The Multiple-Choice Cloze Test as a General Language Proficiency Test
Wim Jochems | Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
This article presents axsd discusses a number of empirical findings conœroing the validity of multiple-choice cloze tests as tests of general language proficiency. Foreign students of Dutch at Delft University of Technology were given both a series of separate proficiency tests in nstemng, speaking, reading, writing and text comprehension, and a series of multiple-choice cloze tests. Scores on the multiple-choice cloze tests were found to correlate significantly with each of the proficiency tests. In addition, scores made on the multiple-choice cloze tests appeared to form a solid basis for predictions of the total scores for listening, speaking, reading and writing taken together. Finally, a close structural similarity was found to exist between curves of average scores on successive multiple-choice cloze tests and the presupposed growth of vocabulary during the language learning process. Together, these findings tend to show that multiple-choice cloze tests constitute a valid instrument for measuring general language proficiency.
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