The Korean language and multilingual communities in Australasia and beyond
Special issue of Korean Linguistics 19:2 (2023)
[Korean Linguistics, 19:2] 2023. v, 83 pp.
Publishing status:
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Heritage language maintenance and education in Korean communities: Perspectives, challenges, and implications from three countriesSeong-Chul Shin | pp. 107–120
Language shift and maintenance of the Korean community in Australia: An update with the 2021 censusSin Ji Jung | pp. 121–139
Korean mothers’ attitudes towards their dual heritage children’s maintenance of heritage languages in New ZealandMi Yung Park | pp. 140–162
Parental perceptions towards heritage language education for bicultural children in South Korea: Interviews with non-Korean parents from bicultural familiesJiyoung Kim | pp. 163–189
Main BIC Subject
CF/2GK: Linguistics/Korean
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General