Bhangoo, Aila Sajid, Suhhae Cho & Rehana Saeed Hashmi
Understanding the Rise of Right-Wing Crimes, and Intergroup Threat Theory: Global Perspective & Case Studies.
Advanced Journal of Social Science 13:1
► pp. 88 ff.

Breazu, Petre & Aidan McGarry
Romaphobia in the UK Right-Wing Press: racist and populist discourse during the Brexit referendum.
Social Semiotics 34:4
► pp. 593 ff.

Brohmer, Hilmar, Gabriela Hofer, Sebastian A. Bauch, Julia Beitner, Jana B. Berkessel, Katja Corcoran, David Garcia, Freya M. Gruber, Fiorina Giuliani, Emanuel Jauk, Georg Krammer, Smirna Malkoc, Hannah Metzler, Hanna M. Mües, Kathleen Otto, Rima-Maria Rahal, Mona Salwender, Sabine Sczesny, Dagmar Stahlberg, Wilken Wehrt & Ursula Athenstaedt
Effects of the Generic Masculine and Its Alternatives in Germanophone Countries: A Multi-Lab Replication and Extension of Stahlberg, Sczesny, and Braun (2001).
International Review of Social Psychology 37:1

Cohen, Jeffrey E.
Ideology and Attitudes toward Jews in U.S. Public Opinion: A Reconsideration.
Religions 15:1
► pp. 59 ff.

KASSAB, Hanna Samir
Statues and Vandalism in Armenia and North Macedonia: Expressions of Official and Unofficial Nationalist Identity.

Lamour, Christian & Oscar Mazzoleni
Lucchesi, Dario & Vincenzo Romania
‘Italians locked at home, illegal migrants free to disembark’: How populist parties re-contextualized the anti-immigration discourse at the time of COVID-19 pandemic.
Discourse & Society 35:1
► pp. 83 ff.

Novais, Rui Alexandre
Divide et Impera? Populist Digital Anti-media Criticisms. In
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Poslon, Xenia Daniela, Barbara Lášticová & Tomáš Prošek
Threat mediates the effect of perceived anti-prejudice social norms on adolescents’ preferences for immigrants’ acculturation.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 102
► pp. 102042 ff.

Read, Barbara
Gender equity in academic knowledge production: the influence of politics, power and precarity.
European Educational Research Journal 
Rupar, Mirjana, Maryna Kołeczek, Katarzyna Jamróz‐Dolińska & Maciej Sekerdej
Conservatism in response to rising universalism? Linking individuals' conservation values, right‐wing attitudes, and nationalism to perceived prevalence of universalism among fellow citizens.
Political Psychology 
Schlesinger, Philip
The Post-Public Sphere and Neo-Regulation of Digital Platforms.
Javnost - The Public 31:1
► pp. 64 ff.

Serafis, Dimitris, Irina Diana Mădroane & Theodor Lalér
Simon, Julia & Jared Sonnicksen
A Conservative (R)Evolution? Constitutional–Political Crises, Trumpism, and Long-standing Trends of Conservative Transformations in the United States and Beyond.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 65:2
► pp. 213 ff.

Thiele, Daniel, Mojca Pajnik, Birgit Sauer & Iztok Šori
Zhang, Yue & Surinderpal Kaur
Divita, David
The gendered semiotics of far-right populism on Instagram: A case from Spain.
Discourse & Society 34:1
► pp. 22 ff.

Divita, David
Radical-right populism in Spain and the strategy of chronopolitics.
Language in Society 52:5
► pp. 757 ff.

Ekström, Hugo, Michał Krzyżanowski & David Johnson
Saying ‘Criminality’, meaning ‘immigration’? Proxy discourses and public implicatures in the normalisation of the politics of exclusion.
Critical Discourse Studies ► pp. 1 ff.

Fanoulis, Evangelos & Alessandra Cappelletti
Grasso, Arianna
Digital Media in Refugee Contexts. In
Digital Media and Refugeehood in Contemporary Australia,
► pp. 27 ff.

Grasso, Arianna
The Tweeting Refugee. In
Digital Media and Refugeehood in Contemporary Australia,
► pp. 51 ff.

Guzek, Damian
When partisan groups get access to the digital society: re-voicing religion in Poland.
Information, Communication & Society 26:6
► pp. 1177 ff.

Hale, Henry E. & Ridvan Peshkopia
Trump sympathy in the Balkans: cross-border populist appeal.
Mediterranean Politics 28:3
► pp. 375 ff.

Helferich, John N. T.
Pfadabhängigkeiten und Verfügbarkeitsheuristiken als Determinanten von Außenpolitik. Die US-Iranpolitik unter Donald Trump. In
Transatlantische Perspektiven unter Obama und Trump,
► pp. 491 ff.

Jakobson, Mari-Liis, Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero & Inci Öykü Yener-Roderburg
When migrants become ‘the people’: unpacking homeland populism.
Contemporary Politics 29:3
► pp. 277 ff.

Kalm, Sara & Anna Meeuwisse
Transcalar Activism Contesting the Liberal International Order: The Case of the World Congress of Families.
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 30:2
► pp. 556 ff.

Kluknavská, Alena & Olga Eisele
Trump and circumstance: introducing the post-truth claim as an instrument for investigating truth contestation in public discourse.
Information, Communication & Society 26:8
► pp. 1583 ff.

Neumann, Eszter
Education for a Christian nation: Religion and nationalism in the Hungarian education policy discourse.
European Educational Research Journal 22:5
► pp. 646 ff.

Neumann, Eszter & Paweł Rudnicki
Populist radical-right governments in Central-Eastern Europe and education policy-making: a comparison of Hungary and Poland.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies ► pp. 1 ff.

Quan, Lihong & Jinlong Ma
Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristóbal & Lisa Zanotti
Serafis, Dimitris & Assimakis Tseronis
The front page as a canvas for multimodal argumentation: Brexit in the Greek press.
Frontiers in Communication 8

Temizisler, Sevgi
The Mediatisation of Migration Issues During the ‘Refugee Crisis’: A Comparative Case-Study of the UK, Denmark and Germany. In
Anxieties of Migration and Integration in Turbulent Times [
IMISCOE Research Series, ],
► pp. 207 ff.

Temizisler, Sevgi, Trisha Meyer & Jamal Shahin
Politicisation of migration issues during the refugee crisis in the UK and Denmark.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies 31:3
► pp. 735 ff.

Charvátová, Denisa, Jakub Charvát & Eva Niklesová
Populismus jako komunikační strategie: případová studie SPD. In
Dyskursy polityczne w Polsce i Czechach po roku 1989: gatunki, strategie komunikacyjne, wizerunki medialne,

da Silva Rebelo, María José, Mercedes Fernández & Carmen Meneses-Falcón
Chewing Revenge or Becoming Socially Desirable? Anger Rumination in Refugees and Immigrants Experiencing Racial Hostility: Latin-Americans in Spain.
Behavioral Sciences 12:6
► pp. 180 ff.

Etl, Alex
Liminal Populism—The Transformation of the Hungarian Migration Discourse.
Journal of Borderlands Studies 37:1
► pp. 115 ff.

Goode, J. Paul, David R. Stroup & Elizaveta Gaufman
Everyday Nationalism in Unsettled Times: In Search of Normality during Pandemic.
Nationalities Papers 50:1
► pp. 61 ff.

Helal, Fethi
‘The people want …: ’ the populist specter in the Tunisian President’s inaugural speech.
Critical Discourse Studies 19:3
► pp. 233 ff.

Hultin Morger, Fabia
Populism in Internet Memes. An Investigation with Analytical Approaches from Discourse Analysis and Multimodality.
tekst i dyskurs - text und diskurs :16 (2022)
► pp. 277 ff.

Kantara, Argyro
Naturalising Populism as a Collaborative Interactional Practice in Broadcast Media. In
► pp. 277 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał & Natalia Krzyżanowska
Narrating the ‘new normal’ or pre-legitimising media control? COVID-19 and the discursive shifts in the far-right imaginary of ‘crisis’ as a normalisation strategy.
Discourse & Society 33:6
► pp. 805 ff.

Křovák, Jan & Jakub Charvát
Populism in the Political Communication of Populist and Non Populist Actors: A Case Study of the Czech 2021 Parliamentary Elections.
Civilia 13:1
► pp. 13 ff.

Martínez Lirola, María
Critical analysis of dehumanizing news photographs on immigrants: Examples of the portrayal of non-citizenship.
Discourse & Society 33:4
► pp. 478 ff.

Olmos-Alcaraz, Antonia
Populism and racism on social networks: An analysis of the Vox discourse on Twitter during the Ceuta ‘migrant crisis’.
Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies
► pp. 207 ff.

Olmos-Alcaraz, Antonia
Islamophobia and Twitter: The Political Discourse of the Extreme Right in Spain and Its Impact on the Public.
Religions 14:4
► pp. 506 ff.

Pavlović Vinogradac, Valentina, Marijan Vinogradac & Irena Cajner Mraović
The Relation between Trumpism and Compliance with the Rules during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Procedural Justice Perspective.
Društvene i humanističke studije (Online) 7:1(18)
► pp. 161 ff.

Serafis, Dimitris, E. Dimitris Kitis & Stavros Assimakopoulos
Sterphone, J
Negotiating the mainstream: Proximate stancetaking and far‐right policy proposals in Bundestag debates.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 26:3
► pp. 335 ff.

Uysal, Mete Sefa, Klara Jurstakova & Yasemin Uluşahin
An Integrative Social Identity Model of Populist Leadership.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 16:12

Zappettini, Franco & Samuel Bennett
Zhang, Junchen
The “Chinese Dream” as a discursive symbol.
Chinese Semiotic Studies 18:4
► pp. 605 ff.

Alves, Mário A., Catarina I. Segatto & Andrea M. Pineda
Changes in Brazilian education policy and the rise of right‐wing populism.
British Educational Research Journal 47:2
► pp. 332 ff.

Boeynaems, Amber, Christian Burgers & Elly A. Konijn
When Figurative Frames Decrease Political Persuasion: The Case of Right-Wing Anti-Immigration Rhetoric.
Discourse Processes 58:3
► pp. 193 ff.

Bolívar, Adriana & Ana Escudero
La descortesía de Donald Trump hacia los migrantes mexicanos y la respuesta de La Jornada en sus editoriales: la descortesía como práctica política.
Pragmática Sociocultural / Sociocultural Pragmatics 9:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Breazu, Petre & Göran Eriksson
Romaphobia in Romanian press: The lifting of work restrictions for Romanian migrants in the European Union.
Discourse & Communication 15:2
► pp. 139 ff.

Brusenbauch Meislova, Monika & Steve Buckledee
De Cleen, Benjamin, Jana Goyvaerts, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos & Yannis Stavrakakis
Dowling, Emma
The social structure of Brexit and the crisis of globalisation.
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 46:3
► pp. 257 ff.

Dragoman, Dragoș
“Save Romania” Union and the Persistent Populism in Romania.
Problems of Post-Communism 68:4
► pp. 303 ff.

Ekman, Mattias & Michał Krzyżanowski
A populist turn?: News editorials and the recent discursive shift on immigration in Sweden.
Nordicom Review 42:s1
► pp. 67 ff.

Lamour, Christian
Interviewing a right-wing populist leader during the 2019 EU elections: Conflictual situations and equivocation beyond borders.
Discourse & Communication 15:1
► pp. 59 ff.

Mocek, Stanisław
‘We, the people’ in Poland: democracy of ‘ordinary people’ in the statements of politicians and posts on social media.
European Politics and Society 22:5
► pp. 775 ff.

Phillimore, Jenny
Refugee-Integration-Opportunity Structures: Shifting the Focus From Refugees to Context.
Journal of Refugee Studies 34:2
► pp. 1946 ff.

Ragragio, Jefferson Lyndon D.
Reyes, Antonio & Andrew Ross
From the White House with anger: Conversational features in President Trump's official communication.
Language & Communication 77
► pp. 46 ff.

Schenk, Caress
The Migrant Other: Exclusion without Nationalism?.
Nationalities Papers 49:3
► pp. 397 ff.

Shomron, Baruch & Noam Tirosh
Contemporary migrants and media capabilities – understanding communication rights in international migration policies.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47:17
► pp. 4040 ff.

Tontodimamma, Alice, Emiliano del Gobbo, Vanessa Russo, Annalina Sarra & Lara Fontanella
Facebook Debate on Sea Watch 3 Case: Detecting Offensive Language Through Automatic Topic Mining Techniques. In
Data Science and Social Research II [
Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, ],
► pp. 367 ff.

Westberg, Gustav
Affective rebirth: Discursive gateways to contemporary national socialism.
Discourse & Society 32:2
► pp. 214 ff.

Balabanova, Ekaterina & Ruxandra Trandafoiu
Carolan, Michael
‘They say they don’t see color, but maybe they should!’ Authoritarian populism and colorblind liberal political culture.
The Journal of Peasant Studies 47:7
► pp. 1445 ff.

Catalano, Theresa & Ari Kohen
Googly eyes and yard signs: Deconstructing one professor’s successful rebuffing of a right-wing attack on an academic institution.
Discourse & Society 31:2
► pp. 129 ff.

Catalano, Theresa & Linda R. Waugh
The Main Approaches to CDA/CDS. In
Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Studies and Beyond [
Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 26],
► pp. 155 ff.

Anna De Fina & Alexandra Georgakopoulou
The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies,

Deutschmann, Mats & Anders Steinvall
Language, Prejudice, Awareness, and Resistance.
Open Linguistics 6:1
► pp. 708 ff.

Köllen, Thomas, Andri Koch & Andreas Hack
Nationalism at Work: Introducing the “Nationality-Based Organizational Climate Inventory” and Assessing Its Impact on the Turnover Intention of Foreign Employees.
Management International Review 60:1
► pp. 97 ff.

Lorenzo-Blanco, Elma I. & Seth J. Schwartz
Being a Latina/o immigrant parent in the United States: Links with parents’ and adolescents’ mental health and health risk behaviors. In
Mental and Behavioral Health of Immigrants in the United States,
► pp. 113 ff.

Mandelbaum, Moran
‘Making Our Country Great Again’: The Politics of Subjectivity in an Age of National-Populism.
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique 33:2
► pp. 451 ff.

Mjelde, Hilmar
«Gjør Norge storslått igjen».
Norsk medietidsskrift 27:4
► pp. 1 ff.

Mădroane, Irina Diana, Mălina Ciocea & Alexandru I. Cârlan
Panda, Anmol, A’ndre Gonawela, Sreangsu Acharyya, Dibyendu Mishra, Mugdha Mohapatra, Ramgopal Chandrasekaran & Joyojeet Pal
International Conference on Social Media and Society,
► pp. 200 ff.

Pavlović, Maja & Ljubiša Bojić
Political marketing and strategies of digital illusions: Examples from Venezuela and Brazil.
Socioloski pregled 54:4
► pp. 1391 ff.

Pozzo, Moos & Adina Nerghes
Dutch without the Dutch: discourse, policy, and program impacts on the social integration and language acquisition of young refugees (ages 12–23).
Social Identities 26:6
► pp. 842 ff.

Reyes, Antonio
I, Trump.
Journal of Language and Politics 19:6
► pp. 869 ff.

Rheindorf, Markus
Rhetorics, Discourse and Populist Politics. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies,
► pp. 622 ff.

Scotto di Carlo, Giuseppina
Stewart, Craig O.
Populist linguistic tone in recent U.S. presidential campaign discourse: a DICTION analysis.
Communication Research Reports 37:1-2
► pp. 11 ff.

Volk, Sabine
‘Wir sind das Volk!’Representative Claim-Making and Populist Style in the PEGIDA Movement’s Discourse.
German Politics 29:4
► pp. 599 ff.

Volk, Sabine
Speaking for “the European people”? How the transnational alliance Fortress Europe constructs a populist counter-narrative to European integration.
Politique européenne N° 66:4
► pp. 120 ff.

Wodak, Ruth
‘The boundaries of what can be said have shifted’: An expert interview with Ruth Wodak (questions posed by Andreas Schulz).
Discourse & Society 31:2
► pp. 235 ff.

Yang, Yousun
How Internal Factors Affect the Performance of Ethnic Political Parties in Central and Eastern European Countries: A QCA-Based Analysis.
Chinese Political Science Review 5:4
► pp. 555 ff.

Breazu, Petre & David Machin
Racism toward the Roma through the affordances of Facebook: bonding, laughter and spite.
Discourse & Society 30:4
► pp. 376 ff.

Breazu, Petre & David Machin
How television news disguises its racist representations: The case of Romanian Antena 1 reporting on the Roma.
Ethnicities 20:5
► pp. 823 ff.

Clark, Justin Tyler
From Global City to ‘City of Villages’: Tracing the State Discourse of Cosmopolitanism in Modern Singaporean History.
Journal of Intercultural Studies 40:4
► pp. 399 ff.

Csehi, Robert
Neither episodic, nor destined to failure? The endurance of Hungarian populism after 2010.
Democratization 26:6
► pp. 1011 ff.

D’Amato, Silvia & Sonia Lucarelli
Talking Migration: Narratives of Migration and Justice Claims in the European Migration System of Governance.
The International Spectator 54:3
► pp. 1 ff.

Fucci, Anthony & Theresa Catalano
Hawkins, Kirk & Levente Littvay
Contemporary US Populism in Comparative Perspective,

Invernizzi Accetti, Carlo
What is Christian Democracy?,

Jepson, Jr., Edward J.
Sustainability Science and Planning: A Crucial Collaboration?.
Planning Theory & Practice 20:1
► pp. 53 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał
Brexit and the imaginary of ‘crisis’: a discourse-conceptual analysis of European news media.
Critical Discourse Studies 16:4
► pp. 465 ff.

Sengul, Kurt
Populism, democracy, political style and post-truth: issues for communication research.
Communication Research and Practice 5:1
► pp. 88 ff.

Sengul, Kurt
‘It's OK to be white’: the discursive construction of victimhood, ‘anti-white racism’ and calculated ambivalence in Australia.
Critical Discourse Studies 19:6
► pp. 593 ff.

Françoise Sullet-Nylander, María Bernal, Christophe Premat & Malin Roitman
Political Discourses at the Extremes: Expressions of Populism in Romance Speaking Countries,

Ward, Shelby E.
Decolonizing the Cosmopolitan Geospatial Imaginary of the Anthropocene: Beyond Collapsed and Exclusionary Politics of Climate Change.
Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought 7:1

Westberg, Gustav & Henning Årman
Common sense as extremism: the multi-semiotics of contemporary national socialism.
Critical Discourse Studies 16:5
► pp. 549 ff.

Zappettini, Franco & Michał Krzyżanowski
The critical juncture of Brexit in media & political discourses: from national-populist imaginary to cross-national social and political crisis.
Critical Discourse Studies 16:4
► pp. 381 ff.

Zienkowski, Jan & Ruth Breeze
Bischof, Karin & Cornelia Ilie
Curdt-Christiansen, Xiao Lan
Engaging language policy from macro- to micro-level: migration and language in Europe.
Language and Education 32:5
► pp. 391 ff.

Curdt-Christiansen, Xiao Lan
Family language policy and school language policy: can the twain meet?.
International Journal of Multilingualism 19:3
► pp. 466 ff.

Egres, Dorottya
Symbolic and realistic threats – frame analysis of political and media discourses about refugees and migrants.
Society and Economy 40:3
► pp. 463 ff.

Krzyżanowski, Michał & Joshua A. Tucker
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 9 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.