Fu, Xiaoli & Yaoting Zhang
Gallant, Katharina F. & Jolanda van der Noll
Sentiment Analysis. In
Jews and Muslims in German Print Media,
► pp. 171 ff.

Gallant, Katharina F. & Jolanda van der Noll
Development Over Time. In
Jews and Muslims in German Print Media,
► pp. 45 ff.

Sun, Yanting
The Russia-Ukraine conflict as a discursive continuum: A comparative study of Business Today and New York Times using an extended corpus-based discourse-historical approach.
Journalism 25:12
► pp. 2702 ff.

Wang, Xiping, Surinderpal Kaur, Noor Aqsa Nabila Mat Isa & Sheena Kaur
Image restoration strategies in pandemic crisis communication: a comparative analysis of Chinese and American COVID-19 political speeches.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1

Eugster, Beatrice, Dorothee Arlt & Franzisca Schmidt
The relationship between differential media exposure and attitudes towards Muslims and Islam and the potential consequences on voting intention towards banning veiling in public.
Communications 48:1
► pp. 68 ff.

Hu, Chajuan
A corpus-based study on the cognitive construction of security in discourse.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Ong, Theng Theng, Robert M. McKenzie & Maelle Amand
The narrative of human suffering: using automated semantic tagging to analyse news articles and public attitudes towards the MH370 air tragedy.
Asian Englishes 25:1
► pp. 3 ff.

Politzer, Malia Nora & Antonia Olmos Alcaraz
Islam, media framing and Islamophobia in the US press, before and after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack.
Critical Studies on Terrorism 16:2
► pp. 351 ff.

Wu, Yuxi
Why Study Media Representations of Macau’s Gaming Industry in Greater China?. In
Media Representations of Macau’s Gaming Industry in Greater China,
► pp. 1 ff.

Wu, Yuxi
Discussion and Conclusions. In
Media Representations of Macau’s Gaming Industry in Greater China,
► pp. 131 ff.

Wu, Yuxi
News Discourse and Relevant Linguistic Studies. In
Media Representations of Macau’s Gaming Industry in Greater China,
► pp. 13 ff.

Ammar, Marco & Pamela Murgia
Shaping the migrant: Semantic strategies to portray inward and outward migrants as social actors in the Arab press.
Discourse & Communication 16:5
► pp. 485 ff.

Chiluwa, Innocent
Conclusion. In
Discourse, Media, and Conflict,
► pp. 339 ff.

Chiluwa, Innocent
Introduction. In
Discourse, Media, and Conflict,
► pp. 1 ff.

Enroth, Nicklas
EU citizens and undocumented migrants in the news: quantitative patterns of representation in Swedish news media 2006-2016.
Nordic Social Work Research 12:5
► pp. 749 ff.

Leidig, Eviane, Bharath Ganesh & Jonathan Bright
New forms of cultural nationalism? American and British Indians in the Trump and Brexit Twittersphere.
Nations and Nationalism 28:1
► pp. 302 ff.

Prentice, Sheryl & Paul J. Taylor
Poles Apart? The Extent of Similarity Between Online Extremist and Non-extremist Message Content.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Craft, Justin T., Kelly E. Wright, Rachel Elizabeth Weissler & Robin M. Queen
Language and Discrimination: Generating Meaning, Perceiving Identities, and Discriminating Outcomes.
Annual Review of Linguistics 6:1
► pp. 389 ff.

Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger
McKeown, Jamie & Meng Ye
Quilting Muslims: A diachronic study of ideological representations around the master signifiers for Muslims in the TIME Magazine Corpus (1923–1992).
Language & Communication 74
► pp. 141 ff.

Nartey, Mark
The Discourse of Nkrumaism: A Corpus-informed Study. In
Corpus-based Approaches to Grammar, Media and Health Discourses [
The M.A.K. Halliday Library Functional Linguistics Series, ],
► pp. 177 ff.

Ozornina, Nadezhda & Alexander Mannin
Framing the image of Russia in the British media during the World Cup 2018.
Russian Journal of Communication 12:2
► pp. 121 ff.

Ye, Meng & Peter Thomas
Paternalism inChina Daily’s coverage of Chinese Muslims (2001–2015).
Discourse & Communication 14:3
► pp. 314 ff.

Efe, İbrahim
A corpus-driven analysis of representations of Syrian asylum seekers in the Turkish press 2011–2016.
Discourse & Communication 13:1
► pp. 48 ff.

Koca-Helvacı, Zeynep Cihan
Koca-Helvacı, Zeynep Cihan
Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria & Stuart Macdonald
Poole, Robert
Ecolinguistics, GIS, and Corpus Linguistics for the Analysis of the Rosemont Copper Mine Debate.
Environmental Communication 12:4
► pp. 525 ff.

Yoder, Michael Miller & Barbara Johnstone
Unpacking a political icon: ‘Bike lanes’ and orders of indexicality.
Discourse & Communication 12:2
► pp. 192 ff.

Hunter, Duncan & Malcolm N. MacDonald
The emergence of a security discipline in the post 9-11 discourse of U.S. security organisations.
Critical Discourse Studies 14:2
► pp. 206 ff.

Meier, Henk Erik, Anica Rose & Martin Hölzen
Spirals of Signification? A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of the German Doping Discourse.
Communication & Sport 5:3
► pp. 352 ff.

Munnik, Michael B
From voice to voices: identifying a plurality of Muslim sources in the news media.
Media, Culture & Society 39:2
► pp. 270 ff.

A Corpus Analysis of News Texts about Brexit in British Newspapers.
The Journal of Studies in Language 33:1
► pp. 71 ff.

Fidler, Masako
The Others in the Czech Republic: their image and their languages.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2016:238

Hardaker, Claire & Mark McGlashan
“Real men don’t hate women”: Twitter rape threats and group identity.
Journal of Pragmatics 91
► pp. 80 ff.

Miladi, Noureddine
Power and Citizenship in the Social Media Networks: British Muslims, Crime Prevention and Social Engagement. In
Religion, Faith and Crime,
► pp. 285 ff.

Scalvini, Marco
A crisis of religious diversity: Debating integration in post-immigration Europe.
Discourse & Communication 10:6
► pp. 614 ff.

van Eechoud, Ineke J., Mieke Grypdonck, Dimitri Beeckman, Aurélie Van Lancker, Ann Van Hecke & Sofie Verhaeghe
Oncology health workers’ views and experiences on caring for ethnic minority patients: A mixed method systematic review.
International Journal of Nursing Studies 53
► pp. 379 ff.

Bleich, Erik, Hannah Stonebraker, Hasher Nisar & Rana Abdelhamid
Media Portrayals of Minorities: Muslims in British Newspaper Headlines, 2001–2012.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41:6
► pp. 942 ff.

Carr, James & Amanda Haynes
A Clash of Racializations: The Policing of ‘Race’ and of Anti-Muslim Racism in Ireland.
Critical Sociology 41:1
► pp. 21 ff.

Hargreaves, Julian
Half a Story? Missing Perspectives in the Criminological Accounts of British Muslim Communities, Crime and the Criminal Justice System.
British Journal of Criminology 55:1
► pp. 19 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N, Alexandra Homolar, Lena Rethel, Stephanie Schnurr & Rachelle Vessey
Manufacturing dissent: The discursive formation of nuclear proliferation (2006–2012).
Discourse & Communication 9:2
► pp. 173 ff.

McEnery, Tony, Mark McGlashan & Robbie Love
Press and social media reaction to ideologically inspired murder: The case of Lee Rigby.
Discourse & Communication 9:2
► pp. 237 ff.

O'Malley, Eoin, Iain McMenamin, Kevin Rafter & Roddy Flynn
Why are National Parliaments so Unpopular? Journalism, Information and Sentiment.
SSRN Electronic Journal 
Qian, Yufang & Hailong Tian
Baker, P., C. Gabrielatos & T. McEnery
Sketching Muslims: A Corpus Driven Analysis of Representations Around the Word 'Muslim' in the British Press 1998-2009.
Applied Linguistics 34:3
► pp. 255 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N & Duncan Hunter
The discourse of Olympic security: London 2012.
Discourse & Society 24:1
► pp. 66 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N. & Duncan Hunter
Discourse of Nuclear Proliferation. In
The Discourse of Security,
► pp. 225 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N. & Duncan Hunter
Analysing Security Discourse. In
The Discourse of Security,
► pp. 109 ff.

MacDonald, Malcolm N., Duncan Hunter & John P. O'Regan
Johns, Robert & Graeme A. M. Davies
Democratic Peace or Clash of Civilizations? Target States and Support for War in Britain and the United States.
The Journal of Politics 74:4
► pp. 1038 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 9 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.