Much recent research has contributed to the emergence of a moral turn in (im)politeness research, further confirming the evaluative nature of (im)politeness and the moral basis of (im)politeness evaluations, and further illuminating, among other things, what is really at work when (im)politeness evaluations take place, what the moral order consists of and how the moral order influences (im)politeness evaluations. Meanwhile, thanks to much emphasis on the instrumentality of words and utterances, a distinction can be discerned between ‘politeness without’ (or practical politeness) and ‘politeness within’ (or true politeness). Politeness within is true and truthful, but politeness without is not necessarily so. True politeness may be in when self is out. This special issue aims to further foreground the link between (im)politeness and morality in people’s online interactions, revealing something about ourselves and about our life-worlds.
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2024. Theorizing impoliteness: a Levinasian perspective. Journal of Politeness Research 20:1 ► pp. 157 ff.
Altahmazi, Thulfiqar Hussein & Raith Zeher Abid
2023. ‘Relatively civilized, relatively European’: Offence and online (de)normalization of media racism. Discourse & Society 34:5 ► pp. 527 ff.
Björkenfeldt, Oscar & Linnea Gustafsson
2023. Impoliteness and morality as instruments of destructive informal social control in online harassment targeting Swedish journalists. Language & Communication 93 ► pp. 172 ff.
Orthaber, Sara
2023. On (Im)politeness. In (Im)politeness at a Slovenian Call Centre [Advances in (Im)politeness Studies, ], ► pp. 11 ff.
Saz-Rubio, Ma Milagros del
2023. Assessing impoliteness-related language in response to a season's greeting posted by the Spanish and English Prime Ministers on Twitter. Journal of Pragmatics 206 ► pp. 31 ff.
Altahmazi, Thulfiqar Hussein M.
2022. Impoliteness in Twitter diplomacy: offence giving and taking in Middle East diplomatic crises. Journal of Politeness Research 18:2 ► pp. 281 ff.
Fetzer, Anita
2022. ‘For (…) a leader like this Prime Minister to talk about morals and morality is a disgrace’: offensive action, uptake and moral implications in the context of parliamentary debates. Language & Communication 87 ► pp. 135 ff.
Landone, Elena
2022. Tools for Online Politeness. In Methodology in Politeness Research [Advances in (Im)politeness Studies, ], ► pp. 231 ff.
Makarova, Veronika
2022. Self-Praise in Russian: A Wild Goose Chase. In Self-Praise Across Cultures and Contexts [Advances in (Im)politeness Studies, ], ► pp. 315 ff.
Zhao, Linsen & Yongping Ran
2022. Rationalizing impoliteness: Taking offence and providing vicarious accounts in mother-in-law/daughter-in-law conflict mediation. Journal of Pragmatics 197 ► pp. 69 ff.
Blitvich, Pilar Garcés-Conejos & Dániel Z. Kádár
2021. Morality in Sociopragmatics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics, ► pp. 385 ff.
Bou-Franch, Patricia
2021. Evaluation, Conflict and Prescriptive Metapragmatic Comments: (Re)constructing Transmedia Stories. In Analyzing Digital Discourses, ► pp. 189 ff.
Xie, Chaoqun & Francisco Yus
2021. Digitally Mediated Communication. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics, ► pp. 454 ff.
2021. Introduction: Approaching (Im)politeness Philosophically. In The Philosophy of (Im)politeness [Advances in (Im)politeness Studies, ], ► pp. 1 ff.
Xie, Chaoqun
2021. Philosophizing (Im)politeness: Lived Experience, Desire and Human Nature. In The Philosophy of (Im)politeness [Advances in (Im)politeness Studies, ], ► pp. 225 ff.
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2021. Topics and Settings in Sociopragmatics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics, ► pp. 247 ff.
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