Considerable depth and breadth of research on Chinese English has been undertaken over the last three to four decades, contributing to the epistemological advancement of a number of academic disciplines, including world Englishes, Intercultural Communication, and Cultural Linguistics. Researching Chinese English involves engaging in ongoing theoretical developments in relevant disciplines that primarily focus on language and cultural studies, and the globalization and nativization of English in China. In this paper, we explore a Cultural Linguistics approach to researching Chinese English, and use cultural conceptualizations, including cultural schema, cultural category, and cultural metaphor, as the analytical framework with which to analyze a range of empirical linguistic data, including interviews, newspaper articles, textbooks, literary works by authors writing in Chinese English, and online media articles about China. We also draw out implications from researching Chinese cultural conceptualizations for intercultural communication involving Chinese speakers of English.
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Sharifian, F. (2009). Cultural conceptualizations in English as an international language. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), English as an international language: Perspectives and pedagogical issues (pp. 242–253). Bristol, Buffalo and Toronto: Multilingual Matters.
Sharifian, F. (2013a). Cultural Linguistics. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 1590–1596). New Jersey, Boston, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Sharifian, F. (2013b). Globalisation and developing metacultural competence in learning English as an international language. Multilingual Education, 3(7), 1–11.
Sharifian, F. (2014a). Conceptual metaphor in intercultural communication between speakers of Aboriginal English and Australian English. In A. Musolff, F. MacArthur, & G. Pagani (Eds.), Metaphor and intercultural communication (pp. 117–130). London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomsbury.
Sharifian, F. (2014b). Cultural Linguistics. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language and culture (pp. 473–492). London and New York: Routledge.
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Xu, Z. (2014). A Cultural Linguistics approach to Asian Englishes. Asian Englishes, 16(2), 173–179.
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