We argue that applicative heads always appear above the lexical VP, regardless of the semantics of the construction. Thematic Applicatives select a nominal expression and a VP as argument, parallel to Pylkkänen’s (2008) “high” applicatives. The applied argument is merged in Spec, ApplP and receives a role such as beneficiary. Raising Applicatives appear in the same position above the lexical VP, but do not select an underlying nominal argument. Instead, they attract a goal DP from within the ditransitive VP to their specifier. This pattern captures the properties of a theme-goal ditransitive construction (Pylkkänen’s “low” applicative). We show that the Mandarin double object construction ‘Verb gei IO DO’ instantiates a raising applicative, where gei realizes Appl0.
2024. Moving heads to specifiers: Evidence from Mandarin multiple pre-subject modals. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 42:1 ► pp. 247 ff.
Lin, Jo-wang
2024. 名物化與「的」字結構. Language and Linguistics. 語言暨語言學 25:3 ► pp. 454 ff.
Nie, Yining
2024. Applicative Recursion and Nominal Licensing. Linguistic Inquiry 55:4 ► pp. 725 ff.
Myler, Neil
2023. Argument Structure and Morphology in Cochabamba Quechua (with Occasional Comparison with Other Quechua Varieties). In Formal Approaches to Languages of South America, ► pp. 311 ff.
Bi, Luosha
2022. Applicatives Not Applicable: Evidence from Mandarin DOCs. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities 15 ► pp. 144 ff.
2014. Why particles are not particular: Sentence‐final particles in Chinese as heads of a split CP. Studia Linguistica 68:1 ► pp. 77 ff.
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