Research report
The situational context and the reliability of an adult model influence infants’ imitation
Four studies examined 15- to 16-month-olds’ imitation of a model’s novel action with a familiar or an unfamiliar
object. The infants observed a reliable or an unreliable model demonstrating a novel action with the object in a solitary
observational (Study 1, 44 infants; Study 3, 40 infants) or in an interactive (Study 2, 48 infants; Study 4, 44 infants) context.
The model’s reliability was manipulated by having the model acting competently or incompetently with different familiar objects.
In two out of four studies infants imitated the model’s behavior when the model had previously shown to be reliable than when the
model had been unreliable. The infants’ motivation to imitate was related to whether the reliable model interacted with the
infants during object demonstration. More infants imitated the reliable model, who demonstrated the objects while interacting with
the infants, than the reliable model who behaved in a disinterested manner during object demonstration.
Article outline
- The current research
- Study 1: Familiar object – no interaction
- Method
- Experimental conditions
- Demonstration phase
- Imitation phase
- Procedure
- Coding and reliability
- Manipulation checks
- Measures of infant variables
- Demonstration phase
- Imitation phase
- Results
- Discussion
- Study 2: Familiar object with interaction
- Method
- Experimental conditions
- Procedure
- Coding and reliability
- Manipulation checks
- Measures of infant variables
- Demonstration phase
- Imitation phase
- Results
- Discussion
- Study 1 vs. Study 2
- Study 3: Unfamiliar object – no interaction
- Method
- Experimental conditions
- Procedure
- Coding and reliability
- Manipulation checks
- Measures of infant variables
- Demonstration phase
- Imitation phase
- Results
- Discussion
- Study 4: Unfamiliar object with interaction
- Method
- Experimental conditions
- Procedure
- Coding and reliability
- Manipulation checks
- Measures of infant variables
- Demonstration phase
- Imitation phase
- Results
- Discussion
- Study 3 vs. Study 4
- Acknowledgements
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