Discourses of Fake News
Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 20:5 (2021)
[Journal of Language and Politics, 20:5] 2021. vi, 183 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 20 September 2021
Published online on 20 September 2021
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Discourses of fake newsScott Wright | pp. 641–652
Delegitimizing the media? Analyzing politicians’ media criticism on social mediaJana Laura Egelhofer, Loes Aaldering & Sophie Lecheler | pp. 653–675
More than “Fake News”? The media as a malicious gatekeeper and a bully in the discourse of candidates in the 2020 U.S. presidential electionPatrícia Rossini, Jennifer Stromer-Galley & Ania Korsunska | pp. 676–695
Recursion theory and the ‘death tax’: Investigating a fake news discourse in the 2019 Australian electionAndrea Carson, Andrew Gibbons & Justin B. Phillips | pp. 696–718
Beyond ‘fake news’? A longitudinal analysis of how Australian politicians attack and criticise the media on TwitterScott Wright | pp. 719–740
‘Fake news’ discourses: An exploration of Russian and Persian TweetsEhsan Dehghan & Sofya Glazunova | pp. 741–760
Audience constructions of fake news in Australian media representations of asylum seekers: A critical discourse perspectiveAshleigh L. Haw | pp. 761–782
Poisoning the information well? The impact of fake news on news media credibilityEdson C. Tandoc Jr., Andrew Duffy, S Mo Jones-Jang & Winnie Goh Wen Pin | pp. 783–802
Fighting an indestructible monster: Journalism’s legitimacy narratives during the Trump EraJuliane A. Lischka | pp. 803–823
Communication Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009030: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Pragmatics