wai Chan
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education (WMTE'05),
► pp. 93 ff.

Pea, Roy D. & Heidy Maldonado
WILD for Learning. In
The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences,
► pp. 427 ff.

Raymond, D., Y. Yano, C.E. Mauad, V. Baudin-Thomas, T. Gayraud, M. Diaz, K. Kanenishi & K. Matsuura
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education (WMTE'05),
► pp. 59 ff.

Roschelle, J., M. Sharples & T. W. Chan
Introduction to the special issue on wireless and mobile technologies in education.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 21:3
► pp. 159 ff.

Swan, Karen, Mark van ‘t Hooft, Annette Kratcoski & Darlene Unger
Uses and Effects of Mobile Computing Devices in K–8 Classrooms.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 38:1
► pp. 99 ff.

Swan, Karen, Annette Kratcoski, Pat Mazzer & Jason Schenker
Bringing Mohamed to the Mountain: Situated Professional Development in a Ubiquitous Computing Classroom.
Journal of Educational Computing Research 32:4
► pp. 353 ff.

Hentea, M.
ITRE 2004. 2nd International Conference Information Technology: Research and Education,
► pp. 91 ff.

Klopfer, Eric, Susan Yoon & Luz Rivas
Comparative analysis of Palm and wearable computers for Participatory Simulations.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 20:5
► pp. 347 ff.

Leach *, Jenny, Rakhee Patel, Alexis Peters, Thomas Power, Atef Ahmed & Shumi Makalima
Deep impact: a study of the use of hand‐held computers for teacher professional development in primary schools in the Global South1.
European Journal of Teacher Education 27:1
► pp. 5 ff.

Legrand, R. & M. Joab
Information Technology Based Proceedings of the FIfth International Conference onHigher Education and Training, 2004. ITHET 2004.,
► pp. 194 ff.

Norris, Cathleen & Elliot Soloway
Envisioning the Handheld-Centric Classroom.
Journal of Educational Computing Research 30:4
► pp. 281 ff.

Penuel, William R., Deborah G. Tatar & Jeremy Roschelle
The Role of Research on Contexts of Teaching Practice in Informing the Design of Handheld Learning Technologies.
Journal of Educational Computing Research 30:4
► pp. 353 ff.

Singh, G., L. Denoue & A. Das
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings.,
► pp. 163 ff.

Van ‘T Hooft, Mark, Sebastián DÍaz & Karen Swan
Examining the Potential of Handheld Computers: Findings from the Ohio PEP Project.
Journal of Educational Computing Research 30:4
► pp. 295 ff.

Yi-Chan Deng, Sung-Bin Chang, Li-Jie Chang & Tak-Wai Cha
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings.,
► pp. 177 ff.

Liu, T.C., H.Y. Wang, J.K. Liang, T.W. Chan, H.W. Ko & J.C. Yang
Wireless and mobile technologies to enhance teaching and learning.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 19:3
► pp. 371 ff.

Means, Barbara, Jeremy Roschelle, William Penuel, Nora Sabelli & Geneva Haertel
Chapter 5: Technology’s Contribution to Teaching and Policy: Efficiency, Standardization, or Transformation?.
Review of Research in Education 27:1
► pp. 159 ff.

Pinkwart, N., H.U. Hoppe, M. Milrad & J. Perez
Educational scenarios for cooperative use of Personal Digital Assistants.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 19:3
► pp. 383 ff.

Roschelle, J.
Keynote paper: Unlocking the learning value of wireless mobile devices.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 19:3
► pp. 260 ff.

Tatar, D., J. Roschelle, P. Vahey & W.R. Penuel
Handhelds go to school: lessons learned.
Computer 36:9
► pp. 30 ff.

Roschelle, J., C. Patton & R. Pea
Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education,
► pp. 2 ff.

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Compilation of References. In
E-Learning 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education,
► pp. 0 ff.

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Sustainability for Innovative Education – The Case of Mobile Learning.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2015:1

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Grounding Technology in the Learning Sciences. In
The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences,
► pp. 279 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 6 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.