Linguistic Insecurities and Authorities
19th- and 21st-century language commentary on French
e-Book – Ordering information
ISBN 9789027244956 | EUR 130.00
| USD 169.00
This book offers two new perspectives on language attitudes and ideologies. First, it compares language commentary from two thus far relatively neglected time periods: the 19th and 21st centuries. Second, it draws on non-traditional, dialogic sources to explore not only the well-studied “expert” views on language but also the perspectives of the “audience” engaging with these texts. Using France and the French language as its case study, the book explores the areas of stability and change in questions of linguistic authority, insecurity, and correctness. It sheds new light on the evolution of the long-established genre of language commentary and deepens our understanding of the language attitudes and ideologies that shape how language is viewed, discussed and judged. This book will appeal to linguists interested in language attitudes and ideologies in both historical and contemporary contexts.
[IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, 54] Expected April 2025. xvi, 259 pp. + index
Publishing status: In production
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
List of tables | pp. ix–xii
List of figures | pp. xiii–xiv
Acknowledgements | pp. xv–xvi
Introduction | pp. 1–5
Part I. Background and theory
Chapter 1. Studying language attitudes and ideologies | pp. 8–19
Chapter 2. A history of language commentary in France from the 16th to the 21st century | pp. 20–51
Chapter 3. Examining the corpora: The experts and their audiences | pp. 52–83
Part II. Analysis of sources
Chapter 4. Areas of doubt and difficulty in the French language: Le Courrier de Vaugelas (19th century) and the Courrier des internautes (21st century) | pp. 86–128
Chapter 5. Creating and negotiating authority: Le Courrier de Vaugelas (19th century) and the Courrier des internautes (21st century) | pp. 129–165
Chapter 6. Strategies of critique and justification in language advice publications from the 19th century (Le Courrier de Vaugelas) and the 21st century (Courrier des internautes) | pp. 166–199
Chapter 7. Online language commentary from the “audience” perspective: Comment analysis (Langue sauce piquante and Bescherelle ta mère) | pp. 200–231
Conclusion | pp. 232–239
Bibliography | pp. 240–260
Main BIC Subject
CFB: Sociolinguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009050: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Sociolinguistics