Calabrese, Laura, Cécile Balty, Valériane Mistiaen & Amandine Van Neste-Gottignies
Who is a refugee? The motive of double standard in French- and Dutch-speaking media during the war in Ukraine.
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Carvalho, Paula, Danielle Caled, Cláudia Silva, Fernando Batista & Ricardo Ribeiro
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The Bordering Practices of Canadian Newspapers (2011-2022): “Canada is the Hope of the World”.
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Conceptual Networks and the Representation of the Syrian Refugees in the UNHCR Press Releases Between 2011 and 2021.
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Multimodal meaning making in news communication about immigration: using the NewsScape corpus to explore co-verbal images in TV news.
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What if migrants were only people and relatives? Designations used to name people on the move in the Belgian media.
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Mochtak, Michal & Ensar Muharemović
The Abyss of Ethnic Division: Two Decades of Discussing War in the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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Nairi, Asma Hedi
The representation of sub-Saharan African migrants in the Tunisian written media: a corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis.
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Ponton, Douglas Mark & Anna Raimo
Framing environmental discourse. Greta Thunberg, metaphors, blah blah blah!.
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From qualified to conspirative Euroscepticism: how the German AfD frames the EU in multiple crisis.
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British Conversation is Changing: Resonance and Engagement in the BNC1994 and the BNC2014.
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Tian, Weiqi & Jingshen Ge
Decoding the apple paradox: a critical discourse analysis of gender, technology, and nationalism in China’s digital space.
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Badania dyskursu wspomagane korpusowo (CADS) jako wsparcie jakościowej analizy treści. Studium przypadku wykorzystania programu SketchEngine w badaniach dyskursu.
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Walker, Richard M., Jiasheng Zhang & Yanto Chandra
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A ‘Refugee’ No Longer: Karen Residents’ Experiences of Discarding a Label in Australia.
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A Corpus-Based Approach Towards Investigating the Collocations of the Synonymous Nouns Problem, Difficulty and Trouble.
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A Corpus‐Based Discourse Analysis of Liberal Studies Textbooks in Hong Kong: Legitimatizing Populism.
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Li, Zhuoran, Ronghui Zhao & Baocui Lou
Corpus-based critical discourse analysis of reporting practices in English news reports on public health event in China and United States.
Frontiers in Psychology 14

Omidian Sijani, Nasim
A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the representation of Syrian refugees in Canadian newspapers.
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A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Corporate Image Based on CDA—A Case Study of the CSR Reports of ICBC and Citibank.
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News Framing of the Rohingya Crisis: Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage from Four Countries.
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Metafore kot zrcalo nestrpnosti.
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Rodríguez-Pérez, Carlos, Dimitrina Jivkova-Semova, Eva Pérez-Vara, Nastaran Asadi & Marcus Kreutler
Unravelling migration media coverage: How migrants and immigration were portrayed in Spain during the refugee crisis (2015-2018).
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The Hierarchization of Educational Rights of Minorities. A Critical Analysis of Discourses on Multilingualism in South Tyrolean Preschools.
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Comparing the Self-Created and Other-Created Images of the Communist Party of China.
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Different Discursive Constructions of Chinese Political Congresses in China Daily and The New York Times: A Corpus-based Discourse Study.
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Pena Díaz, Carmen & María del Mar Sánchez Ramos
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Pérez-Arredondo, Carolina & Eduardo Graells-Garrido
Romero-Barranco, Jesús & Paula Rodríguez-Abruñeiras
Current trends in Corpus Linguistics and textual variation.
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Sudheer, Nivedita & Debanjan Banerjee
The Rohingya refugees: a conceptual framework of their psychosocial adversities, cultural idioms of distress and social suffering.
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An Analysis of “Acupuncture” in Western Media Discourses.
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Al-Gamde, Amaal & Thora Tenbrink
Media Bias: A Corpus-based Linguistic Analysis of Online Iranian Coverage of the Syrian Revolution.
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Rehumanizing the migrant: the translated past as a resource for refashioning the contemporary discourse of the (radical) left.
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Threat perception in online anti-migrant speech: a Slovene case study.
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Erdogan-Ozturk, Yasemin & Hale Isik-Guler
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Intégrer des méthodologies pour étudier le discours de la presse sur les réfugiés.
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The Study on Discourse Construction of China’s Reform and Social Changes—A Diachronic Research Based on the Self-Constructed China’s Government Work Reports Corpus.
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Cvrček, Václav & Masako U. Fidler
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A corpus-driven analysis of representations of Syrian asylum seekers in the Turkish press 2011–2016.
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Corpus linguistics, newspaper archives and historical research methods.
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Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 15:1
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Chaidas, Dimitrios
Legitimation strategies in the Greek paradigm: A comparative analysis of Syriza and New Democracy.
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Cvrček, Václav & Masako Fidler
No keyword is an island: in search of covert associations.
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Dimitrova, Daniela V., Emel Ozdora-Aksak & Colleen Connolly-Ahern
On the Border of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Views From Two Different Cultural Perspectives.
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Fidler, Masako & Václav Cvrček
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Leerkes, Arjen, Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel & Jan de Boom
Civic stratification and crime. A comparison of asylum migrants with different legal statuses.
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O’Regan, Veronica & Elaine Riordan
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“It's ok if it's hidden”: The discursive construction of everyday racism for refugees and asylum seekers in Wales.
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Ryu, Minjung & Mavreen Rose S. Tuvilla
Resettled Refugee Youths’ Stories of Migration, Schooling, and Future: Challenging Dominant Narratives About Refugees.
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Saleh Aluthman, Ebtisam
A Corpus-assisted Critical Discourse Analysis of the Discursive Representation of Immigration in the EU Referendum Debate.
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Immigration and the British news media: Continuity or change?.
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The Language of Inequality in the News,

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Aungsuwan, Wimonwan
A Corpus-Informed Study of Media Attitudes Using the Appraisal Framework: An Analysis of Reports on Yingluck Shinawatra Found in the Nation During the 2013-2014 Political Unrest in Thailand.
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Berger, Cynthia, Eric Friginal & Jennifer Roberts
Representations of immigrants and refugees in US K-12 school-to-home correspondence: an exploratory corpus-assisted discourse study.
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Calzada Pérez, María
What is kept and what is lost without translation? A corpus-assisted discourse study of the European Parliament’s original and translated English.
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Calzada Pérez, María
The representation of migration in parliamentary settings: critical cross-linguistics corpus-assisted discourse analyses.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10:1

Carreon, Jonathan Rante & Chavalin Svetanant
What Lies Underneath a Political Speech?: Critical Discourse Analysis of Thai PM’s Political Speeches Aired on the TV Programme Returning Happiness to the People.
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Dekker, Rianne & Peter Scholten
Framing the Immigration Policy Agenda.
The International Journal of Press/Politics 22:2
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Fältholm, Ylva & Cathrine Norberg
Gender diversity and innovation in mining – a corpus-based discourse analysis.
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Goutsos, Dionysis & Ourania Hatzidaki
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Shifting the refugee narrative? An automated frame analysis of Europe’s 2015 refugee crisis.
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Hunter, Duncan & Malcolm N. MacDonald
The emergence of a security discipline in the post 9-11 discourse of U.S. security organisations.
Critical Discourse Studies 14:2
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Knoblock, Natalia
Silent Majority or Vocal Minority: A Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study of Trump Supporters’ Facebook Communication.
Open Library of Humanities 6:2

Koca-Helvacı, Zeynep Cihan
Lykou, Christina & Bessie Mitsikopoulou
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Maintaining a politicised climate of opinion? Examining how political framing and journalistic logic combine to shape speaking opportunities in UK elite newspaper reporting of climate change.
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Matthews, Julian
Placing Industry in the Frame: Exploring the Mediated Performance of Industry Voices in Climate Change Reporting.
Frontiers in Communication 3

Matthews, Julian
Accommodating interests? Elite journalism, green interest groups and the U.K. reporting of climate change.
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Meier, Henk Erik, Anica Rose & Martin Hölzen
Spirals of Signification? A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of the German Doping Discourse.
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Mitsikopoulou, Bessie & Christina Lykou
Prendergast, Muireann
Hero, leader, traitor: The print media deconstruction of Argentina’s last dictator.
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Song, Jiyoung
Co-evolution of networks and discourses: a case from North Korean defector-activists.
Australian Journal of International Affairs 71:3
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van Hattum, Marije
The language of “Ribbonmen”: A CDA approach to identity construction in nineteenth-century Irish English threatening notices.
Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 3:2
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Wong, May L.-Y.
Analysing aggression of social actors in political protests: combining corpus and cognitive approaches to discourse analysis.
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 9:3
► pp. 178 ff.

A Corpus Analysis of News Texts about Brexit in British Newspapers.
The Journal of Studies in Language 33:1
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이재승 & Sang-Do Lee
A Corpus-based Study on the English Relative Clause Constructions in the English-language Media.
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Boeva, Alyona
Discursive Construction of Refugees, Migrants and Asylum Seekers in British and American News Sources.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 236
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Chandra, Yanto
A rhetoric-orientation view of social entrepreneurship.
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Chandra, Yanto
A Rhetoric-Orientation View of Social Entrepreneurship.
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Social Entrepreneurship as Institutional-Change Work: A Corpus Linguistics Analysis.
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Clark, Jodie
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Filimonov, Kirill & Jakob Svensson
(re)Articulating Feminism.
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Jaworska, Sylvia
A comparative corpus-assisted discourse study of the representations of hosts in promotional tourism discourse.
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Lee, Changsoo
How are ‘immigrant workers’ represented in Korean news reporting?—A text mining approach to critical discourse analysis.
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Marley, Carol & Gertrud Reershemius
Think small. The construction of imagined tradition in German "Land"-magazines.
Discourse, Context & Media 14
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Pan, Hanting & Meifang Zhang
Salahshour, Neda
Liquid metaphors as positive evaluations: A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the representation of migrants in a daily New Zealand newspaper.
Discourse, Context & Media 13
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Schröter, Melani & Marie Veniard
Törnberg, Anton & Petter Törnberg
Combining CDA and topic modeling: Analyzing discursive connections between Islamophobia and anti-feminism on an online forum.
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Waugh, Linda R., Theresa Catalano, Khaled Al Masaeed, Tom Hong Do & Paul G. Renigar
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Al-Hejin, Bandar
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Engström, Robin & Carita Paradis
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Manufacturing dissent: The discursive formation of nuclear proliferation (2006–2012).
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McEnery, Tony, Mark McGlashan & Robbie Love
Press and social media reaction to ideologically inspired murder: The case of Lee Rigby.
Discourse & Communication 9:2
► pp. 237 ff.

Schröter, Melani & Petra Storjohann
Breeze, Ruth
Perspectives on North and South: The 2012 financial crisis in Spain seen through two major British newspapers.
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Edwards, Megan & Tommaso M. Milani
The everyday life of sexual politics: A feminist critical discourse analysis of herbalist pamphlets in Johannesburg.
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Goutsos, Dionysis & George Polymeneas
Goutsos, Dionysis & George Polymeneas
Qian, Yufang & Hailong Tian
Ayers, David F.
From governance to competitiveness: a diachronic analysis of the community college discourse oflocal.
Critical Discourse Studies 10:1
► pp. 99 ff.

Ayers, David F.
Community College Leadership Discourses in Dissertation Abstracts, 1980 to 2020.
Community College Journal of Research and Practice 47:9
► pp. 565 ff.

Lamb, Eleanor C
Power and resistance: New methods for analysis across genres in critical discourse analysis.
Discourse & Society 24:3
► pp. 334 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N & Duncan Hunter
The discourse of Olympic security: London 2012.
Discourse & Society 24:1
► pp. 66 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N. & Duncan Hunter
Discourse of Nuclear Proliferation. In
The Discourse of Security,
► pp. 225 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N. & Duncan Hunter
Analysing Security Discourse. In
The Discourse of Security,
► pp. 109 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N., Duncan Hunter & John P. O'Regan
Rice, Julie Steinkopf & April M. Bond
The Great Recession and Free Market Capitalist Hegemony: A Critical Discourse Analysis of U.S. Newspaper Coverage of the Economy, 2008–2010.
Sociological Focus 46:3
► pp. 211 ff.

Wild, Kate, Andrew Church, Diana McCarthy & Jacquelin Burgess
Quantifying lexical usage: vocabulary pertaining to ecosystems and the environment.
Corpora 8:1
► pp. 53 ff.

Bradimore, Ashley & Harald Bauder
Mystery Ships and Risky Boat People: Tamil Refugee Migration in the Newsprint Media.
Canadian Journal of Communication 36:4
► pp. 637 ff.

Cheng, Winnie
Corpus‐Based Linguistic Approaches to Critical Discourse Analysis. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Jaworska, Sylvia & Ramesh Krishnamurthy
On the F word: A corpus-based analysis of the media representation of feminism in British and German press discourse, 1990–2009.
Discourse & Society 23:4
► pp. 401 ff.

Bachmann, Ingo
Civil partnership – “gay marriage in all but name”: a corpus-driven analysis of discourses of same-sex relationships in the UK Parliament.
Corpora 6:1
► pp. 77 ff.

Felder, Ekkehard, Marcus Müller & Friedemann Vogel
Korpuspragmatik. Paradigma zwischen Handlung, Gesellschaft und Kognition. In
► pp. 3 ff.

McPherson, M., L. S. Horowitz, D. Lusher, S. di Giglio, L. E. Greenacre & Y. B. Saalmann
Marginal Women, Marginal Rights: Impediments to Gender-Based Persecution Claims by Asylum-seeking Women in Australia.
Journal of Refugee Studies 24:2
► pp. 323 ff.

Immigrant Success Stories in ESL Textbooks.
TESOL Quarterly 44:4
► pp. 725 ff.

Imran Ho-Abdulla, Ruzy Suliza Has & Norhafizah Mohamed Hu
Lexical Associations of Malayness in Hikayat Abdullah: A Collocational Analysis.
Research Journal of Applied Sciences 5:6
► pp. 429 ff.

Polson, Erika & Shannon Kahle
Limits of National Discourse on a Transnational Phenomenon.
International Communication Gazette 72:3
► pp. 251 ff.

Prentice, Sheryl
Using automated semantic tagging in Critical Discourse Analysis: A case study on Scottish independence from a Scottish nationalist perspective.
Discourse & Society 21:4
► pp. 405 ff.

Hansen, Anders
Researching ‘teachers in the news’: the portrayal of teachers in the British national and regional press.
Education 3-13 37:4
► pp. 335 ff.

Jenicek, Ainsley
Dangerous Shortcuts: Representations of Sexual Minority Refugees in the Post-9/11 Canadian Press.
Canadian Journal of Communication 34:4
► pp. 635 ff.

Baker, Paul, Costas Gabrielatos, Majid KhosraviNik, Michał Krzyżanowski, Tony McEnery & Ruth Wodak
A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press.
Discourse & Society 19:3
► pp. 273 ff.

Gabrielatos, Costas & Paul Baker
Fleeing, Sneaking, Flooding.
Journal of English Linguistics 36:1
► pp. 5 ff.

Pearce, Michael
Investigating the collocational behaviour ofmanandwomanin the BNC using Sketch Engine.
Corpora 3:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Mining large corpora for social information: The case of elderly.
Language in Society 36:01

Mautner, Gerlinde
Die kritische Masse. Korpuslinguistik und kritische Diskursanalyse. In
► pp. 83 ff.

Language in Society 35:04

Wodak, Ruth
Mediation between discourse and society: assessing cognitive approaches in CDA.
Discourse Studies 8:1
► pp. 179 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 9 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.