Amir Piliang, Yasraf, Tri Sulistyaningtyas & Ghina Zoraya Azhar
Dual discursive articulation: languages of persuasion and resistance in street library community.
Critical Discourse Studies 22:1
► pp. 70 ff.

Breazu, Petre & Aidan McGarry
Romaphobia in the UK Right-Wing Press: racist and populist discourse during the Brexit referendum.
Social Semiotics 34:4
► pp. 593 ff.

Elnakkouzi, Rania
The argumentative function of rescue narratives: Trump’s national security rhetoric as a case study.
Critical Discourse Studies 21:1
► pp. 17 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał & Hugo Ekström
“No longer the haven of tolerance”? The press and discursive shifts on immigration in Sweden 2010–2022.
Social Semiotics ► pp. 1 ff.

Lucchesi, Dario & Vincenzo Romania
‘Italians locked at home, illegal migrants free to disembark’: How populist parties re-contextualized the anti-immigration discourse at the time of COVID-19 pandemic.
Discourse & Society 35:1
► pp. 83 ff.

Oh, Dayei & John Downey
Does algorithmic content moderation promote democratic discourse? Radical democratic critique of toxic language AI.
Information, Communication & Society ► pp. 1 ff.

Olivas Osuna, José Javier
Peterssen, Silvia & Augusto Soares da Silva
Robles, Jessica S. & Bingjuan Xiong
Stravato Emes, Claire
Is it about “them”? leveraging big data research to understand anti-immigrant discourse.
Big Data & Society 11:2

Thiele, Daniel, Mojca Pajnik, Birgit Sauer & Iztok Šori
Unal, Didem
The variety of anti-gender alliances and democratic backsliding in Turkey: fault lines around opposition to “gender ideology” and their political implications.
International Feminist Journal of Politics 26:1
► pp. 6 ff.

Zhang, Yue & Surinderpal Kaur
Altahmazi, Thulfiqar Hussein & Raith Zeher Abid
‘Relatively civilized, relatively European’: Offence and online (de)normalization of media racism.
Discourse & Society 34:5
► pp. 527 ff.

Dobkiewicz, Patryk, Agnieszka Chmiel & Małgorzata Fabiszak
Source text ideological load modulates ideological shifts in interpreting right-wing and left-wing political discourse, but interpreters’ political orientation does not.
Ampersand 11
► pp. 100151 ff.

Ekström, Hugo, Michał Krzyżanowski & David Johnson
Saying ‘Criminality’, meaning ‘immigration’? Proxy discourses and public implicatures in the normalisation of the politics of exclusion.
Critical Discourse Studies ► pp. 1 ff.

Ekström, Mats
Authoritarianism in the discourse of online forums: A study of its articulations in the Swedish context.
Nordicom Review 44:2
► pp. 194 ff.

Farkas, Johan & Yiping Xia
Krzyżanowski, Michał, Ruth Wodak, Hannah Bradby, Mattias Gardell, Aristotle Kallis, Natalia Krzyżanowska, Cas Mudde & Jens Rydgren
Lucchesi, Dario & Andrea Cerase
Da "angeli del mare" a "complici dei trafficanti": la politicizzazione del discorso sovranista contro le ONG umanitarie.
► pp. 153 ff.

Tuomola, Salla & Karin Wahl-Jorgensen
Emotion Mobilisation through the Imagery of People in Finnish-Language Right-Wing Alternative Media.
Digital Journalism 11:1
► pp. 61 ff.

Yu, Mandy Hoi Man & Dezheng (William) Feng
Zawadzka-Paluektau, Natalia
Ukrainian refugees in Polish press.
Discourse & Communication 17:1
► pp. 96 ff.

Cammaerts, Bart
The abnormalisation of social justice: The ‘anti-woke culture war’ discourse in the UK.
Discourse & Society 33:6
► pp. 730 ff.

Cammaerts, Bart
Defending Democracy Against Populist Neo-Fascist Attacks: The Role and Problems of Public Sphere Theory.
Javnost - The Public 31:1
► pp. 26 ff.

Hummel, Joshua R.
“American Defenders Against an Illegal Invasion”: Dual Racialization Processes in Collective Identity Formation.
American Behavioral Scientist 66:12
► pp. 1688 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał & Mats Ekström
The normalization of far-right populism and nativist authoritarianism: discursive practices in media, journalism and the wider public sphere/s.
Discourse & Society 33:6
► pp. 719 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał & Natalia Krzyżanowska
Narrating the ‘new normal’ or pre-legitimising media control? COVID-19 and the discursive shifts in the far-right imaginary of ‘crisis’ as a normalisation strategy.
Discourse & Society 33:6
► pp. 805 ff.

Müller, Pia, Stefan Harrendorf & Antonia Mischler
Linguistic Radicalisation of Right-Wing and Salafi Jihadist Groups in Social Media: a Corpus-Driven Lexicometric Analysis.
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 28:2
► pp. 203 ff.

Phelan, Sean
Friends, enemies, and agonists: Politics, morality and media in the COVID-19 conjuncture.
Discourse & Society 33:6
► pp. 744 ff.

Roberts, Jason & Karin Wahl-Jorgensen
Reporting the news: How Breitbart derives legitimacy from recontextualised news.
Discourse & Society 33:6
► pp. 833 ff.

Seuri, Olli & Kim Ramstedt
Remixing News: Appropriation and Authorship in Finnish Counter-Media.
Media and Communication 10:1
► pp. 110 ff.

Way, Lyndon & İrem İnceoğlu
Wodak, Ruth
Shameless normalization as a result of media control: The case of Austria.
Discourse & Society 33:6
► pp. 788 ff.

Wodak, Ruth
Analyzing the shift to the far right: the Austrian case.
International Politics 60:2
► pp. 482 ff.

Šori, Iztok & Vasja Vehovar
Reported User-Generated Online Hate Speech: The ‘Ecosystem’, Frames, and Ideologies.
Social Sciences 11:8
► pp. 375 ff.

Ahmed, Saifuddin, Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen, Kokil Jaidka, Rosalie Hooi & Arul Chib
Social media use and anti-immigrant attitudes: evidence from a survey and automated linguistic analysis of Facebook posts.
Asian Journal of Communication 31:4
► pp. 276 ff.

Askanius, Tina
“I just want to be the friendly face of national socialism”: The turn to civility in the cultural expressions of neo-Nazism in Sweden.
Nordicom Review 42:s1
► pp. 17 ff.

Cossarini, Paolo, Carlo Ruzza & Carlo Berti
The Impact of Populism on the European Union: ‘The People’ and the Brussels Bubble. In
The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society,
► pp. 1 ff.

Ekman, Mattias & Michał Krzyżanowski
A populist turn?: News editorials and the recent discursive shift on immigration in Sweden.
Nordicom Review 42:s1
► pp. 67 ff.

Haanshuus, Birgitte P. & Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk
Recontextualising the news: How antisemitic discourses are constructed in extreme far-right alternative media.
Nordicom Review 42:s1
► pp. 37 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał, Mattias Ekman, Per-Erik Nilsson, Mattias Gardell & Christian Christensen
Uncivility, racism, and populism: Discourses and interactive practices in anti- & post-democratic communication.
Nordicom Review 42:s1
► pp. 3 ff.

Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria & Lella Nouri
The discourse of the US alt-right online – a case study of the Traditionalist Worker Party blog.
Critical Discourse Studies 18:4
► pp. 410 ff.

Lucchesi, Dario
Facebook Comments on the “Refugee Crisis”: Discursive Strategies to Legitimise Hate Speech Online. In
Discourse and Conflict,
► pp. 257 ff.

Oh, Dayei, Suzanne Elayan, Martin Sykora & John Downey
Unpacking uncivil society: Incivility and intolerance in the 2018 Irish abortion referendum discussions on Twitter.
Nordicom Review 42:s1
► pp. 103 ff.

Schenk, Caress
The Migrant Other: Exclusion without Nationalism?.
Nationalities Papers 49:3
► pp. 397 ff.

Wodak, Ruth, Jonathan Culpeper & Elena Semino
Shameless normalisation of impoliteness: Berlusconi’s and Trump’s press conferences.
Discourse & Society 32:3
► pp. 369 ff.

Austermuehl, Frank
The normalization of exclusion through a Revival of whiteness in Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign discourse.
Social Semiotics 30:4
► pp. 528 ff.

Bouvier, Gwen
Racist call-outs and cancel culture on Twitter: The limitations of the platform’s ability to define issues of social justice.
Discourse, Context & Media 38
► pp. 100431 ff.

Bouvier, Gwen
From ‘echo chambers’ to ‘chaos chambers’: discursive coherence and contradiction in the #MeToo Twitter feed.
Critical Discourse Studies 19:2
► pp. 179 ff.

Bouvier, Gwen & Judith E. Rosenbaum
Communication in the Age of Twitter: The Nature of Online Deliberation. In
Twitter, the Public Sphere, and the Chaos of Online Deliberation,
► pp. 1 ff.

Catalano, Theresa & Linda R. Waugh
The Main Approaches to CDA/CDS. In
Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Studies and Beyond [
Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 26],
► pp. 155 ff.

Anna De Fina & Alexandra Georgakopoulou
The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies,

Ekström, Mats, Marianna Patrona & Joanna Thornborrow
The normalization of the populist radical right in news interviews: a study of journalistic reporting on the Swedish democrats.
Social Semiotics 30:4
► pp. 466 ff.

Farkas, Johan & Christina Neumayer
Mimicking News: How the credibility of an established tabloid is used when disseminating racism.
Nordicom Review 41:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Fernández García, Belén & Susana Salgado
International Conference on Social Media and Society,
► pp. 210 ff.

Kulpa, Robert
National menace: mediating homo/sexuality and sovereignty in the Polish national/ist discourses.
Critical Discourse Studies 17:3
► pp. 327 ff.

Lipiński, Artur
Populizm a medialne struktury możliwości. Przypadek nowych mediów.
Władza Sądzenia :19
► pp. 74 ff.

Pelsmaekers, Katja & Tom Van Hout
People on the move: how museums de-marginalize migration.
Social Semiotics 30:4
► pp. 607 ff.

Reyes, Antonio
I, Trump.
Journal of Language and Politics 19:6
► pp. 869 ff.

Reyes, Antonio
Spain vs. Catalonia: normalizing democracy through police intervention.
Social Semiotics 30:4
► pp. 485 ff.

Rheindorf, Markus
Rhetorics, Discourse and Populist Politics. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies,
► pp. 622 ff.

Ruzza, Carlo
Civil Society Between Populism and Anti-populism. In
Nostalgia and Hope: Intersections between Politics of Culture, Welfare, and Migration in Europe [
IMISCOE Research Series, ],
► pp. 221 ff.

Ruzza, Carlo
The populist radical right and its discursive impact on EU-Level civil society.
European Politics and Society 22:4
► pp. 567 ff.

Ruzza, Carlo
The institutionalisation of populist political discourse and conservative uncivil society in the European Union: From the margins to the mainstream?.
Nordicom Review 42:s1
► pp. 119 ff.

Smith, Angela & Michael Higgins
Tough guys and little rocket men:
Realdonaldtrump’s Twitter feed and the normalisation of banal masculinity.
Social Semiotics 30:4
► pp. 547 ff.

Breazu, Petre & David Machin
Racism toward the Roma through the affordances of Facebook: bonding, laughter and spite.
Discourse & Society 30:4
► pp. 376 ff.

Breeze, Ruth
Emotion in politics: Affective-discursive practices in UKIP and Labour.
Discourse & Society 30:1
► pp. 24 ff.

Ekman, Mattias
Anti-immigration and racist discourse in social media.
European Journal of Communication 34:6
► pp. 606 ff.

Mattelart, Tristan
Media, communication technologies and forced migration: Promises and pitfalls of an emerging research field.
European Journal of Communication 34:6
► pp. 582 ff.

Zienkowski, Jan & Ruth Breeze
Krzyżanowska, Natalia & Michał Krzyżanowski
‘Crisis’ and Migration in Poland: Discursive Shifts, Anti-Pluralism and the Politicisation of Exclusion.
Sociology 52:3
► pp. 612 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał
Discursive Shifts in Ethno-Nationalist Politics: On Politicization and Mediatization of the “Refugee Crisis” in Poland.
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 16:1-2
► pp. 76 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał
“We Are a Small Country That Has Done Enormously Lot”: The ‘Refugee Crisis’ and the Hybrid Discourse of Politicizing Immigration in Sweden.
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 16:1-2
► pp. 97 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał
Normalization and the discursive construction of “new” norms and “new” normality: discourse in the paradoxes of populism and neoliberalism.
Social Semiotics 30:4
► pp. 431 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał
Discursive shifts and the normalisation of racism: imaginaries of immigration, moral panics and the discourse of contemporary right-wing populism.
Social Semiotics 30:4
► pp. 503 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał, Anna Triandafyllidou & Ruth Wodak
The Mediatization and the Politicization of the “Refugee Crisis” in Europe.
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 16:1-2
► pp. 1 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał & Joshua A. Tucker
Runje, Leon
Challenges to Democracy: The Origins of Protectionist Populism in Europe.
Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 16:3
► pp. 446 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 9 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.