Book review
Hickey, 2014. A dictionary of varieties of English
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References (8)
Aceto, Michael. 1998. Review of Richard Allsopp. Dictionary of Caribbean English usage (Oxford University Press, 1996). Language 741. 412–13.
Aceto, Michael. 2010. Review of Salikoko Mufwene. Language evolution: Contact, competition and change (London, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008). Language in Society 391. 276–281. 

Allsopp, Richard. 1996. Dictionary of Caribbean English usage. Oxford: University Press.
Salvucci, Claudio. 2006. Expressions of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia, PA). In Walt Wolfram & Ben Ward American voices: How dialects differ from coast to coast, 88–92. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Schneider, Edgar. 1989. American earlier Black English. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama.
Wolfram, Walt & Erik R. Thomas. 2002. The development of African American English. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.