The rise of a concessive “category reassessment” construction
But fear all the same
In the Late Modern English period, several expressions arose with concessive ‘despite what might be expected’
meaning, among them
anyway, nonetheless and
all the same (
Lenker 2010). The topic of this paper is the rise of the specialized concessive construction “but (
be) X all
the same”. In the full rhetorical formula of which it is a part, X is initially represented as not having properties Y but
nevertheless as having sufficient other relevant properties to be classified as X, as in “…fear. It is not the eye-rolling,
quaking fear seen in police states, but it is fear all the same” (1963
coha). Here the writer concedes that there is fear
despite Y (see
Horn [1991] on “redundant information”) and invites the addressee to
reinterpret the initial X retrospectively (see
Haselow [2013] on functions of “final
particles”). Using data mainly from
clmet3.0 and
coha, I discuss the conventionalization of this construction in
terms of Diachronic Construction Grammar and argue alongside, for example,
Cappelle (2017) and
(2019) that pragmatics should be given a larger role in construction grammar than has often been the case in the
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data and methodology
- 3.A brief outline of the rise of the concessive connective marker all the same
- 4.Phrasal adjunct use of all the same in “but (be) X all the same”
- 5.Discussion
- 5.1From a pragmatic perspective
- 5.2From a constructional perspective
- 5.3From a Diachronic Construction Grammar perspective
- 6.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
“But I Hate Him Just the Same”: On the Rise of Concessive Markers with Same.
Journal of English Linguistics 51:4
► pp. 311 ff.

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